Thanks to president Hussein shithead, Palestinians and the UN about to lose their funding.

Because of the traitor Hussein Obama,

Did president DUMBFUCK not know that the US is the biggest funder of both the UN and the Paleshitians? Well, that'll come to an end soon as well. :clap2:

Congress will soon pass a bill to defund the Paleshitians and the UN. :clap2:

This is what happens when you go against the wishes of the American people and the Congress. Hope you Obama adorers feel better now. :rofl:

Lindsey Graham Warns UN: 'Congress Is a Player on Foreign Policy'

Won't happen. Israelis are pissing on us & you love it.
Lol the republicans who were most demonized by the incoming Fuhrer in Chief are suddenly heroes again. You clowns are hilarious.
Because of the traitor Hussein Obama,

Did president DUMBFUCK not know that the US is the biggest funder of both the UN and the Paleshitians? Well, that'll come to an end soon as well. :clap2:

Congress will soon pass a bill to defund the Paleshitians and the UN. :clap2:

This is what happens when you go against the wishes of the American people and the Congress. Hope you Obama adorers feel better now. :rofl:

Lindsey Graham Warns UN: 'Congress Is a Player on Foreign Policy'

Won't happen. Israelis are pissing on us & you love it.
It's president shithead that pissing on the wishes of the American people and the congress, dumbass.
You are drunk early, Roudy, but, yeah, it is Hanukkah early.

No, the UN is not going to lose any funding.
Don't bet on it. After Jan. 20th, nothing is off the table. The only reason the UN has remained there so far is because of the massive local economy it creates in NY City.
Yup, it's off the table. Watch.
We'll see. Trump will for sure put the UN on notice. He knows the UN relies heavily on the US to stay afloat, and will use that to tell them to shape up or ship out. "The Art of the deal".

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