Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.

What facilities? What people have been injured by coal fired power plants?
Child, the unemployed cannot earn money. Only unemployment will be available. Thus, compensation would be appropriate. Obama has not pushed to increase fines for violations of regulations. That could have those UNEMPLOYED.

The EPA caused this unemployment. So you want to fine the power companies for doing what the EPA forced them to do?

You bring new meaning to the term "stupid."
Their intentions were good.

And with leftists, results don't matter. Just intentions.

I disagree. I don't think their intentions are good. I think they care more about birds and trees than they care about people.
People are icky. They stubbornly insist on thinking for themselves when clearly, leftists are better at deciding what's best for them than they are.
You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.

Then what's your fucking point, retard? People still occasionally get sick from certain contaminations like e-coli... and therefore we need to abolish the FDA? Or maybe you mean that the FDA shouldn't demand a recall of all the contaminated produce... because what's the point if people are still going to get sick?

What's your point you obtuse ape? Or are you just a whining bitch with no point?
My goodness, you leftists sure an emotional lot, aren't you? :lol:

Someday you'll grow up and realize that more government isn't the solution to every problem.

Well, maybe you will.

Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that 90% of the threads on this board were of Liberals bitching and whining. Sure seems like conservatives bitching and whining to me(I'll challenge you to a thread count comparison). Every little thing Obama does, it's a grave injury for your feeble souls.

But thanks for admitting you didn't have a fucking point, you were just flapping your gums with no reasoning behind it... no stalwart point you were trying to make about the dismantling of the FDA... because you know it fucking more saves lives than without.
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What facilities? What people have been injured by coal fired power plants?
Child, the unemployed cannot earn money. Only unemployment will be available. Thus, compensation would be appropriate. Obama has not pushed to increase fines for violations of regulations. That could have those UNEMPLOYED.

The EPA caused this unemployment. So you want to fine the power companies for doing what the EPA forced them to do?

You bring new meaning to the term "stupid."
But...but the EPA's intent! Clean water, Air...!
What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.
Oh...Gonna FINE those that refuse to employ? Really Gracie? YOU wanna stand with that colossal jewel of ignorance?

Not a fan of the free market are you? You seem to be a fan of Gubmint imposed economically unsustainable mandates tho'...:eusa_whistle:

I love this: The EPA imposes draconian regulations on the power utilities that force them to shut down a large number of plants. The Eco-fascists applaud this result, but they want to impose fines on the utilities for doing exactly what the Eco-fascists wanted them to do.

You know, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. So what specifically was so "draconian" about these new EPA regs? Was it the PPM's for Mercury? What?
Then what's your fucking point, retard? People still occasionally get sick from certain contaminations like e-coli... and therefore we need to abolish the FDA? Or maybe you mean that the FDA shouldn't demand a recall of all the contaminated produce... because what's the point if people are still going to get sick?

What's your point you obtuse ape? Or are you just a whining bitch with no point?
My goodness, you leftists sure an emotional lot, aren't you? :lol:

Someday you'll grow up and realize that more government isn't the solution to every problem.

Well, maybe you will.

Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that 90% of the threads on this board were of Liberals bitching and whining. Sure seems like conservatives bitching and whining to me(I'll challenge you to a thread count comparison). Every little thing Obama does, it's a grave injury for your feeble souls.

But thanks for admitting you didn't have a fucking point, you were just flapping your gums with no reasoning behind it... no stalwart point you were trying to make about the dismantling of the FDA... because you know it fucking more saves lives than without.
You keep arguing against things I haven't said.

Chicks think you're hot for that. No, really.

Retard. :lol:
Oh...Gonna FINE those that refuse to employ? Really Gracie? YOU wanna stand with that colossal jewel of ignorance?

Not a fan of the free market are you? You seem to be a fan of Gubmint imposed economically unsustainable mandates tho'...:eusa_whistle:

I love this: The EPA imposes draconian regulations on the power utilities that force them to shut down a large number of plants. The Eco-fascists applaud this result, but they want to impose fines on the utilities for doing exactly what the Eco-fascists wanted them to do.

You know, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. So what specifically was so "draconian" about these new EPA regs? Was it the PPM's for Mercury? What?

These regulations are going to force utilities to shut down over 100 coal fired power plants. They have already driven up the wholesale cost of electricity by 100% in the Northeast. That means every consumer will have to pay double for electricity what they are paying now.

All of this for a reduction in mercury emissions that will not produce a noticeable difference in the amount of Mercury in the environment.

That's pretty much the definition of "draconian."
I think I must have scared Peaches off. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I find such intentional stupidity offensive.
I love this: The EPA imposes draconian regulations on the power utilities that force them to shut down a large number of plants. The Eco-fascists applaud this result, but they want to impose fines on the utilities for doing exactly what the Eco-fascists wanted them to do.

You know, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. So what specifically was so "draconian" about these new EPA regs? Was it the PPM's for Mercury? What?

These regulations are going to force utilities to shut down over 100 coal fired power plants. They have already driven up the wholesale cost of electricity by 100% in the Northeast. That means every consumer will have to pay double for electricity what they are paying now.

All of this for a reduction in mercury emissions that will not produce a noticeable difference in the amount of Mercury in the environment.

That's pretty much the definition of "draconian."

So then it's your contention that the AMA and SG didn't find the level of mercury et. al. toxins directly attributable to asthma and other respiratory diseases surrounding these plants? Not to mention a rate of heart attacks that was 60% above the norm?
Or is it your contention that all that is okay cuz you know, it's not like you live there...
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What facilities? What people have been injured by coal fired power plants?
Child, the unemployed cannot earn money. Only unemployment will be available. Thus, compensation would be appropriate. Obama has not pushed to increase fines for violations of regulations. That could have those UNEMPLOYED.

The EPA caused this unemployment. So you want to fine the power companies for doing what the EPA forced them to do?

You bring new meaning to the term "stupid."
naw. just reinforces it. nothing new.
You know, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. So what specifically was so "draconian" about these new EPA regs? Was it the PPM's for Mercury? What?

These regulations are going to force utilities to shut down over 100 coal fired power plants. They have already driven up the wholesale cost of electricity by 100% in the Northeast. That means every consumer will have to pay double for electricity what they are paying now.

All of this for a reduction in mercury emissions that will not produce a noticeable difference in the amount of Mercury in the environment.

That's pretty much the definition of "draconian."

So then it's your contention that the AMA and SG didn't find the level of mercury et. al. toxins directly attributable to asthma and other respiratory diseases surrounding these plants? Not to mention a rate of heart attacks that was 600% above the norm?
Or is it your contention that all that is okay cuz you know, it's not like you live there...

I've never seen any such claims. Where may I find them?
These regulations are going to force utilities to shut down over 100 coal fired power plants. They have already driven up the wholesale cost of electricity by 100% in the Northeast. That means every consumer will have to pay double for electricity what they are paying now.

All of this for a reduction in mercury emissions that will not produce a noticeable difference in the amount of Mercury in the environment.

That's pretty much the definition of "draconian."

So then it's your contention that the AMA and SG didn't find the level of mercury et. al. toxins directly attributable to asthma and other respiratory diseases surrounding these plants? Not to mention a rate of heart attacks that was 600% above the norm?
Or is it your contention that all that is okay cuz you know, it's not like you live there...

I've never seen any such claims. Where may I find them?

Wait. That can't be right! After all, you "knew the regulations were "draconian", didn't you? But you didn't even know what they were based on?
Hmmm. Could someone's opinions be formed not on facts, but politics?
Say it isn't so!
It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Wrong "Bezerk"; Obama did not push for an increase fines for companies that violate regs. THAT is his fault, and his alone. And until the catfight between Newt & Romney, Romney was my choice for President. The Republican nomination has become so nasty, it is tough to pick an alternative to Obama.

Sorry to inform you of this, but there is no choice to the left of Obama.
The child continues; I want the best in the REPUBLICAN field. After the Florida primary, that is difficult to ascertain.
So then it's your contention that the AMA and SG didn't find the level of mercury et. al. toxins directly attributable to asthma and other respiratory diseases surrounding these plants? Not to mention a rate of heart attacks that was 600% above the norm?
Or is it your contention that all that is okay cuz you know, it's not like you live there...

I've never seen any such claims. Where may I find them?

Wait. That can't be right! After all, you "knew the regulations were "draconian", didn't you? But you didn't even know what they were based on?
Hmmm. Could someone's opinions be formed not on facts, but politics?
Say it isn't so!
We have a cost/benefit analysis of these new regs?

Has there been shown an actual direct causitory link and need for these regs improving our lives?


Then by default it is tyranny and onerous.
The lakes and people of the NE and Canada give thanks....Flat Earth Society morons.

Well then, get off the net and save the planet.

Get off the net. And turn every fixture in your house off right now.

Do it. Never post again. Save the planet.
Don't drive a car, disconnect electricity, refuse to buy anything that contains plastic...

just go au natural!:lol:
Better yet, accept nuclear power, and minimize the risks.
I've never seen any such claims. Where may I find them?

Wait. That can't be right! After all, you "knew the regulations were "draconian", didn't you? But you didn't even know what they were based on?
Hmmm. Could someone's opinions be formed not on facts, but politics?
Say it isn't so!
We have a cost/benefit analysis of these new regs?

You mean cost of fixing vs. benefit of not getting emphsyma, cancer etc... no - just an analysis of the damage done to the locals. Guess that's not important enough eh?

Has there been shown an actual direct causitory link and need for these regs improving our lives?

Your ignorance is showing. The answer you're looking for would be "Yes".

Then by default it is tyranny and onerous.

Except for that not making people sick or killing them part......

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