Thanks Libertarians

I'm aware of Ayn's stance on libertarians. You might want to let the LOLberals who think Rand is the spokeman and CEO of libertarian ideology know that she's too militant of mind (and therefore far more republican than libertarian) to be, or like libertarianism.

That doesn't have a whole lot to do with whether libertarians are going to be blamed for republican failures...again.

I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

Why can't Libertarians just have their own party and try to make it thrive? I'm sure that you have seen how the republicans treat the Ron Paul types in recent years and Presidential elections......................
How similar are the Libertarians to the limbaugh/hannity mainstream republican/"conservatives" on these issues below?

Libertarians vs Republicans on foreign policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on gay marriage?
Libertarians vs Republicans on marijuana legalization?
Libertarians vs Republicans on spending and government programs?
Libertarians vs Republicans on monetary policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on abortion choice?
I'm aware of Ayn's stance on libertarians. You might want to let the LOLberals who think Rand is the spokeman and CEO of libertarian ideology know that she's too militant of mind (and therefore far more republican than libertarian) to be, or like libertarianism.

That doesn't have a whole lot to do with whether libertarians are going to be blamed for republican failures...again.

I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

Why can't Libertarians just have their own party and try to make it thrive? I'm sure that you have seen how the republicans treat the Ron Paul types in recent years and Presidential elections......................
How similar are the Libertarians to the limbaugh/hannity mainstream republican/"conservatives" on these issues below?

Libertarians vs Republicans on foreign policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on gay marriage?
Libertarians vs Republicans on marijuana legalization?
Libertarians vs Republicans on spending and government programs?
Libertarians vs Republicans on monetary policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on abortion choice?

Ron Paul is an anti-semitic douche.

The Tea Party is FAR bigger than the libertarian movement and they saw what a mistake it would be to start their own party. dimocraps wanted them to. But they refused.

And rightly so. Now we have internal wars in the Republican party that dimocraps don't understand..... They're GOOD for the party.

New ideas, new blood, new people.

dimocraps? Same old shit. Hitlery after the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

What's the difference?

In fact, can you tell me any meaningful difference in any of the dimocrap scumbags that will run for the 2016 nomination?

There isn't any.

Where we Republicans have a live, vibrant, debate-rich party with several different types of men and women fighting for the lead.

That libertarians aren't part of that is their own fault.

You just gotta find somebody better than an old anti-semitic fossil like Ron Paul.

Who had the TEMERITY to name his son "Rand"

Wonder what Ayn would think of that? I bet she wouldn't be too pleased
Don't blame libertarians on the whole, but heap the blame on any of them stupid enough to vote for this puppet.

I voted for Cuccinelli at 6:30am with the wife. We'll see what plays out by tonight. I'm not hopeful but just maybe the Obamacare fallout has been enough to energize the right base. We'll know soon enough just how fucked Virginia has gotten with the infiltration of progressive scum, many of whom are my neighbors.

Kudos for voting. I appreciate anyone who does.
I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

That is exactly what the TeaPs are going to have to do, Edge: join the mainstream of the GOP.

The fact remains the GOP is not going to do it the far reactionary way: end of that nonsense.
Heads up people. Rand means a "shield" a protection.

I almost named my son Rand. Chose Ryan "a prince" instead. You have to be a mom going blind thru baby names and meanings.

Not disagreeing with the OP's thoughts. Don't even want to argue about it. BUT just pointing out the real meaning of the name Rand.
I appreciate it. Almost as much as I appreciated the totally insane Ross Pirogi giving the 1992 election to Bill the rapist Clinton.

Really appreciate it guys. Way to go... Got your heads on straight, huh?

As usual

Big Obama Bundler Donated To Sarvis, the Fake Libertarian Candidate in Virginia

A bit late for this to have an impact, but...

Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.

Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt is the Libertarian Booster PAC’s major benefactor. He’s also a top bundler for President Barack Obama. This revelation comes as Virginia voters head to the polls Tuesday in an election where some observers say the third-party gubernatorial candidate could be a spoiler for Republican Ken Cuccinelli.

Of course, getting Sarvis on to the ballot doesn't get him votes, necessarily. To the extent he's a spoiler, it's due to the fact that a sizable number of Republicans prefer a more libertarian take on many issues.

I hope Sarvis gets at least 10% of the vote so our state can have Libertarians on the ballot and hopefully in the debates. How is Savis allegedly a "fake Libertarian"? What are his views and stances that make him the aforementioned in your opinion?

Off the top of my head, he is in favor of government tracking of all vehicles!

He's not a libertarian, he's a shill!
I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

That is exactly what the TeaPs are going to have to do, Edge: join the mainstream of the GOP.

The fact remains the GOP is not going to do it the far reactionary way: end of that nonsense.

Jake and be run by Karl Rove? Now I love the guy for his past accomplishments.

I appreciate his political acumen and his ability to nail down districts what to hit and what not to hit.

But he's lost his mojo.

Look at his stats in 2012.

Look at his philosophy of "don't try to block Obama, let's look to 2014" instead of what's right for the country instead of his next election cycle.

Rove is over baby. The GOP are dead in the water if they follow McCain or Rove or King. All milk toast. All nothing. Middle of the roaders.
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Of course, getting Sarvis on to the ballot doesn't get him votes, necessarily. To the extent he's a spoiler, it's due to the fact that a sizable number of Republicans prefer a more libertarian take on many issues.

1) Actually, most of the libertarians who vote for the libertarian candidate would not have voted for the Republican.

2) I object to your proposal that liberty not even be on the ballot.

3) I'd vote for Ross over Read My Lips again.

And usher in Clinton or Osama.

Makes sense. *rolls eyes*
I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

Why can't Libertarians just have their own party and try to make it thrive? I'm sure that you have seen how the republicans treat the Ron Paul types in recent years and Presidential elections......................
How similar are the Libertarians to the limbaugh/hannity mainstream republican/"conservatives" on these issues below?

Libertarians vs Republicans on foreign policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on gay marriage?
Libertarians vs Republicans on marijuana legalization?
Libertarians vs Republicans on spending and government programs?
Libertarians vs Republicans on monetary policy?
Libertarians vs Republicans on abortion choice?

Ron Paul is an anti-semitic douche.

The Tea Party is FAR bigger than the libertarian movement and they saw what a mistake it would be to start their own party. dimocraps wanted them to. But they refused.

And rightly so. Now we have internal wars in the Republican party that dimocraps don't understand..... They're GOOD for the party.

New ideas, new blood, new people.

dimocraps? Same old shit. Hitlery after the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

What's the difference?

In fact, can you tell me any meaningful difference in any of the dimocrap scumbags that will run for the 2016 nomination?

There isn't any.

Where we Republicans have a live, vibrant, debate-rich party with several different types of men and women fighting for the lead.

That libertarians aren't part of that is their own fault.

You just gotta find somebody better than an old anti-semitic fossil like Ron Paul.

Who had the TEMERITY to name his son "Rand"

Wonder what Ayn would think of that? I bet she wouldn't be too pleased

Where did you get that Ron Paul was allegedly "anti-Semitic"?

In my opinion, all the Tea Party folks are, is republicans who support candidates like Cuccinelli, so why would they start their own party? I'm pretty sure I have heard hannity state that the TEA party should separate from the Republicans and start their own party.

"SEAN HANNITY: You've got tea party activists all over the place in this country saying stand on your principles. Here's the bottom line, every single Republican -- I can't think of one that didn't -- ran to repeal health care. They kept -- we keep hearing there are strategic differences with Ted Cruz, Rand [Paul] and Marco [Rubio] and [Mike] Lee, House conservatives, they're keeping their promise right now. Those senators I mentioned, they're keeping their promise. The problem problem here is the more establishment wing of the Republican party, they didn't stick together with these guys and instead the establishment has been out there trashing principled conservatives for keeping their principles and for keeping their commitment and their promises to their constituents. "

"I don't think this country is going to survive with half measures. Either you believe that we need radical, positive, oriented solutions for this country and you willing to fight for them or you're not. Is it a third party we need? I've often argued no. I'm not so sure anymore. It may be time for a new conservative party in America. I'm sick of these guys."
I don't mind libertarian strains in the Republican Party. I think it's healthy. And I think we have a lot more in common with libertarians than does the socialist left.

What is annoying is how the left uses libertarians to hurt the Republican Party and other Patriotic Americans.

THAT was my point.

If libertarians want to make a difference, you need to join our party and pitch in. Help, don't hinder the defeat of scum-sucking, lying dimocrap filth.

Make your voices and your draw strong enough that you have a say in the party.

This shit of running your own candidate and harming Republicans is only going to get you disliked by Republicans and laughed at by the scum-sucking left because you're doing their job for them.

THINK about it. :dunno:

That is exactly what the TeaPs are going to have to do, Edge: join the mainstream of the GOP.

The fact remains the GOP is not going to do it the far reactionary way: end of that nonsense.

The Tea Party wants a Ronald Reagan style GOP.

Do you remember that time? When Reagan swept dimocraps in two elections and then a 'moderate' rode his coattails to victory and SCREWED the Republican Party?

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

I lived through that time period. I heard the HATE from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, Hollywood, TV and the entire World.

Except that back then they were trying to tell us we were all gonna fucking die because of Reagan.

You weren't there. I was. dimocrap scum wanted co-existence with communists. And why not? brothers from 'nother mother.

Reagan would LOVE the Tea Party if he were around today. I lived through that time. That was when America was PROUD. When the future really was BRIGHT. When their was reason for 'hope' and 'change' was for the better.

And Reagan took down the most evil, most murdering empire in the history of man. Without firing a shot and with absolutely NO help from dimocrap scum..... Or anyone else besides Maggie, for that matter.

You don't know what you're talking about, Malarkey. I can hear (read) White House, OFA and pMSNBC talking points in everything you say (type).

You're clueless. You have no idea what we're about, what we represent and how much good we can do.

You sir, are cultist dead-ender.

Your life ended years ago. You just haven't stopped breathing yet.

Typical leftist.

But there's still hope. All you gotta do is admit that your entire existence up until now has been a joke. That everything you believed and thought was right was actually -- Very wrong.

It's called 'growing up' and it's not easy. We've all been there. It happened to me in my mid-thirties. It happens to many later than that.

But we were almost ALL liberals at one time or another.

It's called growing up. But you won't. And I know why. Outside your comfort zone. Work, friends, family, social networking......

You'de be the only one with a brain
Of course, getting Sarvis on to the ballot doesn't get him votes, necessarily. To the extent he's a spoiler, it's due to the fact that a sizable number of Republicans prefer a more libertarian take on many issues.

1) Actually, most of the libertarians who vote for the libertarian candidate would not have voted for the Republican.

2) I object to your proposal that liberty not even be on the ballot.

3) I'd vote for Ross over Read My Lips again.

Yeah...... How'd that work out?

Same thing either way. HW is the straw who broke the camel's back who drove me from the Republican party, if you want regret for not voting for him you're not going to get it.
I served part of my time in Reagan’s army. Ronald Reagan never would have tolerated the TPM trying to break the government. He never would have tolerated the hate for minorities and women and gays.

He would have broken the TPM in a heart beat.

The mainstream GOP will never give into the TPM, because it is a small freak group out of step with America.
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