Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close

I think your meds are wearing off.:cuckoo:

It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Wrong "Bezerk"; Obama did not push for an increase fines for companies that violate regs. THAT is his fault, and his alone. And until the catfight between Newt & Romney, Romney was my choice for President. The Republican nomination has become so nasty, it is tough to pick an alternative to Obama.
No meds here, none needed except vitamins. You confuse me with Laura TRANK QUEEN Bush.
No, I understand corporations will destroy an economic base to save a few bucks.

He was correct: You really have zero idea of the economics in play here.

It always amazes me that libturds think corporations are so brilliant that they can generate profits at the snap of the fingers, but so stupid that they will kill their own customers and destroy the foundation of their profits.

You even implied that FirstEnergy new they would double the cost of electricity by shutting down 3 power plants.

That being said, I think the cost doubled because the EPA regulations will shut down over 100 power plants, not just the 3 being discussed here. And now the eco-fascists are playing dumb, as if they didn't know this decision would drive up the price of energy.
Their intentions were good.

And with leftists, results don't matter. Just intentions.
And WE are NOT to question results...just ask any of them...
Again, can you produce evidence of anyone dying from contaminated drinking water prior to 1970? Contaminated food?

How about the Cholera Epidemics early 1900's and prior for starters... which really got the asses of states to pass drinking water legislation and regulations very similar to the EPA? It's precisely because of our history with water and food quality and the illnesses they cause that we have the EPA and FDA to regulate on a federal level.
And yet, despite stringent guidelines, people STILL die of contaminated food today.

Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.
What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.
Oh...Gonna FINE those that refuse to employ? Really Gracie? YOU wanna stand with that colossal jewel of ignorance?

Not a fan of the free market are you? You seem to be a fan of Gubmint imposed economically unsustainable mandates tho'...:eusa_whistle:

I love this: The EPA imposes draconian regulations on the power utilities that force them to shut down a large number of plants. The Eco-fascists applaud this result, but they want to impose fines on the utilities for doing exactly what the Eco-fascists wanted them to do.

You gotta love these nutburgers.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
What OBAMA hasn't done: increase fines for non compliant facilities to the extent necessary to compensate the injured. In this case, UNEMPLOYED.

What facilities? What people have been injured by coal fired power plants?
Child, the unemployed cannot earn money. Only unemployment will be available. Thus, compensation would be appropriate. Obama has not pushed to increase fines for violations of regulations. That could have those UNEMPLOYED.
How about the Cholera Epidemics early 1900's and prior for starters... which really got the asses of states to pass drinking water legislation and regulations very similar to the EPA? It's precisely because of our history with water and food quality and the illnesses they cause that we have the EPA and FDA to regulate on a federal level.
And yet, despite stringent guidelines, people STILL die of contaminated food today.

Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.
And yet, despite stringent guidelines, people STILL die of contaminated food today.

Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.
Has he been promoted? I thought he was a butterbar lieutenant...:eusa_whistle:
Thanks Barack… 3 West Virginia Coal Plants to Close | The Gateway Pundit

Three West Virginia coal plants just announced they will close this year. Metro News reported: Ohio based FirstEnergy Corporation announces it will close three coal fired power plants in West Virginia by this fall. The closings come directly from the impact of new federal EPA regulations. The plants to close are Albright Power Station, Willow Island Power Station, and the Rivesville Power Station. The company says 105 employees will be directly impacted. The three plants produce 660 megawatts and about 3-percent of FirstEnergy’s total generation. In recent years, the plants served as “peaking facilities” and generated power during times of...

Reported a little differently when not found on or whatever:

"Akron, Ohio-based FirstEnergy attributed the shutdowns to new federal environmental regulations that are designed to reduce emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from coal- and oil-fired plants.
The Sierra Club praised the announcement and said that pollution from coal-fired power plants contributes to respiratory illnesses, asthma attacks, heart disease and cancer. It estimates closure of the West Virginia plants will prevent approximately 40 premature deaths, 64 heart attacks and 620 asthma attacks. (Of course, since SC said it, it can't possibly be true! Mercury is actually good for you according to Conservs!).

Over the past three years, they generated less than 1 percent of the company's electricity and served mostly as peaking facilities."

So let's see. Mercury and other pollutants killing people. Aging facilities that weren't worth revamping.
That Obama is SUCH a bastard!

They didn't need "revamping" until Obama's EPA rammed these new regulations down their throat. Peaking facilities don't produce a major amount of power. That's why it doesn't aggravate the pollution situation much to use older facilities for this purpose. However, they are sorely needed when consumers place heavy demands on the power grid. FirstEnergy still has to build replacements for them. Consumers still have to pay the cost of that.

Mercury from power plants has never killed a single person in this country or even made anyone sick. One of your fellow intellectually deprived cronies has already posted the news that electricity prices are going to double. Yet, no one who supports this idiocy have displayed the slightest concern for the consumers who will have to pay the massive bill for it.

"Bastard" is the correct term for you and all of Obama's defenders.
And yet, despite stringent guidelines, people STILL die of contaminated food today.

Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.

Then what's your fucking point, retard? People still occasionally get sick from certain contaminations like e-coli... and therefore we need to abolish the FDA? Or maybe you mean that the FDA shouldn't demand a recall of all the contaminated produce... because what's the point if people are still going to get sick?

What's your point you obtuse ape? Or are you just a whining bitch with no point?
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I hear that lots of people were eating food, drinking water and generally living nice uneventful lives prior to 1970...I can attest to that, as I was there.
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
No child. I believe in companies complying with regulations; I am also for alternative sources. Hydro is one; solar is too individualized to be a large scale source. Thus, nuclear may be the best bet for now. Companies must obey laws just like individuals; I'm sure YOU get sent to your room when you misbehave.

No one is advocating that power utilities should break the law, you stupid git.
Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.
Has he been promoted? I thought he was a butterbar lieutenant...:eusa_whistle:
Acts like it, don't he? :lol:
Same here. As I have oft repeated? History for some began the day they were born...:eusa_whistle:
No child. I believe in companies complying with regulations; I am also for alternative sources. Hydro is one; solar is too individualized to be a large scale source. Thus, nuclear may be the best bet for now. Companies must obey laws just like individuals; I'm sure YOU get sent to your room when you misbehave.

No one is advocating that power utilities should break the law, you stupid git.
Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
It is amazing libs will defend rising energy costs on the consumer and job losses all to make sure their Messiah looks good in their demented minds.
Wrong "Bezerk"; Obama did not push for an increase fines for companies that violate regs. THAT is his fault, and his alone. And until the catfight between Newt & Romney, Romney was my choice for President. The Republican nomination has become so nasty, it is tough to pick an alternative to Obama.

Sorry to inform you of this, but there is no choice to the left of Obama.
Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.

Then what's your fucking point, retard? People still occasionally get sick from certain contaminations like e-coli... and therefore we need to abolish the FDA? Or maybe you mean that the FDA shouldn't demand a recall of all the contaminated produce... because what's the point if people are still going to get sick?

What's your point you obtuse ape? Or are you just a whining bitch with no point?
My goodness, you leftists sure an emotional lot, aren't you? :lol:

Someday you'll grow up and realize that more government isn't the solution to every problem.

Well, maybe you will.
Yeah, and that's why we fucking need them to be good, strict regulations.

Is that really your stupid ass logic, that people still die from regulated food, therefore we need to abolish any sort of regulation at all? Please tell me how that's going to save lives?

Fucking moron.

You'll have to remind me where I said that, Captain Strawman.

Then what's your fucking point, retard? People still occasionally get sick from certain contaminations like e-coli... and therefore we need to abolish the FDA? Or maybe you mean that the FDA shouldn't demand a recall of all the contaminated produce... because what's the point if people are still going to get sick?

What's your point you obtuse ape? Or are you just a whining bitch with no point?
So NOW we are whittled down to occasionally?

Quite a change from before methinks.:eusa_whistle:
It amazes me little children sticking out their middle fingers and using words like "libturd" aren't disciplined by their parents.

Did someone at the institution forget to keep you away from the computer?

Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 388-389.

Your point?
Their intentions were good.

And with leftists, results don't matter. Just intentions.

I disagree. I don't think their intentions are good. I think they care more about birds and trees than they care about people.
oooh do we have multiple meltdowns starting??? hee hee hee! It's that time again, kids!

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It don't ever get old.

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