Thanks Obama our Military is under funded

The worse part is that it seems that other countries get more bang for their bucks. Or is it that things just cost more in the US? Or is it that NATO depends largely on the US. That is why the UN and NATO let's the US have a drone program that bombs ally countries and says little or nothing when the US regime changes in places like Libya. Maybe it is influence the US is buying.

These charts show the immensity of the US' defense budget


According to this site, in relation to the GDP military spending has not increased that much since the 60s.



US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
It's astounding that this idiot could spend us an additional $10 trillion in debt and not even properly fund our military. He's throwing money around like a pro athlete in a strip club and yet none of that makes its way to the most important responsibility of the federal government. Kind of hard to wrap your head around.
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
So Gunny, you are correct. Under the current 'mission' the military is underfunded and dangerously unable to fulfill its commitments. And there are those here who would cheer the destruction of the US Military, only so that their favorite 'social justice' or entitlement programs could get a boost in funding. In going along with Bernie's view of America as the next Scandinavian country, they will argue the same, tired arguments that we should only be concerned with direct, national based threats to our borders (the same tired, old arguements that they used when Reagan sent Pershings to Europe, which forced the START Treaty - hippies never die, they just get old and run for President as a Democratic Socialist). Naturally, when a GI goes to fight the next conflict, he will die because of our lack of commitment. Or because our politicians can sit and watch them be over run as Hillary did for thirteen hours. And just like Mogadishu and Benghazi, Americans will die waiting for help that will never come because we can't get there.

As a nation, we are going to have to decide exactly HOW we are going to defend the United States. Since the end of WWII, it has been the expressed policy of the US to provide a 'forward' defense of this nation. In other words, our defense does NOT begin at our borders. It begins with our allies. I read where someone is okay with defending Britain, but not most other European nations. How about Poland? Since their liberation we do not have a greater ally on the European continent. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are all petitioning to be part of NATO, with the simple goal of having a 'shared' defense of their nation. Same goes for the Czech Republic and Hungary. I have been there and they WANT to be our partners. I believe that our policy then and especially now, is the correct policy. America MUST be the leader, if not for the simple fact that there is no one else. To completely abandon our leadership, as Barry and his group of criminals have tried so hard to do, would give us exactly what we are seeing now. A very dangerous world where some refuse to play by civilized rules simply because they know that they can (ISIS, North Korea and Iran anyone?). And then, without a military option, you are out of options and have nothing to back up your "sternly worded protests" at the UN. Simply acquiesce, smile and be bullied by those you cannot stand up to. Perhaps you believe that those COEXIST bumper stickers work, but I think they're as stupid and as completely vapid as those who display them on their cars.

Currently, the military is showing signs of the indifference. The nuclear forces have scandal after scandal. The Minuteman III is 40+ years old. The B-52 first flew in 1947. The A-10, which is an incredible aircraft, is vintage 1977, the F-15 (which has never lost a dogfight) is 1974, and the Ohio Class is 80's at best. At last check, 70% of US Army units are not ready for a fight. 35% of aircraft sit on the runway because of maintenance and spare part issues. The Navy has problems manning the three carrier battle groups that are at sea at all times. And of course, Barry, the architect of the disastrous policy for the military, calls on those he has neglected (and abused with the VA scandals) to be a show of force against Putin's possible incursions into the European continent. Equipment, enough for a division, has been pre-positioned on Europe's eastern flank. The Army is going to station 5,000 troops in Germany, Poland and other Europen nations to man that equipment (shades of cold war). I thought Hillary hit the 'reset' button with Putin? I thought Barry would be on an apology tour to St. Petersburg by now? Oh that's right, Russia is not Islamic.

I am amazed at the level of ignorance of the left. Some of the 'enlightened' comments on this thread have given me a morning of laughter. Some defy logic. Course this forum is where I read that returning Vietnam Veterans were really treated very nicely... No spitting, no name calling... all our imagination, a well crafted web of lies to garner some sympathy. If the next President is Hillary, look for more rogue nations and terrorist organizations to take lethal pot shots at the US and our allies. Her hatred and disdain for the military is legendary. Otherwise, if the next President has a herculean task. Course Reagan did it... too bad we don't have a Reagan in this election.
The right controls the Congress and Congress funds the military. Why are you blaming the left? :dunno:

Holy Crap, a liberal actually admits CONGRESS controls spending, the vudget, and thus the economy. See, during Bush's last 2 years in office Liberals had a near-super majority control of Congress...and thus the budget, spending, and the economy. They claim the economy began to nosedive those last 2 years but want to blame Bush for it.

As you said, though, it was CONGRESS - ie, Liberals - who were responsible. They controlled Congress for the next 2 years as well - Obama's 1st 2 years in office. So the economy he 'inherited' was not the one Bush left him but the one his fellow Liberals built for him.

Thanks for that, Faun!

And as far as the military's budget, you have to fault the joint chiefs as well for not fighting for more and not speaking up when they knew we are under-funded. When a Navy SEAL has to testify to Congress that they are so under-funded they have to share rifles, because his bosses and the Joint Chiefs didn't take care of this issue then some of their heads need to roll.
heres a smart ass that thinks he know how government works ... well moron, let me enlighten you on how congress really works these days ... you claimed that obama administration controlled the congress for the first two years ... well my ignorant one his congress had the majority, not control of the congress, he never had the super majority ... a world you seem to not understand ... just because you hold the majority doesn't mean you control the congress ... only the super majority does ... as for the joints chiefs of staff, they can only request the congress for more money ... if the congress doesn't give them more money thats on the congress not obama, not the joints chief of staff ... last I checked the republicans have held the majority the last 6 years of Obama's office and they are the ones who have cut their need to perform not the democrats ... the republicans have blocked or wouldn't even bring it to the floor any kind of money or tax increase for anything ... so you too should direct your anger to the republican party after all they hold the majority...
The worse part is that it seems that other countries get more bang for their bucks. Or is it that things just cost more in the US? Or is it that NATO depends largely on the US. That is why the UN and NATO let's the US have a drone program that bombs ally countries and says little or nothing when the US regime changes in places like Libya. Maybe it is influence the US is buying.

These charts show the immensity of the US' defense budget


According to this site, in relation to the GDP military spending has not increased that much since the 60s.



US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
you need better bloggers they don't hold water
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ...
Hey stupid....the military falls under the executive branch. The head of the executive branch is the president. Although Congress decides how much money the executive branch gets, the president decides how much of that budget goes to the military. And Obama (like Clinton before him) is been obsessed with decimating our military cutting everything and everyone that he can get away with cutting. But hey...thanks for playing junior.
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
The worse part is that it seems that other countries get more bang for their bucks. Or is it that things just cost more in the US? Or is it that NATO depends largely on the US. That is why the UN and NATO let's the US have a drone program that bombs ally countries and says little or nothing when the US regime changes in places like Libya. Maybe it is influence the US is buying.

These charts show the immensity of the US' defense budget


According to this site, in relation to the GDP military spending has not increased that much since the 60s.



US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
You know the saddest part about your first chart above? It is illegal for the federal government to be involved with the first five items listed. That's over $200 billion that we could be saving or using to help the U.S. military.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
It's astounding that this idiot could spend us an additional $10 trillion in debt and not even properly fund our military. He's throwing money around like a pro athlete in a strip club and yet none of that makes its way to the most important responsibility of the federal government. Kind of hard to wrap your head around.
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
and yet I find you very disingenuous all the time ... just like your sources, nothing but republican bloggers as your source .... claiming that her lies is the worst thing in the world and yet you accept Trump's lies with out question ... trump has more lies then hillary has ever been accused of ... but you accept them as oh well thats OK ...
as for my post you say obama has spent the least because of the congress thats was my point ... republicans won't pass anything and then moron like you and the other poster come and complain how lacking our military has money to run it... how weak it is because obamas has unfunded it... then in the same sentence you want to say obama is the worst on spending ....I pointed it out he wasn't and never has been... yet you come back her making a fool of yourself as usual by me giving credit to obama for the least amount of spending so you try and spin it ... why don't you pull you head out off your ass a answer the question ... this fool was blaming Obama for not getting money for our troops and the seals not have the right equipment ... I pointed out why band all you got is your dribble ??? please pull your head out for gods sake
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
tell us where he was reakless if you can ... tell us where he spent the money ... OH that's was the congress who spent it I guess you should blame the congress .... HUMMM lets see ???? I'll goggle it for ya... HUMMM ???? who was in control in the congress the most ??? answer that would be your republicans ... seems you have no Idea what you're talking about but you keep drinking the republican Koollaid
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
It's astounding that this idiot could spend us an additional $10 trillion in debt and not even properly fund our military. He's throwing money around like a pro athlete in a strip club and yet none of that makes its way to the most important responsibility of the federal government. Kind of hard to wrap your head around.
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
and yet I find you very disingenuous all the time ... just like your sources, nothing but republican bloggers as your source .... claiming that her lies is the worst thing in the world and yet you accept Trump's lies with out question ... trump has more lies then hillary has ever been accused of ... but you accept them as oh well thats OK ...
as for my post you say obama has spent the least because of the congress thats was my point ... republicans won't pass anything and then moron like you and the other poster come and complain how lacking our military has money to run it... how weak it is because obamas has unfunded it... then in the same sentence you want to say obama is the worst on spending ....I pointed it out he wasn't and never has been... yet you come back her making a fool of yourself as usual by me giving credit to obama for the least amount of spending so you try and spin it ... why don't you pull you head out off your ass a answer the question ... this fool was blaming Obama for not getting money for our troops and the seals not have the right equipment ... I pointed out why band all you got is your dribble ??? please pull your head out for gods sake

Hmm, doubling down on being disingenuous. Where in the hell did I quote Trump? What Republican blogger did I quote? If you think the numbers suspect then post what you think are the real numbers.

I realize that being an Obama drone that facts gives you folks indigestion but facts be the facts.
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
so your say let Isis go about and do their destruction and do nothing at all typical Repub-lie-tard ... typical koolaid drinking repay-lie-tard

and once again you have proven to us all how really stupid you are read it and weep moron... these are the facts and you can't stand it've drunk too much koolaid

Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape
It's astounding that this idiot could spend us an additional $10 trillion in debt and not even properly fund our military. He's throwing money around like a pro athlete in a strip club and yet none of that makes its way to the most important responsibility of the federal government. Kind of hard to wrap your head around.
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
and yet I find you very disingenuous all the time ... just like your sources, nothing but republican bloggers as your source .... claiming that her lies is the worst thing in the world and yet you accept Trump's lies with out question ... trump has more lies then hillary has ever been accused of ... but you accept them as oh well thats OK ...
as for my post you say obama has spent the least because of the congress thats was my point ... republicans won't pass anything and then moron like you and the other poster come and complain how lacking our military has money to run it... how weak it is because obamas has unfunded it... then in the same sentence you want to say obama is the worst on spending ....I pointed it out he wasn't and never has been... yet you come back her making a fool of yourself as usual by me giving credit to obama for the least amount of spending so you try and spin it ... why don't you pull you head out off your ass a answer the question ... this fool was blaming Obama for not getting money for our troops and the seals not have the right equipment ... I pointed out why band all you got is your dribble ??? please pull your head out for gods sake

Hmm, doubling down on being disingenuous. Where in the hell did I quote Trump? What Republican blogger did I quote? If you think the numbers suspect then post what you think are the real numbers.

I realize that being an Obama drone that facts gives you folks indigestion but facts be the facts.
I realize that being republican drones that facts gives you folks indigestion too, but facts are the facts and you have given a true fact yet ...must be al the Koolaid you've been drinking ... Oh by they way,,, Have you looked at these sources of yours I guess they have been on so long you have no idea where they came from ...heres a hint republican bloggers
as for trump when you make accusations by your sourced bloggers here that accuse her of lying and how she should be disquilified as to be president ... so when I pointed out how Trump lies your best defense for the republican party is doubling down, ok fine!!!! now what ??? are you now denying he's truthful or are you just as usual spewing your republican rhetoric ... it amazes me how you say she is disqualified for president and every time trump talks you seem to have missed that lie ...he just said Clinton was convicted of rape .... never happen ...but you swallow that lie then he calls her a crook ... that would mean she has done something and got caught and convicted and you drones seem to swollen that koolaid every time its ok for your party to lie but not anyone else thats what I call disingenuous
Last edited:
It's astounding that this idiot could spend us an additional $10 trillion in debt and not even properly fund our military. He's throwing money around like a pro athlete in a strip club and yet none of that makes its way to the most important responsibility of the federal government. Kind of hard to wrap your head around.
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
and yet I find you very disingenuous all the time ... just like your sources, nothing but republican bloggers as your source .... claiming that her lies is the worst thing in the world and yet you accept Trump's lies with out question ... trump has more lies then hillary has ever been accused of ... but you accept them as oh well thats OK ...
as for my post you say obama has spent the least because of the congress thats was my point ... republicans won't pass anything and then moron like you and the other poster come and complain how lacking our military has money to run it... how weak it is because obamas has unfunded it... then in the same sentence you want to say obama is the worst on spending ....I pointed it out he wasn't and never has been... yet you come back her making a fool of yourself as usual by me giving credit to obama for the least amount of spending so you try and spin it ... why don't you pull you head out off your ass a answer the question ... this fool was blaming Obama for not getting money for our troops and the seals not have the right equipment ... I pointed out why band all you got is your dribble ??? please pull your head out for gods sake

Hmm, doubling down on being disingenuous. Where in the hell did I quote Trump? What Republican blogger did I quote? If you think the numbers suspect then post what you think are the real numbers.

I realize that being an Obama drone that facts gives you folks indigestion but facts be the facts.
I realize that being republican drones that facts gives you folks indigestion too, but facts are the facts and you have given a true fact yet ...must be al the Koolaid you've been drinking ... Oh by they way,,, Have you look at these sources of yours I guess they have been on so long you have no idea where they came from ...heres a hint republican bloggers
as for trump when you make accusations by your sourced bloggers here that accuse her of lying and how she should be disquilified as to be president ... so when I pointed out how Trump lies your best defense for the republican party is doubling down, ok fine!!!! now what ??? are you now denying he's truthful or are you just as usual spewing your republican rhetoric ... it amazes me how you say she is disqualified for president and every time trump talks you seem to have missed that lie ...he just said Clinton was convicted of rape .... never happen ...but you swallow that lie then he calls her a crook ... that would mean she has done something and got caught and convicted and you drones seem to swollen that koolaid every time its ok for your party to lie but not anyone else thats what I call disingenuous

I am not really sure you realize much of anything.
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
tell us where he was reakless if you can ... tell us where he spent the money ... OH that's was the congress who spent it I guess you should blame the congress .... HUMMM lets see ???? I'll goggle it for ya... HUMMM ???? who was in control in the congress the most ??? answer that would be your republicans ... seems you have no Idea what you're talking about but you keep drinking the republican Koollaid
Says the guy who blames Congress for spending and Obama for reducing spending :lmao:
Thanks Obama for under funding our military and making it weak, We need a competent military properly equipped and trained and thanks to Obama and his agenda it is not.

This Is Why America’s Military Is in Bad Shape

Of course, the libs jump in and defend liberals cutting our military. They don't think we should have one and resent spending anything on it.

They have other things they find more important.

The left thinks they need those billions to give to hostile countries so they have plenty of money, military planes, tanks and weapons. They want money to take in Muslim refugees who aren't fleeing war and we have to provide housing, food, education, health care and relocation costs. We also have to spend billions for housing, food, health care and education for millions of illegal aliens.

The left is forever bitching about our infrastructure and schools and they keep taking more and more to fix them. Nothing improves even after spending increases each year.

Gas taxes are supposed to be spent on our highways. We were promised that the additional .10 a gallon in our state was enough to fix our roads and bridges and that hasn't happened yet.

The stimulus spending was nearly a trillion and was supposed to address the infrastructure. Where are the improvements?

Government has the money for stuff but somehow things don't get done. Countless education bills pass each year and billions have been spent on education, but schools don't improve.

Maybe the problem is government. I know the left likes to think that we wouldn't have anything if not for government confiscating money and spending it on schools, highways, hospitals and other stuff. I guess the left is grossly unaware that we had all those things before government started collecting income tax to pay for them. Yea, the private sector makes things happen. Government just spends twice as much money to get less results.

National security should be a priority. It's not. Our borders are a joke and our military is weakened.

The government takes more from us than ever and yet has little to show for it.
heres another stupid one ...please Oh stupid one show us anywhere any liberal has cut our military, love to hear this one.. please show us where we given billions of dollars to have other countries fight for us ... you are delusional and haven't a clue what you're talking about ...been drinking that republican koolaid again...
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ... last I checked the republicans control the congress ... so I suggest t you direct your anger about the spending for the military to the republican party ... obama can only sign their wishes from the congress for the military... no money, then the military is fucked by the republicans once again you idiot ... learn how the government works before opening mouth and inserting foot...

as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date
View attachment 75606

I find it slightly disingenuous to first say that Congress controls spending thus it is Congress, not Obama that should get the blame. But then in the next breath, you post that spending is the lowest it has been and give all that credit to Obama. It seems to me that blame/credit should be given to Congress.
and yet I find you very disingenuous all the time ... just like your sources, nothing but republican bloggers as your source .... claiming that her lies is the worst thing in the world and yet you accept Trump's lies with out question ... trump has more lies then hillary has ever been accused of ... but you accept them as oh well thats OK ...
as for my post you say obama has spent the least because of the congress thats was my point ... republicans won't pass anything and then moron like you and the other poster come and complain how lacking our military has money to run it... how weak it is because obamas has unfunded it... then in the same sentence you want to say obama is the worst on spending ....I pointed it out he wasn't and never has been... yet you come back her making a fool of yourself as usual by me giving credit to obama for the least amount of spending so you try and spin it ... why don't you pull you head out off your ass a answer the question ... this fool was blaming Obama for not getting money for our troops and the seals not have the right equipment ... I pointed out why band all you got is your dribble ??? please pull your head out for gods sake

Hmm, doubling down on being disingenuous. Where in the hell did I quote Trump? What Republican blogger did I quote? If you think the numbers suspect then post what you think are the real numbers.

I realize that being an Obama drone that facts gives you folks indigestion but facts be the facts.
I realize that being republican drones that facts gives you folks indigestion too, but facts are the facts and you have given a true fact yet ...must be al the Koolaid you've been drinking ... Oh by they way,,, Have you look at these sources of yours I guess they have been on so long you have no idea where they came from ...heres a hint republican bloggers
as for trump when you make accusations by your sourced bloggers here that accuse her of lying and how she should be disquilified as to be president ... so when I pointed out how Trump lies your best defense for the republican party is doubling down, ok fine!!!! now what ??? are you now denying he's truthful or are you just as usual spewing your republican rhetoric ... it amazes me how you say she is disqualified for president and every time trump talks you seem to have missed that lie ...he just said Clinton was convicted of rape .... never happen ...but you swallow that lie then he calls her a crook ... that would mean she has done something and got caught and convicted and you drones seem to swollen that koolaid every time its ok for your party to lie but not anyone else thats what I call disingenuous

I am not really sure you realize much of anything.
and you go off the deep end again...I suppose you're trying to say that we Dems haven't been repairing our transportation .. lets see here who has filibuster every time we liberals have tried to pass money for infrastructure ... lets see we tied it the first two years and the republicans fillibustered it every time ... beings we didn't have the super majority it didn't get passed ...then the republicans took control of the congress and they refuse to bring it to the floor ... is this what your pretty pictures is showing us??? how republicans don't care how many times a train derails... that seems to be there belief... the reason they refuse to bring it to the floor was it create jobs... good paying jobs .. republicans couldn't deal with that.. hell our citizens making good money paying taxes to pay down on out national debt debt ... hell that would make republicans look bad. and dem/liberals look great.... ..
as for the 10 trillion once again you have foot in mouth ... the majority of that debt was caused by the previous administration taking us to a war that was never needed... If you look at government spending by president you will find that Obama has cut more government spending then any president to date

Bwahahahahaha! Someone is a well-trained, good little libtard, uh? Obama is the Commander in Chief. He could end the wars and pull out at any time he wants. He has not only chosen not to end them, he has chosen to expand them by conducting military operations in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and more junior.

He has irresponsibly deficit spent as much in 7 years as all presidents in 235 years of U.S. history combined have. Watching libtards like you excuse Obama's recklessness is remarkable. It shows how stupid and blindly allegiant you libtards are.
tell us where he was reakless if you can ... tell us where he spent the money ... OH that's was the congress who spent it I guess you should blame the congress .... HUMMM lets see ???? I'll goggle it for ya... HUMMM ???? who was in control in the congress the most ??? answer that would be your republicans ... seems you have no Idea what you're talking about but you keep drinking the republican Koollaid
Says the guy who blames Congress for spending and Obama for reducing spending :lmao:
do you have a comprehension problem??? I clearly said congress was not spending and it wasn't me that said obama reducing spending the CBO stated it ... the fact you didn't get your information from a reliable source isn't my fault ... but thats the way you repub-lie-tards think ... if a repub-lie-tards fucks it up its the dems/liberals fault for letting them
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ???? thats the real question... Obama has nothing to do with how much money goes to the military, congress does ...
Hey stupid....the military falls under the executive branch. The head of the executive branch is the president. Although Congress decides how much money the executive branch gets, the president decides how much of that budget goes to the military. And Obama (like Clinton before him) is been obsessed with decimating our military cutting everything and everyone that he can get away with cutting. But hey...thanks for playing junior.
you're the stupid one... thats all I can say .. you haven't a clue one.... 1990 Bush was president

President Budget. Since 1990 the cycle is supposed to start between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in February with the President’s proposed budget. In practice some administrations have been late by up to several weeks. From then on the cycle involves many interactions within and between the legislative and executive branches.

Congressional budget hearings. Within the next 6 weeks, House and Senate committees conduct hearings in their field of reference (i.e. defense, foreign affairs, energy etc.), then submit their “views and estimates” of spending and revenue to the House and Senate Budget Committees.

get it, its the congress that decides how much not the president, the president gets information from all the DOD then sends it to the congress...

Concurrent budget resolution. By April 15 the two chambers are expected to have agreed on budget priorities. A concurrent resolution is not presented to the President and thus does not have the force of law but binds Congress about how to proceed for the rest of the cycle. They are known as H./S.Con.Res. for the House and Senate versions of the resolution, respectively. In recent years Congress has not always delivered on that legal obligation, and failed to do so at an increased frequency.

so oh stupid one ...where ever you get your information from, stop going there ... you're making a fool of your self ... finally as I said the republicans have the majority in the congress and they are the ones who haven't passed the amount of money the defense needs and you're trying this he's the commander in chief ploy .... thats funny and that show us how moronic you really are
The worse part is that it seems that other countries get more bang for their bucks. Or is it that things just cost more in the US? Or is it that NATO depends largely on the US. That is why the UN and NATO let's the US have a drone program that bombs ally countries and says little or nothing when the US regime changes in places like Libya. Maybe it is influence the US is buying.

These charts show the immensity of the US' defense budget


According to this site, in relation to the GDP military spending has not increased that much since the 60s.



US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
You know the saddest part about your first chart above? It is illegal for the federal government to be involved with the first five items listed. That's over $200 billion that we could be saving or using to help the U.S. military.
coming from some one who has no idea what they are talking about, we really can't take your comments for serious

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