Thanks to Trump - International tourism to US plummets

We don’t want socialists visiting, they don’t have any money…

Standard of Living by Country


HDI rank Country Human Development Index (HDI) Value Life expectancy at birth (years) 2014 Expected years of schooling (years) 2014 Gross national income (GNI) per capital (2011 PPP $) 2014
1 Norway 0.944 81.6 17.5 64,992
2 Australia 0.935 82.4 20.2 42,261
3 Switzerland 0.93 83 15.8 56,431
4 Denmark 0.923 80.2 18.7 44,025
5 Netherlands 0.922 81.6 17.9 45,435
6 Germany 0.916 80.9 16.5 43,919
7 Ireland 0.916 80.9 18.6 39,568
8 United States 0.915 79.1 16.5 52,947
9 Canada 0.913 82 15.9 42,155
10 New Zealand 0.913 81.8 19.2 32,689

Note that we have the lowest life expectancy.
And your business, what specifically, has been effected?

Take a reading comprehension (and spelling) class :)

no, it doesn't directly affect my business .. but it is not good for the industry as a whole.
who gives a SHIT if the world likes us??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of us who understand how the world works care .. but if you don't give two fucks, fine - bunker up.
you don't know much history if you are worried about the world loving us
the Brits had to fire on their Ally's ships in WW2
Israel attacked Iraq's nuke plant long before the Iran-Iraq war and PG1
Israel has had to do a lot of things the world didn't ''agree with'' to stay alive

once again, prove Trump is more racist than Obama
and, prove this is going to be a huge problem for the US
unless you start giving facts, it's just your worthless opinion
Tourists don’t want to come to Trump’s America of bigotry and hate, and understandably so.

Yep - Tourism within our own country to places like NYC is up.

But the Trump brand is toast

Trump hotel bookings down 59% in Q1, says search site: Travel Weekly

Says Dr lies allot. Just be an adult and say what you mean. This cut and past a CNN article to back your trump. You left out he part that says touresem has been on the decline for years.
--------------------------------------------- this is EXCELLENT news . What American wants foreigners on USA Soil anyway Dr. love ??

Talk to the airlines, hotels and tourist destinations who are feeling the pinch
And your business, what specifically, has been effected?

Take a reading comprehension (and spelling) class :)

no, it doesn't directly affect my business .. but it is not good for the industry as a whole.

Exactly. So your asshole is still sore from the election. Just put cream on that and hit on with your life, and stop telling stories. Have to change your user handle to Dr Lie.
when i grew up and when my parents lived the last thing they or i ever worried about were foreign scum coming to the USA to keep the USA economy floating . I think that ' i ' and my parents lived in a much better time Dr. Love .
And your business, what specifically, has been effected?

Take a reading comprehension (and spelling) class :)

no, it doesn't directly affect my business .. but it is not good for the industry as a whole.

Exactly. So your asshole is still sore from the election. Just put cream on that and hit on with your life, and stop telling stories. Have to change your user handle to Dr Lie.

You are neither responding to my points, nor making sense.

Buh-Bye :bye1:
FYI, a lot of countries have hated us for a long time
Iran, Iraq,...the ME hated us for backing Israel
NKorea NVietnam, ....some of Afghanistan hates us,
China hated us
Cuba hated us

Somalia hated us --for trying to HELP/FEED them

Russia hated us--ever hear of the Cold War?
etc etc

what do you think foreign media have printed about the US in the 60s, 70s, 80s? good things?? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
your OP is laughable
Give me ONE good reason why we should give a shit what Mexico thinks of us! Then, why don’t ewe ask us what we think of Mexico?
And your business, what specifically, has been effected?

Take a reading comprehension (and spelling) class :)

no, it doesn't directly affect my business .. but it is not good for the industry as a whole.

Exactly. So your asshole is still sore from the election. Just put cream on that and hit on with your life, and stop telling stories. Have to change your user handle to Dr Lie.

You are neither responding to my points, nor making sense.

Buh-Bye :bye1:

You made no points. You refused to provide any points when politely asked. Not only are you a liar, you are a coward. Adress the FACT that only CERTAIN tourists shit is down. You also claim you are a travel professional who’s lively hood is effected by the decline, yet refuse to say what and how. Your shitis nothing more then an anti trump rant. At least be adult enormously th to say it. You posted an article that say fuck Trump, giggle with the other women, then do it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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