Thank you president Trump!!! Korean war will officially be over..

I'll take this with a grain (or a few billion) of salt. I think KJU is leading South Korea into a trap.

Like I said. With a peace treaty any attack by the US would be an act of war. While it was just an armistice, if Trump gave Kim Jong Un a bloody nose, it was just a continuation of the existing state of war.

Once you end the old war, an attack on North Korea starts a new war, which has to be authorized by congress.
Go trump!!

He did what Obama, bush, Ronnie, bill, nixion, Ford Carter, LBJ, Kennedy could not do......

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
Sam Meredith | @smeredith19
Published 5 Hours Ago Updated 1 Min
  • Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries.
  • Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.

North and South Korea are in talks to announce a permanent end to the officially declared military conflict between the two countries, daily newspaper Munhwa Ilbo reported Tuesday, citing an unnamed South Korean official.

Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the confrontation.

Kim and Moon could also discuss returning the heavily fortified demilitarized zone separating them to its original state, the newspaper said

North and South Korea reportedly set to announce an official end to war

I'll take this with a grain (or a few billion) of salt. I think KJU is leading South Korea into a trap.

That could be possible since Kim wants a united Korea under his leadership, including all of the souths resources & capabilities that are far greater than his own, on his own.
Given that, it's better to befriend the south in order to take them over, than it would be to fight or bomb them, thereby destroying the very resources he needs & wants....Meh, we'll see
Before you celebrate, this really screws Trump. Because with a peace treaty, Trump can't threaten to bomb North Korea. Because that would be an act of war.

Before you celebrate, a peace treaty is between TWO COUNTRIES. Bombing NK would NOT be an "act of war" against SK.

Bombing any country is an act of war against that country. Right now a state of war exists between North Korea and South Korea and it's allies. So under international law, bombing North Korea is just a resumption of the existing war.

If they sign a peace treaty, bombing North Korea would be against international law, and would be an act of war.
I'll take this with a grain (or a few billion) of salt. I think KJU is leading South Korea into a trap.

Like I said. With a peace treaty any attack by the US would be an act of war. While it was just an armistice, if Trump gave Kim Jong Un a bloody nose, it was just a continuation of the existing state of war.

Once you end the old war, an attack on North Korea starts a new war, which has to be authorized by congress.

and what about Kim following thru on his threats of attacking us....and we're forced to retaliate??
Before you celebrate, this really screws Trump. Because with a peace treaty, Trump can't threaten to bomb North Korea. Because that would be an act of war.

Before you celebrate, a peace treaty is between TWO COUNTRIES. Bombing NK would NOT be an "act of war" against SK.

Bombing any country is an act of war against that country. Right now a state of war exists between North Korea and South Korea and it's allies. So under international law, bombing North Korea is just a resumption of the existing war.

If they sign a peace treaty, bombing North Korea would be against international law, and would be an act of war.

So is bombing Syria, right? WRONG
and what about Kim following thru on his threats of attacking us....and we're forced to retaliate??

I wouldn't call that a war. It would be more like a total annihilation. They would have to change the maps, because North Korea would no longer exist on it.
If you go to the Fox, Daily Caller, or Breitbart articles on this none of them are crediting Trump with these peace talks. It's all wishful thinking on the part of nobody but Trump hacks on message boards.
Removing the DMZ and moving back artillery will certainly help deescalate tensions, but it's a largely a symbolic gesture otherwise. They were as much "at war" as the US and Soviets were during the Cold War. Could you imagine soldiers 100 years ago looking into the future, and seeing soldiers making silly faces at each other over the DMZ, and calling it war? :lol:
I think it may be a deeper change. For nearly my entire lifetime we've been waiting for NK to collapse and democracy to break out. When, in fact, the democracy in SK was too democratic and was lot closer to totalitarian for a long time. The US writes the history books but we dropped more bombs on NK than in the entire WWII Pacific campaign, and we used napalm on civilians.

The Koreas may be capable of handling their own affairs. If they really need 30K American soldiers to be stationed their at Korean costs, they can stay. We'd have to build barracks for them if they came back.
If you go to the Fox, Daily Caller, or Breitbart articles on this none of them are crediting Trump with these peace talks. It's all wishful thinking on the part of nobody but Trump hacks on message boards.
Yes, but without Trump, the Koreas might not have done it on their own. They needed a village idiot to throw us out of the village.
Unless the North gives up their nuclear program this is a win for Korea, not Trump.

Wait, are you suggesting that by luring South Korea into expelling US forces and thereby gaining a tactical advantage, North Korea could still pose a dangerous threat to the US through the use of long range ICBMs, with less associated risks? That's just crazy talk.
and what about Kim following thru on his threats of attacking us....and we're forced to retaliate??

I wouldn't call that a war. It would be more like a total annihilation. They would have to change the maps, because North Korea would no longer exist on it.

True enough, but I was talking about the 'who started what'........many on here and IRL claim any war is all Trumps fault because of his twitter rants and seem to forget both Kim and his father have been shaking their fists at us for many years and were getting more & more provocative.

If this offer of peace or whatever it is, didn't happen and Kim kept testing his nuke capabilities and shaking his butt at Trump to come & get him or else......and Trump did finally respond militarily.......just who's at fault here? Trump for calling his bluff or Kim the antagonizer?

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