Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense are huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.
Just to clarify.
You will stipulate that Bush 'The Scrub'. was likely the dumbest President in US history.
But somehow this dummy was able to pull the wool over Hillary's eyes, Kerry's eyes. the UN Security council's eyes, Powell's eyes, the Joint Chief's eyes, the eyes of numerous leaders of countries around the world.
You will never except that Bush did NOT get some sort of secret intel on Saddam that no one else got.
In FACT the UN Security Council were the FIRST to receive any intel. The got it from the IAEA, certainly no friend of Bush. The Council recommended using force after Saddam had repeatedly refused to adhere to the UN's dozens of resolutions.
If you really believe Bush and Cheney had the 'real truth' about Saddam but
spun it' to get the US into a war with Saddam you are delusional.
Thats why we need to break up the big banks like Bernie proposes. hiLIARy wont do it

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied
Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied

Then so did the Democrats
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense are huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.
Just to clarify.
You will stipulate that Bush 'The Scrub'. was likely the dumbest President in US history.
But somehow this dummy was able to pull the wool over Hillary's eyes, Kerry's eyes. the UN Security council's eyes, Powell's eyes, the Joint Chief's eyes, the eyes of numerous leaders of countries around the world.
You will never except that Bush did NOT get some sort of secret intel on Saddam that no one else got.
In FACT the UN Security Council were the FIRST to receive any intel. The got it from the IAEA, certainly no friend of Bush. The Council recommended using force after Saddam had repeatedly refused to adhere to the UN's dozens of resolutions.
If you really believe Bush and Cheney had the 'real truth' about Saddam but
spun it' to get the US into a war with Saddam you are delusional.
Bush got the intelligence he demanded

He overemphasized the bad intelligence and downplayed the intelligence that did not support his invasion plans. Even worse, he passed up the chance to allow Hans Blix to verify the threat Iraq posed. He invaded before Blix could prove he had no justification to invade
Funny how the far left and far right sound alot alike at times.
This is actually really true in my opinion. Not really talking about their policy goals, but speaking of the methods that they use in attempts to get their policy pushed through...both extremes should not be tolerated in my opinion.
Well, they have to be tolerated, but it sure would be nice if cooler heads would prevail and people like this are culturally marginalized.

And you guys are right. Both ends of the spectrum hate hearing this, but their behaviors & methods are very similar. They're no easier to communicate with than some wild-eyed teenage boy on the streets of Damascus. They just don't realize it. Their minds are closed, and no contrary information or thought survives long in there.

No improvements of substance can happen until they don't control the conversation. And I don't see that happening any time soon.
I find both polar oposites to be quite irrational as well.

For years now, decades, the far Right has been damning the Clintons and I personaly donot believe that Hillary would make a good President for many reasons, but the far right has been insisting she would threaten the existence of this nation.

But now we have Trump, who is not a dogmatic reflective conservative, but has conservative policy goals that almost exactly match Ted Cruz' policies, and the far right is in hysterics that Trump might wind up President. They are so hysterical that they are effectively aiding the Wicked Witch of the South to gain the Presidency for herself.

And why? Because they dont think that Trump can actually win against HRC? Then why help HRC by launching such vicious attacks against Trump?

Because Trump might not be truly conservative enough? Well, HRC would be infinitely worse according to them.

Their actions are totally irrational, and they are about to blow up the GOP by rigging the convention to defraud Trump and his supporters?

That is all just insane.
The ends are so committed to absolutes and hyperbole that they're almost unintelligible.

They can't just say "I don't like that direction" or "I disagree with you". It has to be "they're trying to destroy" and "they hate America".

I've given up trying to communicate with them on much more than a basic level.
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied

Then so did the Democrats

Congress gave Bush permission to invade as commander in Chief if he thought it necessary.

It was Bush's decision to pull the trigger, not Congress's
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense are huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.
Just to clarify.
You will stipulate that Bush 'The Scrub'. was likely the dumbest President in US history.
But somehow this dummy was able to pull the wool over Hillary's eyes, Kerry's eyes. the UN Security council's eyes, Powell's eyes, the Joint Chief's eyes, the eyes of numerous leaders of countries around the world.
You will never except that Bush did NOT get some sort of secret intel on Saddam that no one else got.
In FACT the UN Security Council were the FIRST to receive any intel. The got it from the IAEA, certainly no friend of Bush. The Council recommended using force after Saddam had repeatedly refused to adhere to the UN's dozens of resolutions.
If you really believe Bush and Cheney had the 'real truth' about Saddam but
spun it' to get the US into a war with Saddam you are delusional.
Bush got the intelligence he demanded

He overemphasized the bad intelligence and downplayed the intelligence that did not support his invasion plans. Even worse, he passed up the chance to allow Hans Blix to verify the threat Iraq posed. He invaded before Blix could prove he had no justification to invade
^ that

kaz is playing dumb. No surprise there

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
The ends are so committed to absolutes and hyperbole that they're almost unintelligible.

They can't just say "I don't like that direction" or "I disagree with you". It has to be "they're trying to destroy" and "they hate America".

I've given up trying to communicate with them on much more than a basic level.
This is the result of the gerrymandering of congressional districts, the banishment of conservatives by liberals to talk radio that millions listen to as they drive to and from and often during work, the promotion of a duopoly that has to paint the other side with extremist phrases and hysteria in order to ensure no majority votes third party, and the corporate owned media refusing to do their job and be objective. Lou Dobbs is about the only good journalist left on TV.
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense at huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.

total bullshit
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied

Then so did the Democrats
Let's apportion the blame, shall we?
Is it 50% Democrat/50% Republican?

Bush, as commander in chief, was the decider
He gathered intelligence, developed a plan, asked permission from Congress and then made the ultimate decision to invade. 90% is on Bush

Congress, as most Congresses do, supported the commander in chief. 60 percent of the vote was Republican, 40% Democratic

That gives us 96% of the blame on Republicans, 4% on Democrats
The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

the 800 billion was borrowed from China, increasing the national debt and making us more of China's bitch. The auto bailout was to save the UAW and its contributions to the DNC, obozo didn't give a shit about the auto companies, their shareholders, or their employees.

a structured bankruptcy would have been much better for everyone except the UAW. Know why? because there would have been new smaller companies formed and each new company would have to have a union representation vote, obozo and the unions could not take that risk. THAT is what the auto "bailout" was all about.

Borrowing money to stimulate the economy is the expected response to an economic collapse. FDR did it. Reagan did it.

There was no structured bankruptcy available to the auto companies. The U.S. government was the only game in town.

Newer, smaller companies were not an option. Nobody would provide them financing....the banks were collapsing

nothing in your post is true. not a word of it.
First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied

Then so did the Democrats
Let's apportion the blame, shall we?
Is it 50% Democrat/50% Republucan?

Bush, as commander in chief, was the decider
He gathered intelligence, developed a plan, asked permission from Congress and then made the ultimate decision to invade. 90% is on Bush

Congress, as most Congresses do, supported the commander in chief. 60 percent of the vote was Republican, 40% Democratic

That gives us 96% of the blame on Republicans, 4% on Democrats

more partisan bullshit, is that all you have?
Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied
Yes he did....and Obama speaks only the truth...:uhoh3:
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense are huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.
Just to clarify.
You will stipulate that Bush 'The Scrub'. was likely the dumbest President in US history.
But somehow this dummy was able to pull the wool over Hillary's eyes, Kerry's eyes. the UN Security council's eyes, Powell's eyes, the Joint Chief's eyes, the eyes of numerous leaders of countries around the world.
You will never except that Bush did NOT get some sort of secret intel on Saddam that no one else got.
In FACT the UN Security Council were the FIRST to receive any intel. The got it from the IAEA, certainly no friend of Bush. The Council recommended using force after Saddam had repeatedly refused to adhere to the UN's dozens of resolutions.
If you really believe Bush and Cheney had the 'real truth' about Saddam but
spun it' to get the US into a war with Saddam you are delusional.
Bush got the intelligence he demanded

He overemphasized the bad intelligence and downplayed the intelligence that did not support his invasion plans. Even worse, he passed up the chance to allow Hans Blix to verify the threat Iraq posed. He invaded before Blix could prove he had no justification to invade
^ that

kaz is playing dumb. No surprise there

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Kaz kazzes. That's what he does. Meanwhile...

"As president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." - George Bush, 2005
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

the 800 billion was borrowed from China, increasing the national debt and making us more of China's bitch. The auto bailout was to save the UAW and its contributions to the DNC, obozo didn't give a shit about the auto companies, their shareholders, or their employees.

a structured bankruptcy would have been much better for everyone except the UAW. Know why? because there would have been new smaller companies formed and each new company would have to have a union representation vote, obozo and the unions could not take that risk. THAT is what the auto "bailout" was all about.

Borrowing money to stimulate the economy is the expected response to an economic collapse. FDR did it. Reagan did it.

There was no structured bankruptcy available to the auto companies. The U.S. government was the only game in town.

Newer, smaller companies were not an option. Nobody would provide them financing....the banks were collapsing

nothing in your post is true. not a word of it.

Go for it
Point by point
What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

the 800 billion was borrowed from China, increasing the national debt and making us more of China's bitch. The auto bailout was to save the UAW and its contributions to the DNC, obozo didn't give a shit about the auto companies, their shareholders, or their employees.

a structured bankruptcy would have been much better for everyone except the UAW. Know why? because there would have been new smaller companies formed and each new company would have to have a union representation vote, obozo and the unions could not take that risk. THAT is what the auto "bailout" was all about.

Borrowing money to stimulate the economy is the expected response to an economic collapse. FDR did it. Reagan did it.

There was no structured bankruptcy available to the auto companies. The U.S. government was the only game in town.

Newer, smaller companies were not an option. Nobody would provide them financing....the banks were collapsing

nothing in your post is true. not a word of it.

Go for it
Point by point
Are you new here?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied

Then so did the Democrats
Let's apportion the blame, shall we?
Is it 50% Democrat/50% Republucan?

Bush, as commander in chief, was the decider
He gathered intelligence, developed a plan, asked permission from Congress and then made the ultimate decision to invade. 90% is on Bush

Congress, as most Congresses do, supported the commander in chief. 60 percent of the vote was Republican, 40% Democratic

That gives us 96% of the blame on Republicans, 4% on Democrats

more partisan bullshit, is that all you have?
Show me otherwise

How would you apportion the blame?
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied
Yes he did....and Obama speaks only the truth...:uhoh3:
Obama was right about Iraq

Bush got his ass handed to him
First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny
Bush lied
Yes he did....and Obama speaks only the truth...:uhoh3:
Obama was right about Iraq

Bush got his ass handed to him

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