Thanks Liberals

The girl may have deserved it, but never in a billion years will that consequence work. Some parents out there need extensive teaching about how to alter their childrens behavior.

Indian culture routinely used shame to control the behavior of their children and adults.

And in fact since we can never hit children anymore shame is an effective thing to use. Except of course for the fact that liberals think children should grow up with no responsibility or punishment.
The liberal agenda has destroyed American families.

Well, then, I guess the statistics for divorce, abortion, single parent families, truancy, delinquency, out of wedlock child birth and every other measure of the health of the American family must be MUCH, MUCH better among "conservative" families? Right?
The liberal agenda has destroyed American families.

Well, then, I guess the statistics for divorce, abortion, single parent families, truancy, delinquency, out of wedlock child birth and every other measure of the health of the American family must be MUCH, MUCH better among "conservative" families? Right?

Neither poor nor good parenting is peculiar to either liberals or conservatives.
The girl may have deserved it, but never in a billion years will that consequence work. Some parents out there need extensive teaching about how to alter their childrens behavior.

Indian culture routinely used shame to control the behavior of their children and adults.

My dad was good at that...making me feel shame...sometimes I'd rather he hit me.
Japanese parents punish their young kids by making them stay outside the house. I wish my parents had done that!

If you love your kids......and they know this.......there will likely be no need for disciplinary action once they reach their teens.

And.....before you idiots jump down my a little thinking about what I said.
Japanese parents punish their young kids by making them stay outside the house. I wish my parents had done that!

If you love your kids......and they know this.......there will likely be no need for disciplinary action once they reach their teens.

And.....before you idiots jump down my a little thinking about what I said.

Best post of the day, bar none.

In these threads, its always the rw's who rave about how they beat their kids and its the only way to parent. Now we have one who says PUBLIC humiliation is parenting.

“I wasn’t even thinking about what the public was going to think,” her mom, Renee Nickell told the Northwest Florida Daily News.

Speaks for itself.

"We spend so much focus on not wanting to hurt a child's self esteem that we don't do anything,"

Who is to blame for you not doing anything?

"We must undo at home what the world tries to tell her is better."

Take responsibility for your own kid. Quit blaming others. Another thing we hear from rw's is blaming teachers, libs, the Obamas - they blame everyone but themselves.

"We just felt like she just kind of gave up,"

Who can blame her? Her parents gave up on her first.

She said that she got the sign idea from a Christian counselor

Damn hypocrites. They prance around with their WWJD crap on but I'd bet this would not be the way Jesus would parent.
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The liberal agenda has destroyed American families. Look at the idiots complaining about how this family punished their daughter. It was an appropriate punishment and it worked.

Wanna bet most of those that attacked the parents don't even have kids.

Back in my day a good old fashioned spanking always did the trick if it was administered correctly. Trust me both my parents were very keen on doing it correctly. I got more than my fair share too.
The liberal agenda has destroyed American families.

Well, then, I guess the statistics for divorce, abortion, single parent families, truancy, delinquency, out of wedlock child birth and every other measure of the health of the American family must be MUCH, MUCH better among "conservative" families? Right?
actually ....yes !!

Unlikely simply because those are the same people who against education (sexual and otherwise), against birth control, say they hit their kids, screw around more, lie about it and then hold themselves out to be holier than thou "Christians" and more -

But, I'm sure you will be posting PROOF of your rather idiotic assertion.

The liberal agenda has destroyed American families.

Well, then, I guess the statistics for divorce, abortion, single parent families, truancy, delinquency, out of wedlock child birth and every other measure of the health of the American family must be MUCH, MUCH better among "conservative" families? Right?
actually ....yes !!

Prove it. I dare you. Don't give me some screwball, "conservative" nutcase commentator's opinion. Show me the FACTS.

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