Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

they've altered it since first released. It used to mean an inspector had to come over. At your expense.
That's Ok. I note the grocery store shelves are replete with CFL's and old incadescents are selling fast...and empty shelves...
Yeesh! I just realized something horrific for a very easy to get terrorist attack enhancer. I don't like it one bit, and not gonna explain it either but if the ecofascists were not worried before, they should be if someone else thinks of it.
I catch the drift. If you delte so shall I...:eusa_whistle:
Note that the libturd is cheering about the fact that the EPA regulations caused energy prices to double. I'm sure all of First energy's customers will be cheering when they open their utility bills and note the amount next month is double what they normally pay.
Incorrect brit, I am not cheering FIRSTENERGY'S decision to go for big money rather spend less to comply with EPA. I note it was a company choice.
You really have zero idea of the economics in play here, don't you?
No, I understand corporations will destroy an economic base to save a few bucks.
are you saying that the epa needs to get more involved in monitoring military installations for environmental abuses?
I'm saying that the nannies should clean up their own damned back yard before they go pushing around the people who pay their bloated salaries.

then why did you say this...

"In the meantime, there are scores -if not hundreds- of military installations, ammo dumps, arsenals and gunnery ranges (hell, how many duds do you imagine might be laying around White Sands?) that are some of the most dangerously polluted areas in the nation"
he was speaking of the NANNY STATE that won't clean up it's own messes. Are you that thick?
What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.
What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.
Oh...Gonna FINE those that refuse to employ? Really Gracie? YOU wanna stand with that colossal jewel of ignorance?

Not a fan of the free market are you? You seem to be a fan of Gubmint imposed economically unsustainable mandates tho'...:eusa_whistle:
It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Prior to the EPA, thousands of companies were allowed to dump whatever they wanted into the air or waterways. Swamps were useless land. Companies took the path of least resistance. It was easier to burn it or dump it than to be accountable for your hazardous byproducts

Again, can you produce evidence of anyone dying from contaminated drinking water prior to 1970? Contaminated food?

How about the Cholera Epidemics early 1900's and prior for starters... which really got the asses of states to pass drinking water legislation and regulations very similar to the EPA? It's precisely because of our history with water and food quality and the illnesses they cause that we have the EPA and FDA to regulate on a federal level.
And yet, despite stringent guidelines, people STILL die of contaminated food today.
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

Reported a little differently when not found on or whatever:

"Akron, Ohio-based FirstEnergy attributed the shutdowns to new federal environmental regulations that are designed to reduce emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from coal- and oil-fired plants.
The Sierra Club praised the announcement and said that pollution from coal-fired power plants contributes to respiratory illnesses, asthma attacks, heart disease and cancer. It estimates closure of the West Virginia plants will prevent approximately 40 premature deaths, 64 heart attacks and 620 asthma attacks. (Of course, since SC said it, it can't possibly be true! Mercury is actually good for you according to Conservs!).

Over the past three years, they generated less than 1 percent of the company's electricity and served mostly as peaking facilities."

So let's see. Mercury and other pollutants killing people. Aging facilities that weren't worth revamping.
That Obama is SUCH a bastard!
i can't speak for the entire government, but i know that the water at Camp Lejeune, since all this information came out, is probably the most tested/clean in the country. those in charge were under major pressure to never let something like this happen again to our military.
Yeah, I get that part.

In the meantime, there are scores -if not hundreds- of military installations, ammo dumps, arsenals and gunnery ranges (hell, how many duds do you imagine might be laying around White Sands?) that are some of the most dangerously polluted areas in the nation....Then we can look at places like Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, Rocky Flats, the TVA, on and on and on.

But don't you dare try to fill in the 1/2 acre swamp -I'm sorry wetland- in order to have a little more arable land for your farm, lest you destroy the habitat of the endangered sabre toothed wood tick !

Oh bingo bango. Disclaimer in the sense that I've been with Ducks Unlimited from the beginning but this is soooooooooooooooooo different than what is happening now. Ducks Unlimited are not the government and they bought their wetlands. Another topic, another day.

OMG do you know about this family in Idaho who got raided by the EPA and are having thousands upon thousands of dollars ripped from them to defend a building choice?

It's a nightmare beyond.

Check this out for those that might not have heard of this. This is beyond scary.A family in Idaho is facing the prospect of seeing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) take over the land upon which they had planned to build their dream home.

Even worse, the family is being told they have no legal standing to challenge the EPA. This is not some dystopian future and this is not an academic thought experiment.

This is happening right now to the Sackett family in Idaho, a family whose last hope is that the Supreme Court agrees to take up their case and allow them the “right” to challenge the EPA.

According to reports, the Sacketts had purchased land in a residential subdivision in Priest Lake, Idaho and begun excavation work to build their dream home. A that point an EPA bureaucrat appeared and told the Sacketts that their land fell under the EPA’s jurisdiction to protect wetlands, even though no standing or continuous running water exists on their land. To add insult to injury, the Sacketts were also told they have no appeal rights over this decision; the EPA rulings on these matters are final.

Their only option is to spend money undoing the work they have thus far completed, then spend hundreds of thousands of dollars applying for a special permit to allow them to build their home, then spend money rebuilding the home they had to stop building prior to the EPA intervention. That is representative government at work?

whoopsies nyquil or dementia and we can do a poll later in the flame zone


EPA takes land; attempts to charge family for right to appeal - National Law and Politics |
Oligarchy-loving leftists have no problem with that.

People who value liberty do.
Oh bingo bango. Disclaimer in the sense that I've been with Ducks Unlimited from the beginning but this is soooooooooooooooooo different than what is happening now. Ducks Unlimited are not the government and they bought their wetlands. Another topic, another day.

OMG do you know about this family in Idaho who got raided by the EPA and are having thousands upon thousands of dollars ripped from them to defend a building choice?

It's a nightmare beyond.

Check this out for those that might not have heard of this. This is beyond scary.A family in Idaho is facing the prospect of seeing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) take over the land upon which they had planned to build their dream home.

Even worse, the family is being told they have no legal standing to challenge the EPA. This is not some dystopian future and this is not an academic thought experiment.

This is happening right now to the Sackett family in Idaho, a family whose last hope is that the Supreme Court agrees to take up their case and allow them the “right” to challenge the EPA.

According to reports, the Sacketts had purchased land in a residential subdivision in Priest Lake, Idaho and begun excavation work to build their dream home. A that point an EPA bureaucrat appeared and told the Sacketts that their land fell under the EPA’s jurisdiction to protect wetlands, even though no standing or continuous running water exists on their land. To add insult to injury, the Sacketts were also told they have no appeal rights over this decision; the EPA rulings on these matters are final.

Their only option is to spend money undoing the work they have thus far completed, then spend hundreds of thousands of dollars applying for a special permit to allow them to build their home, then spend money rebuilding the home they had to stop building prior to the EPA intervention. That is representative government at work?

Here's the lesson to learn from that: If you buy land and find any "wetlands" on it, buy a pump and suck all the water out of it immediately. If you find any endangered species on the property, exterminate them immediately. In fact, the best thing would be to fumigate the entire property with cyanide the minute you take possession.

cool plan. maybe we can get those around the Amazon to do the same.
Yes, because a lot in a residential subdivision with no standing or running water is EXACTLY like a rainforest.
Little Jacky Boy...

It's not about desire to kill people, it's about ineptitude, bottom line and more. Do you even KNOW what the water and food quality was like before the EPA?

Educate yourself, sonny.
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
No child. I believe in companies complying with regulations; I am also for alternative sources. Hydro is one; solar is too individualized to be a large scale source. Thus, nuclear may be the best bet for now. Companies must obey laws just like individuals; I'm sure YOU get sent to your room when you misbehave.
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
No child. I believe in companies complying with regulations; I am also for alternative sources. Hydro is one; solar is too individualized to be a large scale source. Thus, nuclear may be the best bet for now. Companies must obey laws just like individuals; I'm sure YOU get sent to your room when you misbehave.
Child? Really? :lol:
I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
No child. I believe in companies complying with regulations; I am also for alternative sources. Hydro is one; solar is too individualized to be a large scale source. Thus, nuclear may be the best bet for now. Companies must obey laws just like individuals; I'm sure YOU get sent to your room when you misbehave.
You also belive in Big Gubmint forcing such economically unviable technologies on society and paying for it to boot.

Spare us Ms. Stalin. :eusa_hand:
It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Wrong "Bezerk"; Obama did not push for an increase fines for companies that violate regs. THAT is his fault, and his alone. And until the catfight between Newt & Romney, Romney was my choice for President. The Republican nomination has become so nasty, it is tough to pick an alternative to Obama.
I think your meds are wearing off.:cuckoo:

It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Wrong "Bezerk"; Obama did not push for an increase fines for companies that violate regs. THAT is his fault, and his alone. And until the catfight between Newt & Romney, Romney was my choice for President. The Republican nomination has become so nasty, it is tough to pick an alternative to Obama.
Incorrect brit, I am not cheering FIRSTENERGY'S decision to go for big money rather spend less to comply with EPA. I note it was a company choice.
You really have zero idea of the economics in play here, don't you?
No, I understand corporations will destroy an economic base to save a few bucks.

He was correct: You really have zero idea of the economics in play here.

It always amazes me that libturds think corporations are so brilliant that they can generate profits at the snap of the fingers, but so stupid that they will kill their own customers and destroy the foundation of their profits.

You even implied that FirstEnergy knew they would double the cost of electricity by shutting down 3 power plants.

That being said, I think the cost doubled because the EPA regulations will shut down over 100 power plants, not just the 3 being discussed here. And now the eco-fascists are playing dumb, as if they didn't know this decision would drive up the price of energy.
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What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.

What facilities? What people have been injured by coal fired power plants?
You really have zero idea of the economics in play here, don't you?
No, I understand corporations will destroy an economic base to save a few bucks.

He was correct: You really have zero idea of the economics in play here.

It always amazes me that libturds think corporations are so brilliant that they can generate profits at the snap of the fingers, but so stupid that they will kill their own customers and destroy the foundation of their profits.

You even implied that FirstEnergy new they would double the cost of electricity by shutting down 3 power plants.

That being said, I think the cost doubled because the EPA regulations will shut down over 100 power plants, not just the 3 being discussed here. And now the eco-fascists are playing dumb, as if they didn't know this decision would drive up the price of energy.
It amazes me little children sticking out their middle fingers and using words like "libturd" aren't disciplined by their parents.

Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 388-389.
You really have zero idea of the economics in play here, don't you?
No, I understand corporations will destroy an economic base to save a few bucks.

He was correct: You really have zero idea of the economics in play here.

It always amazes me that libturds think corporations are so brilliant that they can generate profits at the snap of the fingers, but so stupid that they will kill their own customers and destroy the foundation of their profits.

You even implied that FirstEnergy new they would double the cost of electricity by shutting down 3 power plants.

That being said, I think the cost doubled because the EPA regulations will shut down over 100 power plants, not just the 3 being discussed here. And now the eco-fascists are playing dumb, as if they didn't know this decision would drive up the price of energy.
Their intentions were good.

And with leftists, results don't matter. Just intentions.

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