Thank You Senators!

Defying the Trump administration, the Senate agreed overwhelmingly Wednesday to expand sanctions against Russia for meddling in last year’s presidential election and for myriad other abuses.

No matter what side of the partisan fence you sit on, your right to choose your lawmakers should be yours alone, and should not be manipulated or influenced by another country. It's nice to see that amid all the partisan gridlock and disagreement, our lawmakers can come together and do the right thing when it counts. Thank You Senators! :bye1:
America should seriously look in the mirror. The same crap they are whining Russia did,AMERICA DOES IT AS WELL! Sad little snowflakes America has become.

name one Russian ELECTION we supposedly hacked and caused shit to happen ...

Name one American Election The Russians Hacked and changed the outcome of the election.


COME ON MAN, I know you have some kind of EVIDENCE some where.......RIGHT?
No, they'll just keep playing their little word games and using the cute little emoticons, while the whole country is seeing them for what they are, and prepared to isolate them as required..

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