Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Funny how the far left and far right sound alot alike at times.
This is actually really true in my opinion. Not really talking about their policy goals, but speaking of the methods that they use in attempts to get their policy pushed through...both extremes should not be tolerated in my opinion.
Well, they have to be tolerated, but it sure would be nice if cooler heads would prevail and people like this are culturally marginalized.

And you guys are right. Both ends of the spectrum hate hearing this, but their behaviors & methods are very similar. They're no easier to communicate with than some wild-eyed teenage boy on the streets of Damascus. They just don't realize it. Their minds are closed, and no contrary information or thought survives long in there.

No improvements of substance can happen until they don't control the conversation. And I don't see that happening any time soon.
I find both polar oposites to be quite irrational as well.

For years now, decades, the far Right has been damning the Clintons and I personaly donot believe that Hillary would make a good President for many reasons, but the far right has been insisting she would threaten the existence of this nation.

But now we have Trump, who is not a dogmatic reflective conservative, but has conservative policy goals that almost exactly match Ted Cruz' policies, and the far right is in hysterics that Trump might wind up President. They are so hysterical that they are effectively aiding the Wicked Witch of the South to gain the Presidency for herself.

And why? Because they dont think that Trump can actually win against HRC? Then why help HRC by launching such vicious attacks against Trump?

Because Trump might not be truly conservative enough? Well, HRC would be infinitely worse according to them.

Their actions are totally irrational, and they are about to blow up the GOP by rigging the convention to defraud Trump and his supporters?

That is all just insane.
The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
Dude it's a jobless recovery.

Didnt you get the memo? :)
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.

For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

So Barney Franks was a Republican? Ben Bernanke was a Republican?

There have been experts warning all of use from the early 2000's about the growing asset bubble in Housing and how it was being magnified by insane derivative contracts.

But no one listened. Both parties ignored those who predicted the meltdown and we all still do, as the underlying causes are still in place.

It could very well happen again, and some think it is.

But its still 'Bushes fault and you're a racist' from you Dems? roflmao

If you guys are so on top of things, why arent you fixing this?
The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
Dude it's a jobless recovery.

Didnt you get the memo? :)

Can you imagine how much worse job creation would have been if Obama had gotten Cap & Trade? Or if he'd been able to prohibit fracking?
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.
I posted them, you can go through them and see what you like or not. What I like isn't the point. Your steady stream of lies is, don't try to make it about me, Little Bully.
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.

For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!

So you wanted a do nothing congress. Congratulations. You got your wish. I don't remember all those republicans campaigning with " Send me to congress, and I won't do anything "
For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!

Our new tech that is coming off the shelf is not a major job creator for the first time since forever. We are looking at a fundamental change in how technology creates and destroys jobs. IT is not entirely Obama's fault. Full capitalization only takes a few years now, and will soon (next ten to twenty years) be almost instantaneous.
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.
I posted them, you can go through them and see what you like or not. What I like isn't the point. Your steady stream of lies is, don't try to make it about me, Little Bully.

Right. They took care of as little housekeeping. as possible, but nothing else. I can understand how excited you must be.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.

For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!

So you wanted a do nothing congress. Congratulations. You got your wish. I don't remember all those republicans campaigning with " Send me to congress, and I won't do anything "

They campaigned on "Send me to Congress and I'll stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing more legislation that will cost you your job!" It's why you saw the biggest swing of seats from one party to another in modern political history.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.
Right, Republicans voting for the establishment candidates have been doing so well in elections, they wouldn't want to mess that up.

And it is sad how Democrats used to be the "big tent" party and now you revel in being mindless drones who don't disagree on anything and actually consider Republicans disagreeing to be a disaster for them.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Did they learn from Adolph H ?
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.
I posted them, you can go through them and see what you like or not. What I like isn't the point. Your steady stream of lies is, don't try to make it about me, Little Bully.

Right. They took care of as little housekeeping. as possible, but nothing else. I can understand how excited you must be.
But you're a lying asshole so nobody should expect to believe anything you say. You have nothing else to offer. You're a little bully boy on the internet and you think it makes you smart.

He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He's very careful to incite riots without using language which would meet the legal requirement of incitement.

Trump is inciting leftists to attack him? You're as stupid as you sound, aren't you?
Well sure. Trump deliberately disagrees with baby libtard so baby libtard has to right to do anything baby libtard wants in response.
He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He's very careful to incite riots without using language which would meet the legal requirement of incitement.

Trump is inciting leftists to attack him? You're as stupid as you sound, aren't you?
Well sure. Trump deliberately disagrees with baby libtard so baby libtard has to right to do anything baby libtard wants in response.

Blame the victim, that's what the left always says. Well we have to riot, shut you down and attack your followers, you MADE us, stop inciting violence! We want tolerance and support free speech!

They're authoritarian, they don't have a tolerant bone in their bodies
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.

For starters they prevented Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing the Cap & Trade legislation they were proposing...legislation that would have utterly destroyed what little economic recovery we've made since 2008! It's the reason why the electorate sent those Republicans to Washington in the first stop the "3 Stooges" from passing any more far left legislation that would have killed more jobs!

So you wanted a do nothing congress. Congratulations. You got your wish. I don't remember all those republicans campaigning with " Send me to congress, and I won't do anything "

They campaigned on "Send me to Congress and I'll stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from passing more legislation that will cost you your job!" It's why you saw the biggest swing of seats from one party to another in modern political history.

The Republicans promised that, if elected, they would repeal Obamacare, stop executive action on amnesty, ban gay marriage, and stop spending. When will you be claiming "Mission accomplished" ? Not yet?
To the stupid OP.

The GOP is currently divided because the establishment rinos are refusing to accept the will of the voters. But that will change very soon. A few more primaries and the entire party will be backing Trump. Next will be the destruction of the lying criminal bitch hildebeast. You dems have nothing but BS and lies and terrible candidates. The US voters are not as dumb as you libtards think they are.

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