Thanks, Joe: Gas Prices Hit 7-Year High, Stations Run Out of Fuel Going Into 4th of July Weekend

It surprises me that there is quite a consensus here that would prefer America go the route of nationalizing our oil industry. Certainly that is what they're asking for if they want Joe to prevent these oil companies from pledging to strengthen their balance sheets plus rewarding investors by sitting on their ass(ets) and holding oil production flat.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Sorry, in his 1st hours in office Joe killed the pipeline, put thousands of Americans out of office, & declared he was ending use of fossil fuels.

You are right, of course, Joe allowed the Russians to conduct Cyber Warfare against the US' energy production / distribution without holding them accountable in any way. Instead, Joe handed Vlad a lit of our top 16 most critical infrastructure and pleaded with him not to target THOSE US targets. Experts opined all Joe did was guarantee the Russians will continue to hack US infrastructure / industry / tgts.

The man surrendered our energy independence, making us dependent agains on our enemies for our energy.

Then the Democrat passed legislation to pay US workers to stay at home instead of work.

You are hopeless. You should have learned in 2011 that the Keystone XL is a boondoggle and why.

US producers are cutting rig counts because they don't want the ppb to crash. That will put them out of business, moron.
The Keystone pipeline is a boondoggle????? what on earth have you been smoking?.....the oil will be sent by truck now....great for the air can't stop oil usage by taking away the means of supply....all you do is increase the cost....increased cost to average working Americans while the rich fly around on private jets.....

None of that will be sold in the US or benefit US consumers. Canada and China will benefit from higher profits and no taxes.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

Dem enhanced unemployment pay, brings the average recipient to a minimum wage of $15 an hour.

Hardly a windfall. And no where near the money truck drivers of gasoline make DELIVERING gas.

Last edited:
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

There is absolutely no evidence of that. The fact is that truck drivers get paid much better than what they get from unemployment. Biden has no responsibility for this. Also speculators on Wall Street are pushing prices higher.

If we wanted to stabilize oil prices we would go back to the way oil used to be traded. For years and years oil prices were stable because only those who actually dealt in oil would bid on oil. We opened up that to anyone and have had oil prices fluctuating all over the place. Many times with absolutely no justification outside of oil being the investment of the moment.

If you "invest" in a barrel of oil, you must take physical possession of that oil. That would stabilize prices. The last figures I saw said that a barrel of oil was traded something like 7-8 times before it ever actually reached the market.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
What do you think happens when a product has stopped production and consumers increase demand? By December 2020 gas was on the rise and it had doubled under Trump in six months, but it always the other guy, right?
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
What do you think happens when a product has stopped production and consumers increase demand? By December 2020 gas was on the rise and it had doubled under Trump in six months, but it always the other guy, right?
Gas is the highest its been in over 7 years. Biden's America.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
What do you think happens when a product has stopped production and consumers increase demand? By December 2020 gas was on the rise and it had doubled under Trump in six months, but it always the other guy, right?
Gas is the highest its been in over 7 years. Biden's America.
It should be since that is what the capitalist want after years of losing money.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.

No they didn't. The concern is that the ppb will go so low that it will kill domestic production. Biden has NOTHING to do with that. Oil companies are currently reducing rig counts.
Last edited:
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
What do you think happens when a product has stopped production and consumers increase demand? By December 2020 gas was on the rise and it had doubled under Trump in six months, but it always the other guy, right?
Gas is the highest its been in over 7 years. Biden's America.
It should be since that is what the capitalist want after years of losing money.
You own it.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.
Jebus, Mary and Joseph!

Why are you lying again?

Prices were low under Trump because of the Pandemic, and lack of demand compared to supply.

Prices began to rise under Trump, when the economy began to reopen.

They have continued to rise, because Saudi Arabia has chosen not to increase their supply, keeping supply lower than the reopening demand, making prices rise.
They were low until Biden got in, don't let that fact smack you in the face. Inflation is soaring and your party is in complete control. Trump can't come back fast enough.
What do you think happens when a product has stopped production and consumers increase demand? By December 2020 gas was on the rise and it had doubled under Trump in six months, but it always the other guy, right?
Gas is the highest its been in over 7 years. Biden's America.
It should be since that is what the capitalist want after years of losing money.
You own it.

You are dumb as a stump.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.

No they didn't. The concern is that the ppb will go so low that it will kill domestic production. Bide has NOTHING to do with that. Oil companies are currently reducing rig counts.
Our border is out of control. Inflation is skyrocketing. Energy prices going up. Consumer prices going up. Spending is out of control, soon we will owe more than we produce. That's when the economy crashes big time and your party has complete control and all the blame.
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

You should thank your Russian handers for their hack.
Do you think that we could stop drilling in America and gas wouldn't go up? blame a weekend of a downed pipeline is idiotic....
The fact is under Trump we were energy independent and in just 6 months Joe undid that and now we are buying oil from Russia and the middle east....
Gas goes up and everything else everything shipped by truck....which is everything....I hope Joe's policies puts your ass in the poor house....maybe then you will wake the fuck up....
Yeah Trump did it with a pandemic that caused the market to crash and now you want instantaneous gratification of a return to pre-pandemic levels, thanks for the laughs.
They were low when Trump left office. Biden gets in and it almost rises over night.
Biden made people want more gas. Actually he may have done that with the stimulus. LOL
No he shuts down the pipeline, stopped drilling on federal land, and said we would end the use of it in ten years. What could go wrong?
Has nothing to do with it.
The pipeline was never going to be oil for the US.

The moratorium on new drilling on federal lands won't impact our supply for years:
A 60-day suspension order at the Interior Department did not limit existing oil and gas operations under valid leases, meaning activity would not come to a sudden halt on the millions of acres of lands in the West and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where much drilling is concentrated. The moratorium also is unlikely to affect existing leases. Its effect could be further blunted by companies that stockpiled enough drilling permits in Trump’s final months to allow them to keep pumping oil and gas for years.
The pause in onshore drilling is limited to federal lands and does not affect drilling on private lands, which is largely regulated by states.

2050 isn't in ten years, and it's only a goal.

It is about supply, which is low because Covid shutdowns caused suppliers to cut back and it's apparently going to take time for them to supply enough to bring prices down again. It has nothing to do with US oil production at this point.
Biden’s policies raised gas prices over night, they were low till he took over.

No they didn't. The concern is that the ppb will go so low that it will kill domestic production. Bide has NOTHING to do with that. Oil companies are currently reducing rig counts.
Our border is out of control. Inflation is skyrocketing. Energy prices going up. Consumer prices going up. Spending is out of control, soon we will owe more than we produce. That's when the economy crashes big time and your party has complete control and all the blame.
The Dems are in control are you saying the Repubs have never been in control and never spend a dime?
View attachment 507258

Gas prices hit a 7-year high as stations run out of fuel going into the 4th of July weekend....But at least there’s no mean tweets to trigger snowflakes.

Higher spiking gas prices, fuel shortages due to not enough gas-tanker truck drivers due to Dem-enhanced Unemployment pay.....Happy 4th of July / Independence Day, America!

Thanks, Joe!

Impacts the poor the most. Joe doesn't give a fuck.
It is right-wingers who cut off the extra unemployment benefits. Right wingers are just plain frauds and Russian parrots.
Tell us why we need "extra unemployment benefits" when we can't find workers to fill available jobs?
Good article explaining what's going on. It hurts to spend $40 to fill my little car's tank.
Unfortunately it was/is inevitable. The BDSers can whine all they want.
We don't believe that crap anymore. Having much more production available weathers any issues that happens. The ease of transporting the petroleum helps immensely.
Good article explaining what's going on. It hurts to spend $40 to fill my little car's tank.
Unfortunately it was/is inevitable. The BDSers can whine all they want.
We don't believe that crap anymore. Having much more production available weathers any issues that happens. The ease of transporting the petroleum helps immensely.
I don't expect you to believe it.

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