Thank you Trumpettes

so you can predict the future now?

Like smoking cigarettes can kill you? That type of prediction?
So now you've gone from talking about a temperature increase in 100 years to cigarettes. I don't follow you.

Science tells you that smoking cigarettes can kill you.

Science tells us that continued high level emissions of CO2 will increase our temperatures likely by at least 2 C.
These are not some willy nilly predictions. They are science stating a premise & stating the likely results.

Yes, and scientists also told you smoking "doesn't harm you". That's the problem with scientists, they are bought, sold and funded by those with a motive.

America is one nation, the rest of the world can pay for their ballroom dances on their own.

I have never heard a scientist claim that smoking does no harm, unless you are talking about the employees of tobacco companies, who should not be taken seriously anyway.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

Franky, it isn't even worth reading your post. I couldn't care less what you are thanking others for. I've noted that your EVERY thread, EVERY post is some sort of rant hating Trump! Not only does that invalidate any opinion you have as having even a smattering of any legitimacy or substance, but it is great to know that yet another person has let Trump get so deep into their brain that you lay awake at night probably tossing and turning in a cold sweat trying to think up yet another thing to blame him for. Trump did not invent Climate Change, and backing out of a single unfair, imbalanced policy certainly won't doom us to global meltdown.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

Franky, it isn't even worth reading your post. I couldn't care less what you are thanking others for. I've noted that your EVERY thread, EVERY post is some sort of rant hating Trump! Not only does that invalidate any opinion you have as having even a smattering of any legitimacy or substance, but it is great to know that yet another person has let Trump get so deep into their brain that you lay awake at night probably tossing and turning in a cold sweat trying to think up yet another thing to blame him for. Trump did not invent Climate Change, and backing out of a single unfair, imbalanced policy certainly won't doom us to global meltdown.
Trump is backing away from efforts to reduce our emissions & helping developing countries do the same.

To try to say he is not hurting the fight against Global Warming is another example of Trumpette stupidity.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

In the 1970's they were claiming we were heading into a new ice age era!

Where the hell is that Ice Age!
Actually the scientists were not.

That ’70s myth—did climate science really call for a “coming ice age?”
Didnt NASA claim that? Didnt obamas AGW "czar" claim that in the 70s too?
and this?

So now you call NASA liars. That should be a sign.
2 whole degrees wow let us all thank Willis Carrier for inventing the first modern electrical air conditioning unit back 1902 and to think he pulled this off before anyone had heard of the terms global warming or climate change.
Wow, what a stupid post. Average global temperatures rise of 2 C is a big deal. I see you just think every day will be 2C warmer? right, moron?
I will just note the irony of you calling another post stupid or anyone moron and move on. I sincerely hope one day an intelligent thought crosses that vast wasteland between ears but I won't be counting the days.
Actually, I said your post was stupid.
You demonstrated your ignorance on Global Warming.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

In the 1970's they were claiming we were heading into a new ice age era!

Where the hell is that Ice Age!
Actually the scientists were not.

That ’70s myth—did climate science really call for a “coming ice age?”
Didnt NASA claim that? Didnt obamas AGW "czar" claim that in the 70s too?
and this?

So now you call NASA liars. That should be a sign.
i just called you and your link a liar
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

So what if it does warm up? The planet has been naturally warming up since the last ice age. It will get very warm rapidly, then we'll go into another ice age. It's a cycle and perfectly natural. There have been plenty of times the planet was much more warm than it is now, and it wasn't the end of the world.

But obviously you care nothing about facts. You just need to attack your political opposition. If you really cared that much about the environment you'd stop using fuels, electricity and anything modern that is manufactured with such power. Since you obviously haven't renounced technology, it seems you are just as much to blame for "manmade global warming".
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
so you can predict the future now?

Like smoking cigarettes can kill you? That type of prediction?
So now you've gone from talking about a temperature increase in 100 years to cigarettes. I don't follow you.

Science tells you that smoking cigarettes can kill you.

Science tells us that continued high level emissions of CO2 will increase our temperatures likely by at least 2 C.
These are not some willy nilly predictions. They are science stating a premise & stating the likely results.

Yes, and scientists also told you smoking "doesn't harm you". That's the problem with scientists, they are bought, sold and funded by those with a motive.

America is one nation, the rest of the world can pay for their ballroom dances on their own.

I have never heard a scientist claim that smoking does no harm, unless you are talking about the employees of tobacco companies, who should not be taken seriously anyway.
Nor should the employees & recipient of money from the fossil fuel industry.
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
Ehrlich was one guy. Taking about over population.

With AGW, we are talking about the majority of climatologists.
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
Ehrlich was one guy. Taking about over population.

With AGW, we are talking about the majority of climatologists.

Ehrlich and his panic mongering was just as popular with liberals back then as gw is now.

It's the same doom and gloom unless we give all our wealth and power to the government.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

So what if it does warm up? The planet has been naturally warming up since the last ice age. It will get very warm rapidly, then we'll go into another ice age. It's a cycle and perfectly natural. There have been plenty of times the planet was much more warm than it is now, and it wasn't the end of the world.

But obviously you care nothing about facts. You just need to attack your political opposition. If you really cared that much about the environment you'd stop using fuels, electricity and anything modern that is manufactured with such power. Since you obviously haven't renounced technology, it seems you are just as much to blame for "manmade global warming".

The Earth will still exist dipshit. How about man? How many will die?

Yes the planet was warmer & yes the CO2 levels have been higher but what you dumbasses don't consider is what was the Earth like then? Sea levels 60 - 80 feet higher? Palm trees above the Arctic circle. Good by many of the crops that need a cooler climate to grow - like apples, wheat, corn.

This crap you keep preaching about the planet's history, you should actually read about those times & get better informed.

But hety, you love your children & grandchildren so much that you will let your stupidity & ignorance sentence them to a more difficult life & perhaps a suffering death.

I state facts, asshole. You choose to believe the alternative facts.

We don't need to end all emissions to slow the warming & hold it to a more reasonable gain. I save done a lot & you have pissed on your children's future.
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
Ehrlich was one guy. Taking about over population.

With AGW, we are talking about the majority of climatologists.

Ehrlich and his panic mongering was just as popular with liberals back then as gw is now.

It's the same doom and gloom unless we give all our wealth and power to the government.

riiiiiight.... no one has to pay attention to science. it offends stupid people...

oh wait...
so you can predict the future now?

you know, dum dum, there are things normal people understand by using science.

try it sometime. :cuckoo:
Science cannot even predict the weather next week. They've been predicting rain here for three days and we haven't seen a drop. Pull your head out of your ass! So you fools claim you can predict a 2 degree C increase in temperature 100 years from now? LOL!
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
Ehrlich was one guy. Taking about over population.

With AGW, we are talking about the majority of climatologists.

Ehrlich and his panic mongering was just as popular with liberals back then as gw is now.

It's the same doom and gloom unless we give all our wealth and power to the government.
Actually not. Many liberals dissed his beliefs as to the time line. Growing global population has been a concern for decades.

Republicans want to give your money to the wealthy & you love them for it.

It is tone of the purposes of government to protect its citizens. Unfortunately, the government can't protect your family from your stupidity & ignorance.
LOL "Studies" told Al Snore NYC would be under water by now.

Paul Ehrlich predicted larges scale starvation in America by now.

Liberals just say shit and when it doesn't happen, they make up new shit.

Oddly the answer is always the same. More government, less freedom and prosperity for America.
Ehrlich was one guy. Taking about over population.

With AGW, we are talking about the majority of climatologists.

Ehrlich and his panic mongering was just as popular with liberals back then as gw is now.

It's the same doom and gloom unless we give all our wealth and power to the government.

riiiiiight.... no one has to pay attention to science. it offends stupid people...

oh wait...

His predictions were WRONG.

IF we had busted our ass on policies based on his predictions it would have been completely wasted effort, and harmful to us.
so you can predict the future now?

you know, dum dum, there are things normal people understand by using science.

try it sometime. :cuckoo:
Science cannot even predict the weather next week. They've been predicting rain here for three days and we haven't seen a drop. Pull your head out of your ass! So you fools claim you can predict a 2 degree C increase in temperature 100 years from now? LOL!

gee... who to listen to...; brilliant scientists or wackjobs on a message board?

trump loons are so funny.

science ... try it sometimes.

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