Thank you president Trump!!! Korean war will officially be over..

i'm all for giving credit where credit is due, but manufacturing it is something else.

he's taunted them in return
he's been tough on them
he's done his usual gambit of twitter insults

but what has he done or his administration done to get these two to work together like this?

not being a smartass - but i don't see it. glad it's happening but where's the tie-in to trump?
A blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. After West loving & educated Kim Jong Un established firm grip on power, North Korea lost its nuclear force inside a mountain collapse. Along came Korean Olympics unification while Trump squeezed North Korea, China & Russia with trade sanctions.
i'm all for giving credit where credit is due, but manufacturing it is something else.

he's taunted them in return
he's been tough on them
he's done his usual gambit of twitter insults

but what has he done or his administration done to get these two to work together like this?

not being a smartass - but i don't see it. glad it's happening but where's the tie-in to trump?
A blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. After West loving & educated Kim Jong Un established firm grip on power, North Korea lost its nuclear force inside a mountain collapse. Along came Korean Olympics unification while Trump squeezed North Korea, China & Russia with trade sanctions.

Sanctions against North Korea - Wikipedia

looks like obama and many before also tried the same thing, yet we give trump all the credit.

maybe they're just tired of fighting and *we* are not that important in all this.
This is will be a good trivia question years from now

Who ended the Korean war?

Answer: President Trump

Future liberals will go nuts trying to deny it..


again - what did trump do to facilitate this?

Look up the definition of the word "catalyst".
gonna wait for a bit more than speculation. s korea is giving him credit and that's cool. hope it's true and we can make some progress over there. but a bunch of people screaming GO TRUMP isn't gonna do it for me.
Because it is human nature that when someone succumbs to all of your wishes or handles you with kid gloves, that you become a demanding spoiled brat. Once someone stands up to you and tells you to fuck off, you realize that you don't have a leg to stand on and can come to your senses.
If there was a democrat in the president's office, you'd best believe he'd get massive credit for this. Like it not, this has happened under Trump despite the dumb tweets. It's quite possible that Trump's more forceful sanctions and talk against NK have helped nudge them toward a peace deal. He doesn't deserve all the credit by any means, but he certainly deserves some from a foreign policy record standpoint.
I think I'm starting to understand white privilege. The yellow people have been working hard on a peace deal for decades with painstaking and nuanced negotiations. Yet a white man half the globe away gets all the credit for nothing more than a year's long tantrum.

If Obama did it you'd be singing his praises.

You just can't understand anything more complicated than a false binary, can you?
No. Everything in my post is a fact. Not even Trump is giving himself credit, because he never had anything to do with peace negotiations, and he never claimed to. His Twitter threats were over North Korea's nuclear program that is still perfectly intact. Only random hacks on message boards have ever attached his name to peace negotiations, and only in the past 24 hours.

North Korea's 'nuclear program' may be 'intact' but it is obviously incapable of producing viable warheads. And now, with these new Trump sanctions, NK will be further constrained because of the lack of fuel for power. 'Rocket Man' may have rockets but they are impotent rockets. The evidence of little Kimmie's problem is the very fact he is now trying to negotiate a peace with SK. He thinks America will withdraw from enforcing the border.

They have been trying to negotiate a peace for decades. I don't know how Jimmy Carter ever did it without Twitter. :eek:
Since there was never a declaration of war by the U.S., there cannot be an official end to anything other than the armed intervention begun so long ago.
Obama the Nobel peace prize winner started new wars...

Trump ends wars...
Obama the Nobel peace prize winner started new wars...

Trump ends wars...

Trump would take credit for the war fought by soldiers in Korea. Tat is how big an ass he is. Afraid to go to war but take credit for what soldiers fought & died for over 60 years ago.
They have been trying to negotiate a peace for decades. I don't know how Jimmy Carter ever did it without Twitter. :eek:
It's not about Twitter, it's about a show of force. For all his faults, Trump does exude power and he hasn't been afraid to (often irresponsibly) threaten to use the incredible force we have as a nation on the world stage.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

Before you celebrate, this really screws Trump. Because with a peace treaty, Trump can't threaten to bomb North Korea. Because that would be an act of war.

Wouldn’t that depend if North Korea threatened or did break the peace treaty. Again, a peace treaty between North and South Korea wouldn’t bind the United States would it? I am not sure how that would work.
That would depend on whether the peace treaty contained any agreement between the US and NK. In the Korean War, the United States was there as a member of the UN. Delegates representing the UN, US, China, and North Korea signed the armistice as they were recognized as having combat control of the war. South Korea did not sign the agreement. The issues and situation is of course much different today.

Today, I think NK is going want an agreement from the US regarding the removal of US forces from South Korea and sanctions. The US is going to want an agreement from NK concerning nuclear weapons. If a peace treaty was between only the North and South, the major interest of all parties would be left unaddressed.

It took over two years just to get an agreement to stop fighting. Considering the importance of today's issues to all sides, I doubt a peace would be signed anytime in the near future.
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Trump was trying to make NK give up their nuclear program. They haven't done that. The North and South on the other hand have been working towards ending the war for decades. North and South Korea= 1. Trump= 0.
Do you think trump could find Korea on a map?
Since there was never a declaration of war by the U.S., there cannot be an official end to anything other than the armed intervention begun so long ago.
There are no rules in writing treaties. They can say anything the signers agree to. You don't even have to call it a peace treaty and probably wouldn't since there is an armistice in place. Whether there was a declaration of war is irrelevant. Assuming the US is a party to the agreement, it would require Senate approval.
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The Military-Industrial Complex will try to assassinate Trump for allowing this to happen. Mark my words.

Trump has been sinking his own ship by doing & saying illegal crap almost daily. Of course there are many on all sides who don't want to see Kim Jong Un end war.

Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzerland & more aligned with Western Values than his predecessors. Since becoming leader of NK he had to act strong to prevent multiple kill or be killed coups by family & military. Now that he has established firm leadership control of NK he can steer that ship. The loss of 200 North Korean nuclear scientists, researchers, workers in mountain collapse & worry it could trigger a radiation leak, has halted NK's nuclear ambitions. This has allowed KJU to explore his own peace diplomacy with the west that he loves.

Kim Jong Il and his third son Kim Jong Un during his youth.

Hey, why don't you MOVE to North Korea if you like sucking his ass so much? I bet you keep a North Korean flag waving on your front porch while you jerk off to your rubber inflatable Little Kim doll!
You & wannabe Dictator Trump can move your dumb assholes to North Korea. We don't want Dictator Trumps political prosecutions & pardons here in the "Free World."
but you are cool with obama being a dictator.

sucks when your projections are so obvious.
When did Obama direct AG to pledge loyalty, not recuse from illegal activity, lock someone up, lead chants of "lock her up"?
you were forced to buy hc ins
he executed a US citizen, with a bomb, for being related to a criminal.
he expanded the war, by bombing goat hearders in yemen

you're just an ignorant asshat that feels that dems do no wrong.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

North and South Korea are in talks to announce a permanent end to the officially declared military conflict between the two countries, daily newspaper Munhwa Ilbo reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed South Korean official.

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the confrontation.

Kim and Moon could also discuss returning the heavily fortified demilitarized zone separating them to its original state, the newspaper said

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce an official end to war

How does Trump get any credit for this?? North and South Korea did this on their own....without Trump's input.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

North and South Korea are in talks to announce a permanent end to the officially declared military conflict between the two countries, daily newspaper Munhwa Ilbo reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed South Korean official.

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the confrontation.

Kim and Moon could also discuss returning the heavily fortified demilitarized zone separating them to its original state, the newspaper said

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce an official end to war

How does Trump get any credit for this?? North and South Korea did this on their own....without Trump's input.

So in your mind it took them 65 years to work it out?????


Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

North and South Korea are in talks to announce a permanent end to the officially declared military conflict between the two countries, daily newspaper Munhwa Ilbo reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed South Korean official.

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the confrontation.

Kim and Moon could also discuss returning the heavily fortified demilitarized zone separating them to its original state, the newspaper said

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce an official end to war

How does Trump get any credit for this?? North and South Korea did this on their own....without Trump's input.
called it

the left gives no credit to trump

he just happens to be there when they, finally, after 3 generations of NK leaders, decide to have peace talks.

Do you also think RR had nothing to do with the Berlin wall coming down?

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