Thanks to Trump - International tourism to US plummets

You made no points. You refused to provide any points when politely asked. Not only are you a liar, you are a coward. Adress the FACT that only CERTAIN tourists shit is down. You also claim you are a travel professional who’s lively hood is effected by the decline, yet refuse to say what and how. Your shitis nothing more then an anti trump rant. At least be adult enormously th to say it. You posted an article that say fuck Trump, giggle with the other women, then do it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

1) I made several points and backed them up with facts
2) There is nothing polite about you
3) I did not claim to be a travel professional
4) You cannot spell

The warnings other countries give to tourists visiting America curiously have NOTHING to do with Trump and don't even mention him.

25 Foreign Travel Warnings for Visiting the U.S.

Our street crime and violence does have a prominent mention.
You made no points. You refused to provide any points when politely asked. Not only are you a liar, you are a coward. Adress the FACT that only CERTAIN tourists shit is down. You also claim you are a travel professional who’s lively hood is effected by the decline, yet refuse to say what and how. Your shitis nothing more then an anti trump rant. At least be adult enormously th to say it. You posted an article that say fuck Trump, giggle with the other women, then do it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

1) I made several points and backed them up with facts
2) There is nothing polite about you
3) I did not claim to be a travel professional
4) You cannot spell


1. No you didn’t. You cut and pasted an article. You let an oped make your points. least I did not run away when asked you why it’s all Trumps fault that tourism i has been on the. decline since roughly 2008 really, but only in some industries.

3. You implied your job was effected, at a minimum, you entimated that your job gave you some greater inseight into the issue, yet when asked to explain, you ran like a coward.

4. So? At least I don’t find a need to lie like you are.
I live in Florida and the foreign vermin are as thick as ever.

Looking at NASA, seems like tourists are literally coming by the bus load. Dr Lie is just butthurt because he Japanese are not interested in his scab collection.
Is it ALL Trump's fault? Nope, there are other factors -

But he is hated in particular by Europe and Mexico for his America First, dog whistling anti-immigrant BS and that is a definite factor.

How Trump has impacted world tourism – one year on

Maybe because most these so called "tourists" overstay their tourist visa and then somehow apply for extended stay or some type of residency status by hiring an immigration lawyer or other shenanigans tolerated in the past? So why go through the all the expense of coming here when they know the gig is up.

We do know that a big chunk of illegals are those who overstay their temporary short term tourist or business visas
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We don’t want socialists visiting, they don’t have any money…

Standard of Living by Country


HDI rank Country Human Development Index (HDI) Value Life expectancy at birth (years) 2014 Expected years of schooling (years) 2014 Gross national income (GNI) per capital (2011 PPP $) 2014
1 Norway 0.944 81.6 17.5 64,992
2 Australia 0.935 82.4 20.2 42,261
3 Switzerland 0.93 83 15.8 56,431
4 Denmark 0.923 80.2 18.7 44,025
5 Netherlands 0.922 81.6 17.9 45,435
6 Germany 0.916 80.9 16.5 43,919
7 Ireland 0.916 80.9 18.6 39,568
8 United States 0.915 79.1 16.5 52,947
9 Canada 0.913 82 15.9 42,155
10 New Zealand 0.913 81.8 19.2 32,689

Note that we have the lowest life expectancy.
Socialism is the opposite of freedom... fact

Modern Shanghai. You people have no idea how far and how fast China and the other Asian nations are moving. If China successfully finishes China's Silk Road ambitions, China will be the dominant nation by the middle of this century.
when i grew up and when my parents lived the last thing they or i ever worried about were foreign scum coming to the USA to keep the USA economy floating . I think that ' i ' and my parents lived in a much better time Dr. Love .
--------------------------------------------------- well we did OldRocks , Dad worked and made money . Mom raised us 5 kids . Plus with less population in the USA , 200 million in about 1970 things were much FREER and very unregulated than today . Anyway , those days are mostly gone . The only thing that makes me smile is that its the 'millenials' and their kids that are going to be fecked and fecked pretty good in the future OldRocks .
didn't matter to me or my DAD if the tourists were coming to the USA . USA made money mining iron ore , cutting trees , raising beef , feeding the world . It was just better for Americans OldRocks .
AGREE , tell all your ilk like buddies to stay right where they belong Jillian !! :afro:
I see you are a proponent of the Big Lie. Did you study under Goebbels?

Statistics are statistics - You think the world still likes us?

Think again

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
who gives a SHIT if the world likes us??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and every American should. A country’s perception of another country can have a huge impact on foreign policy decisions of that country. Keeping global approval ratings of the U.S. high strengthens our ability to accomplished diplomatic goals without military force, gaining cooperation on intelligence sharing, help with problems Americans have traveling or doing business abroad, and support for American diplomacy in other countries.

It's not just foreign policy that suffers when opinions of the US abroad takes a nosedive but an economic issue with every company that sells products oversea. From the customs inspector that clears your shipment to the agent who stamps your passport, to the shopper considering your product opinions of the US matters.

If you don't think what the rest of world thinks of the US matters, you are living a hundred behind the times.
You and every American should. A country’s perception of another country can have a huge impact on foreign policy decisions of that country. Keeping global approval ratings of the U.S. high strengthens our ability to accomplished diplomatic goals without military force, gaining cooperation on intelligence sharing, help with problems Americans have traveling or doing business abroad, and support for American diplomacy in other countries.

You're obviously ignorant as fuck.

The ONLY reason a foreign country would like us, if its not because our military keeps their asses safe, is because they can use us for their own good. Trump is the first president who puts American interests first, and it tends to PISS OFF other countries. Trumps job is not to get the world to like us, it's to make us great again. And the fact that other countries hate us mean he's doing a great job. We are having record growth and are the strongest nation on the planet. Just like the little kids at school tend to hate the big strong bully on the playground. Why? Jealousy.

Peace through strength. These foreign countries need us FAR MORE than we need them. If we stopped buying Chinese crap tomorrow China would collapse. If we withdrew from NAFTA tomorrow. Mexico would be in the shitter in 2 weeks. The problem is that these countries KNOW THIS and so does Trump. They hate the fact that WE have the power and they don't. So yea, they don't like us. but fuck them. We don't give a shit, quite frankly.

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