Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed
Would that be the same United Nations who's Secretary General had a son who was brokering black market oil for arms deals for the Iraqi government?

Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with Hans Blix

Bush had every reason in the world NOT to invade Iraq when he did. Afghanistan was still unfinished business, bin Laden was still on the would have thought Bush would welcome additional time to be sure of the threat posed by Saddam

Instead, he invaded immediately, before Blix could prove his accusations were wrong

"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Actually those are all policies he inherited from W. My question was what he did different than W
The Republicans promised that, if elected, they would repeal Obamacare, stop executive action on amnesty, ban gay marriage, and stop spending. When will you be claiming "Mission accomplished" ? Not yet?
Provide the link. It isn't about me, you dumb lying asshole. You make the claims, you back them up.

Here you go sweet lips.
The GOP breaks midterm election promises
Six months in and they "turned the election results into a huge defeat"? LOL. Your asslips are showing again. You must trip over those puppies!

Don't blame me for your party's failure.
I don't belong to a party.

You are a proven liar.

You are nothing.

Sure you do. You're just embarrassed to admit it.

I made a mistake which I acknowledged and corrected.

I'm enough to make you look like a goober.
Would that be the same United Nations who's Secretary General had a son who was brokering black market oil for arms deals for the Iraqi government?

Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with Hans Blix

Bush had every reason in the world NOT to invade Iraq when he did. Afghanistan was still unfinished business, bin Laden was still on the would have thought Bush would welcome additional time to be sure of the threat posed by Saddam

Instead, he invaded immediately, before Blix could prove his accusations were wrong

"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

either no one lied, or they all lied: because they all said the exact same things based on the exact same intel.

were the following lying? both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the EU, Spain, France, Germany.

the only liar was probably Saddam when he insisted that he had WMDs and was ready to use them.
But you're a lying asshole so nobody should expect to believe anything you say. You have nothing else to offer. You're a little bully boy on the internet and you think it makes you smart.


Never said I was smart, but I'm smarter than you. Calling me a liar doesn't prove me wrong. Evidence showing otherwise would. You haven't been able to do that yet.

You are a liar, you're taking things like that they said they would vote to repeal Obamacare and changing it to that they would repeal Obamacare then you're declaring them a failure based on your strawman.

And IceWeasel is easily smarter than you. Though so is a taco salad ...

As always, your opinion will be given the consideration it deserves.

Writing another one off as over your head you mean?

If that helps you feel better about yourself.

Um ... what?
For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!

So you wanted a do nothing congress. Congratulations. You got your wish. I don't remember all those republicans campaigning with " Send me to congress, and I won't do anything "

They campaigned on "Send me to Congress and I'll stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing more legislation that will cost you your job!" It's why you saw the biggest swing of seats from one party to another in modern political history.

The Republicans promised that, if elected, they would repeal Obamacare, stop executive action on amnesty, ban gay marriage, and stop spending. When will you be claiming "Mission accomplished" ? Not yet?

We agree, some of them did not do what they were sent to DC to do, and some of them will pay for it in the next election.

Thank you for your honesty.

you're welcome, you should try it sometime.
Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with Hans Blix

Bush had every reason in the world NOT to invade Iraq when he did. Afghanistan was still unfinished business, bin Laden was still on the would have thought Bush would welcome additional time to be sure of the threat posed by Saddam

Instead, he invaded immediately, before Blix could prove his accusations were wrong

"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

either no one lied, or they all lied: because they all said the exact same things based on the exact same intel.

were the following lying? both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the EU, Spain, France, Germany.

the only liar was probably Saddam when he insisted that he had WMDs and was ready to use them.

I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to
Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

the 800 billion was borrowed from China, increasing the national debt and making us more of China's bitch. The auto bailout was to save the UAW and its contributions to the DNC, obozo didn't give a shit about the auto companies, their shareholders, or their employees.

a structured bankruptcy would have been much better for everyone except the UAW. Know why? because there would have been new smaller companies formed and each new company would have to have a union representation vote, obozo and the unions could not take that risk. THAT is what the auto "bailout" was all about.
  • Thanks
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"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

either no one lied, or they all lied: because they all said the exact same things based on the exact same intel.

were the following lying? both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the EU, Spain, France, Germany.

the only liar was probably Saddam when he insisted that he had WMDs and was ready to use them.

I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to
Libs are never responsible for anything. If a liberal farts the nearest Republican did it.
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

either no one lied, or they all lied: because they all said the exact same things based on the exact same intel.

were the following lying? both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the EU, Spain, France, Germany.

the only liar was probably Saddam when he insisted that he had WMDs and was ready to use them.

I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to
Libs are never responsible for anything. If a liberal farts the nearest Republican did it.

When confronted with the facts they were wrong, a liberal will stand up, look you straight in the eye, point to someone and say he did it and if he didn't he made me do it ...
Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

either no one lied, or they all lied: because they all said the exact same things based on the exact same intel.

were the following lying? both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the EU, Spain, France, Germany.

the only liar was probably Saddam when he insisted that he had WMDs and was ready to use them.

I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to
Libs are never responsible for anything. If a liberal farts the nearest Republican did it.

When confronted with the facts they were wrong, a liberal will stand up, look you straight in the eye, point to someone and say he did it and if he didn't he made me do it ...

liberalism is a mental disease. the lib posters on this board prove it every day.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Did they learn from Adolph H ?
Did they learn from Churchill? Comparing Trump to Hitler is as unhinged as Beck claiming that the Prophet Ezekial wrote about the Utah primary 2500 years ago.
So you wanted a do nothing congress. Congratulations. You got your wish. I don't remember all those republicans campaigning with " Send me to congress, and I won't do anything "

They campaigned on "Send me to Congress and I'll stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing more legislation that will cost you your job!" It's why you saw the biggest swing of seats from one party to another in modern political history.

The Republicans promised that, if elected, they would repeal Obamacare, stop executive action on amnesty, ban gay marriage, and stop spending. When will you be claiming "Mission accomplished" ? Not yet?

We agree, some of them did not do what they were sent to DC to do, and some of them will pay for it in the next election.

Thank you for your honesty.

you're welcome, you should try it sometime.

I am always honest. I have been known to be wrong, but when I am shown to be wrong, I admit it, and change my position . I already did that in this thread. (#256)
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense at huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.
Last edited:
I opposed the invasion, but because it was bad policy. The idea that W didn't believe there were WMDs and lied and the Democrats believed him is why they are just a bunch of stupid, cock sucking vermin. They supported the war, their votes made it possible. The big lie of the Iraq war was democrats saying they were lied to

Bush spun the intel reports to make Iraq look bad, he put total faith in the discredited 'Curveball' informant that the Brits had proven was a liar, and he built his whole case to the public based on doctored reports, bullshit exaggeration and things HE KNEW TO BE FALSE.

George W Bush should have been impeached for lying to us about why we had to go into Iraq, and for remaining to engage in nation building nonsense are huge costs to the Republic in lives and treasure.

I agree, but most of Congress and the Senate should have gone with him, and they obviously weren't going to do that
Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with Hans Blix

Bush had every reason in the world NOT to invade Iraq when he did. Afghanistan was still unfinished business, bin Laden was still on the would have thought Bush would welcome additional time to be sure of the threat posed by Saddam

Instead, he invaded immediately, before Blix could prove his accusations were wrong

"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it
"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it
yep. Thats one BIG reason he left office w/ 18% approval
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

the 800 billion was borrowed from China, increasing the national debt and making us more of China's bitch. The auto bailout was to save the UAW and its contributions to the DNC, obozo didn't give a shit about the auto companies, their shareholders, or their employees.

a structured bankruptcy would have been much better for everyone except the UAW. Know why? because there would have been new smaller companies formed and each new company would have to have a union representation vote, obozo and the unions could not take that risk. THAT is what the auto "bailout" was all about.

Borrowing money to stimulate the economy is the expected response to an economic collapse. FDR did it. Reagan did it.

There was no structured bankruptcy available to the auto companies. The U.S. government was the only game in town.

Newer, smaller companies were not an option. Nobody would provide them financing....the banks were collapsing
"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
And right you are
Sanctions kept Saddam in check for over a decade. He was weaker economically and militarily than after the first Gulf War.
Bush had better things to do in fighting the war on terror. Iraq was an unjustified diversion
Yet, Congress gave him permission to fight the war he asked for

Great point, wow, the Democrats were suckers for voting for that war
Those were different times
After 9-11, we were willing to give the president anything he asked for to fight the war on terror

We were lied to

First of all, man up to your own actions, Nancy. And second of all, your argument was that you'd have to be stupid to believe him, and you just confirmed you believed him. So according to you, you're ... what?
I did not believe him.....neither did Obama

Congress was too weak to stand up to the President in post 9-11 America. Nobody wanted to be called weak on terror

Bush knew that and exploited it


You didn't believe the Democrats, now that's funny

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