Thanks Obama our Military is under funded

Like everything the government does, it spends defense dollars wastefully and stupidly. The Pentagon is overstaffed while the front line solders are underpaid and understaffed. John Boehner was correct when he said that the Pentagon needs to be cut down to a Triangle. And yes there are military bases that need to be closed. But the real military, the part that does the work is underfunded while the bureaucrat part of the military is bloated.

Now If you want an example of spending stupidly, I suggest reading up on this disaster "Joint Tactical Radio System" (JTRS). Six billion dollars spent to develop a custom radio that was cancelled before it ever hit the battlefield. Imagine if Fred Flintstone had a cell phone. That's JTRS.

Now do you get the picture? It's underfunded because they piss away a big chunk of every dollar of budget with nothing to show for it.
If you think JTRS was a waste of money, you should look at the money they threw at the Future Combat System (FCS)
Yep, I know about FCS. The problem with these huge defense programs is the planning and coordination between different companies building different components of the weapon system. Communication is usually poor and the government always has a way to swoop in and "help" when a sub gets behind and ends up making them more behind. How many years and billions is Joint Strike Fighter? Another sad example of defense spending overruns.
some of you guys really love your soecial interests.

you bitch about low military spending bit cant tell us why it needs to be higher
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
Why are you blaming Obama?

Are you not familiar with the U.S. Constitution?

Article I, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power ...

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;​
Sorry to burst all your bubbles but DEFENSE actually is IN the Constitution. Our military is underfunded and poorly lead after 8 years of the incompetent boob Obama.
The article you linked said it's been underfunded for 15 years.

You're so fucked in the head with ODS, you're now arguing with your own source.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
Why are you blaming Obama?

Are you not familiar with the U.S. Constitution?

Article I, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power ...

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;​

exactly ... if Congress doesn't write the checks Obama can't sign them.

same for Donnie ... but idiot Trumpbots think he can, and he keeps letting them believe it.
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

some of you guys really love your soecial interests.

you bitch about low military spending bit cant tell us why it needs to be higher
We can't? Here's you answer: "to defend our nation". Did you seriously need someone to explain that to you? Unbelievable... :eusa_doh:
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

What you societal parasites fail to realize though is that there is zero room for error. Zero. The moment this nation is overthrown or nuked - it's game over. Permanently. There is no getting it back. So we must be as overzealously vigilant about defense as human possibly.

If the U.S.S.R. or Hitler had developed the nuclear weapon first - none of us would be here right now. It's a race to develop the next weapon or the next defense system and it's winner take all. We wouldn't expect ideological and immature liberals to understand though.
some of you guys really love your soecial interests.

you bitch about low military spending bit cant tell us why it needs to be higher
We can't? Here's you answer: "to defend our nation". Did you seriously need someone to explain that to you? Unbelievable... :eusa_doh:
do you realize how specious that argument is?

why don't we just dedicate the entire federal budget to the military?
some of you guys really love your soecial interests.

you bitch about low military spending bit cant tell us why it needs to be higher
We can't? Here's you answer: "to defend our nation". Did you seriously need someone to explain that to you? Unbelievable... :eusa_doh:
do you realize how specious that argument is?

why don't we just dedicate the entire federal budget to the military?
It's weird how those who whine the most about taxes being too high are often the same as those who think we need to spend more on the military.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
You know the Congress, specifically the House, is responsible for funding the military, right?

Article I, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

... and you know that Republicans have controlled the House for the last 5 years?


Show where Obama will sign any bill that increases military spending..

Come on far left drone, prove that Obama will sign a bill to increase military spending!
What bill put before the President in ceasing military spending has he veto'd?
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
No complaints from the Right when Bush, Jr. spent $Trillions on a useless war.

Says the far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

What spent over the standard military budget was less than the Obama Stimulus!

Silly far left drone!
Far Left religious dogma? Did you just think that up?
Give him credit...he looked up how to spell the word "religious" in order to add it to his tiny vacabulary list.
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

What you societal parasites fail to realize though is that there is zero room for error. Zero. The moment this nation is overthrown or nuked - it's game over. Permanently. There is no getting it back. So we must be as overzealously vigilant about defense as human possibly.

If the U.S.S.R. or Hitler had developed the nuclear weapon first - none of us would be here right now. It's a race to develop the next weapon or the next defense system and it's winner take all. We wouldn't expect ideological and immature liberals to understand though.

Zero room for error?
We are stronger than the next eight nations combined
Six of the eight are our allies
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

What you societal parasites fail to realize though is that there is zero room for error. Zero. The moment this nation is overthrown or nuked - it's game over. Permanently. There is no getting it back. So we must be as overzealously vigilant about defense as human possibly.

If the U.S.S.R. or Hitler had developed the nuclear weapon first - none of us would be here right now. It's a race to develop the next weapon or the next defense system and it's winner take all. We wouldn't expect ideological and immature liberals to understand though.

Zero room for error?
We are stronger than the next eight nations combined
Six of the eight are our allies
And what happens if the other two develop an anti-ballistic missile system that can knock our nuclear arsenal out of the air? Then what RW? Be honest....
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

What you societal parasites fail to realize though is that there is zero room for error. Zero. The moment this nation is overthrown or nuked - it's game over. Permanently. There is no getting it back. So we must be as overzealously vigilant about defense as human possibly.

If the U.S.S.R. or Hitler had developed the nuclear weapon first - none of us would be here right now. It's a race to develop the next weapon or the next defense system and it's winner take all. We wouldn't expect ideological and immature liberals to understand though.

Zero room for error?
We are stronger than the next eight nations combined
Six of the eight are our allies
And what happens if the other two develop an anti-ballistic missile system that can knock our nuclear arsenal out of the air? Then what RW? Be honest....
You just love your special interests
Our military spends 43 cents of every Defense dollar spent

Yup, our military must be underfunded

What you societal parasites fail to realize though is that there is zero room for error. Zero. The moment this nation is overthrown or nuked - it's game over. Permanently. There is no getting it back. So we must be as overzealously vigilant about defense as human possibly.

If the U.S.S.R. or Hitler had developed the nuclear weapon first - none of us would be here right now. It's a race to develop the next weapon or the next defense system and it's winner take all. We wouldn't expect ideological and immature liberals to understand though.

Zero room for error?
We are stronger than the next eight nations combined
Six of the eight are our allies
And what happens if the other two develop an anti-ballistic missile system that can knock our nuclear arsenal out of the air? Then what RW? Be honest....
Then we have the most powerful Navy in the history of mankind. We have cruise missiles that skim the surface and can't be intercepted. We have cyber tecnologies to bring their communications and financial infrastructure down
some of you guys really love your soecial interests.

you bitch about low military spending bit cant tell us why it needs to be higher
We can't? Here's you answer: "to defend our nation". Did you seriously need someone to explain that to you? Unbelievable... :eusa_doh:
do you realize how specious that argument is?

why don't we just dedicate the entire federal budget to the military?
Because we don't need the entire federal budget. We only need $650 billion.

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