Thank you Trumpettes

Salt Lake City and Miami: Hottest month in history
There’s never been a month as hot as this July has been in two widely dispersed U.S. cities: Miami, FL, and Salt Lake City, UT. Even though the month doesn’t officially end until midnight Monday night, it became clear days ago that July was on track to demolish the previous all-time monthly records in both cities. Records begin in 1874 in Salt Lake City and 1895 in Miami.

As of Saturday, July 29, the monthly average in Salt Lake City was 85.4°F. That’s more than a degree above the previous record for any month of 84.1°F (July 2013). The monthly average could drop by 0.1°F or 0.2°F once Sunday and Monday are factored in, but we can consider the record safely shattered.

In Miami, the average temperature through Saturday was 85.9°F, compared to the previous record for any month of 85.5°F (June 2010). The final reading is likely to drop by no more than 0.1°F. National Hurricane Center forecast Eric Blake (@EricBlake12) pointed out the sheer insufferability of the past month’s heat in Miami: “This July has had as many days with a low > 80°F as the last 5 Julys combined!”

We'll have an update on Monday on the tropics, including Invest 98L, a non-tropical low that may undergo some development through Monday as it moves across the northeast Gulf of Mexico toward Florida.
Scorching Heat This Week in Pac NW; All-Time Hottest Month in Miami, Salt Lake City
July 4, 2017 : Coldest July Temperature Ever Recorded In The Northern Hemisphere

July 4, 2017 : Coldest July Temperature Ever Recorded In The Northern Hemisphere | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Personally, I don't care about possible rising sea levels....The Gulf Coast and Florida can deal with it....not my problem.
Personally, I don't care about possible rising sea levels....The Gulf Coast and Florida can deal with it....not my problem.
Personally I don't care about unicorns or their rainbow farts. The liberals can deal with it....not my problem.
I will say, I'm not a climate change denier, I am a skeptic about the full reasoning behind it and more importantly the solution. Too many of those using climate change as a motive have been doing so to increase funding, prop up failed businesses and nepotism. If they had been serious about climage change and the accord, they would have made China and other nations share the same consequences, instead China is getting billions and gets to continue along their merry way while they expand their military.

If I were China or some other Commie loving person I would love this accord too. A great way to push America further down while arming the Communists. Trump denying this Accord was the right decision by a country mile.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.

Dear RealDave
You are stuck on chapter 2 or 3 where the real environmentalists are on chapter 4 or 5 of this battle.
The real research shows that 80% of the climate change is caused by natural phenomena such as volcanic activity,
manmade activity causes 20%, and only 2% of that would be affected by all these changes that the global activists are pushing.

We would have to stop tilling soil that is used to grow food for our worldwide populations
to stop the global warming that is happening. So people would starve to death if we really wiped out all human activity contributing.

One researcher I know put it bluntly: humanity would have to agree to go back to activity only during daylight hours,
and turn everything off at night, to return to balance and harmony with nature.
With our materialistic consumer culture, that is going to be hard to do.
We might create solar batteries that can hold energy for longer, and go back to hydroelectic power.

If all the carbon emissions were cut off completely and no production was done, but all
renovations were made costing trillions of dollars, that would only affect 2% of the 20% that is manmade.

The question is really how can we go back to sustainable farming and coop communities
that rely on natural transportation and production such as walking, biking, and manual work.

That would reduce as much as possible.
So if you are planning to help with urban farming and community coops,
then you would be practicing what you are preaching.
2017 is so far the second-hottest year on record thanks to global warming
Posted on 31 July 2017 by dana1981
With the first six months of 2017 in the books, average global surface temperatures so far this year are 0.94°C above the 1950–1980 average, according to NASA. That makes 2017 the second-hottest first six calendar months on record, behind only 2016.

That’s remarkable because 2017 hasn’t had the warming influence of an El Niño event. El Niños bring warm ocean water to the surface, temporarily causing average global surface temperatures to rise. 2016 – including the first six months of the year – was influenced by one of the strongest El Niño events on record.

Global average surface temperature data from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Illustration: Dana Nuccitelli
Thanks Trump, for stopping the sovereign killing paris accord :banana:

The Paris Accord to anyone who has read it, it's a typical Neo-Marxist document, like 99.9% of the Environmental crap is. It is basically to promote the Global Warming Tax on only Western nations, so Westerners get their tax money stolen and it Redistributed to unworthy and increasingly pointless Third World shit holes.

Redistribute The Wealth 101 under the radar of Saving The Environment.

Also anything supported and endorsed by The UN is always detrimental to Western nations, from Muh Refugees to Muh Global Warming.
Global temperatures will continue to rise to a place where future generations will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Earth to warm 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, studies say -

We should not forget to thank the duped assholes that keep denying this is happening.
Future generations can thank the ever stupid & ignorant Trumpettes & Republicans for this.

A child that is ten years old today has a 50-50 chance of living to be 100.

Your children/Grandchildren will suffer. Why? because you people are dumber than shit.
A 50 50 chance of living to be 100 when only at best 10 percent reach that age now?
You better recheck your math. Stats don't back your mouth!

Pope Francis can kiss my ass in Macys window

Leftists hate Christians and Christianity, yet they ADORE Francis and we know why they do.

Francis is a SJW who preaches Liberation Theology, he's a Marxist.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia

He cares nothing about Western nations or Western peoples, he only cares about undeserving African shit holes and supporting ONLY Western nations importing more Kebabs and Africans aka Muh Poor Refugees.

He can fuck off, hopefully Satan will call the POS home to Hell soon and then we can have a normal Pope once again and not some SJW Commie freak like Francis.

The comment below = Redistribute The Weath.


Why don't you ever post anything original of your own? You have no thought process of your own.

Everything I've ever seen you post has either been copy and pastes from some Leftist blog or website or exceptionally unfunny memes or copy and pasted pictures like in this thread.
Thanks Trump, for stopping the sovereign killing paris accord :banana:

The Paris Accord to anyone who has read it, it's a typical Neo-Marxist document, like 99.9% of the Environmental crap is. It is basically to promote the Global Warming Tax on only Western nations, so Westerners get their tax money stolen and it Redistributed to unworthy and increasingly pointless Third World shit holes.

Redistribute The Wealth 101 under the radar of Saving The Environment.

Also anything supported and endorsed by The UN is always detrimental to Western nations, from Muh Refugees to Muh Global Warming.
The Republicans have been redistributing the wealth for decades. The wealthy get wealthier, the Middle Class Shrinks.

We have the CO2 levels we have now primarily due to the Western developed nations. This is a global problem. We should help those countries that are still developing. We got to develop while spewing CO2 & we were part of creating this problem.

You are just another ignorant fool who will condemn your offspring to a crappy life.

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