Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

So the "downward spiral" included the 2010 mid-terms? That was the largest gain of seats in Congress in modern political history! Some downward spiral! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Again? You sound like Al Bundy remembering his touchdown back at Polk High. It wasn't that big of a deal, but if it is the high point of your life, be all means enjoy your nostalgia.

It wasn't that big of a deal? The largest swing of seats from one political party to another in modern political history coming only two years after the Democrats seized control of the White House, the Senate and the House? Hard to see that as anything other than a serious bitch slap given by the electorate to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, Bulldog.

And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
Considering the last two who held the oval office, one promised to be a compassionate conservative and a unite a the nation, and the other to end the war in Iraq and bring change, which one tried to walk the walk?
it all depends on how you look at it wry.....i feel both bush and obama are piss poor leaders.....i feel that by their 3rd year both were only talking to those who were supporting them,everyone else,too bad....both were and are horrible at bringing people together,that situation has been getting worse since the day bush went into Iraq....and shortly before that bush was looking like he could have been one of our best presidents....he sure blew that all to hell.....piss poor leader....
I believe that those at the UN and many many country's leaders were all given compelling information about Saddam's WMDs.
Bushes most high ranking Generals and The Joint Chiefs of staff believed Saddam had WMDs. Which of course he did. You don't drop barrels of maple syrup on your own people to kill them. You drop sarin gas on them.
Yes poison gas is officially a WMD. Many ill informed still believe only nuclear bombs are WMD.The idiot Chrissy Matthews keeps repeating that lie.
Oh BTW. For all you trump haters who claim Trump would take the US to war if some dictator gave him the finger.
Hillary voted to go into two wars. Trump, while not having any say in the matter stated his public opposition to going into Iraq or into Afghanistan.
So who's the fucking war monger?

Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector, told Bush that he did not think Saddam still had WMDs. He said that if he had more time to finish his inspections, he could prove it

Bush invaded before Blix could remove his reason for invading

Would that be the same United Nations who's Secretary General had a son who was brokering black market oil for arms deals for the Iraqi government?

Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with Hans Blix

Bush had every reason in the world NOT to invade Iraq when he did. Afghanistan was still unfinished business, bin Laden was still on the would have thought Bush would welcome additional time to be sure of the threat posed by Saddam

Instead, he invaded immediately, before Blix could prove his accusations were wrong

"Immediately"? Seriously, Winger? Saddam Hussein "played chicken" with UN sanctions for YEARS before we ever invaded Iraq. For you to sit here now and pretend that Bush rushed into something is a complete misrepresentation of what had taken place back then.

And I wasn't speaking of Hans Blix...I was referring to Kofi Anan's son Kojo!
Trump didn't destroy the GOP. It was already destroyed. Its been on a slow decline ever since Bush Sr. lost his re-election bid. Bush Jr. didn't help matters by allowing everybody to walk all over him. Total failure. And then putting up no viable candidates to run against a leftist community organizer continued the trend. They became weak. No balls. What sealed the deal for me is when Boehner and McConnell caved on Cut, Cap, and Balance. Assholes. Just shrugged their shoulders and moved on. No fight.
And people wonder why Trump is taking this country by storm.
Thank you Trump for destroying the useless , old traitor, corrupted GOP....and taking all America with you!!!

Thank you Donald Trump!

And the whole world thanks you.
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Thank you Trump for destroying the useless , old traitor, corrupted GOP....and taking all America with you!!!

Thank you Donald Trump!

And the whole world thanks you.

I think you are late to your Black Lies Matter rally.
Thank you Trump for destroying the useless , old traitor, corrupted GOP....and taking all America with you!!!

Thank you Donald Trump!

And the whole world thanks you.

I think you are late to your Black Lies Matter rally.

What do you mean....

I love Trump...I love libertarians and constitutionals...I love how the right USED to be.

I despise these luke warm weaklings so called conservatives of today.
Thank you Trump for destroying the useless , old traitor, corrupted GOP....and taking all America with you!!!

Thank you Donald Trump!

And the whole world thanks you.

I think you are late to your Black Lies Matter rally.

What do you mean....

I love Trump...I love libertarians and constitutionals...I love how the right USED to be.

I despise these luke warm weaklings so called conservatives of today.
Funny how the far left and far right sound alot alike at times.
Again? You sound like Al Bundy remembering his touchdown back at Polk High. It wasn't that big of a deal, but if it is the high point of your life, be all means enjoy your nostalgia.

It wasn't that big of a deal? The largest swing of seats from one political party to another in modern political history coming only two years after the Democrats seized control of the White House, the Senate and the House? Hard to see that as anything other than a serious bitch slap given by the electorate to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, Bulldog.

And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)
It wasn't that big of a deal? The largest swing of seats from one political party to another in modern political history coming only two years after the Democrats seized control of the White House, the Senate and the House? Hard to see that as anything other than a serious bitch slap given by the electorate to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, Bulldog.

And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)
No.1 - you are incorrect.
No.2 - you're a Godless lib. You don't even know what the word Amen actually means.
Now get off your mommy's computer and get to bed.
Funny how the far left and far right sound alot alike at times.
This is actually really true in my opinion. Not really talking about their policy goals, but speaking of the methods that they use in attempts to get their policy pushed through...both extremes should not be tolerated in my opinion.

This is one of the successes of Trump's campaign. Let's be clear, the far left has been a cancer slowly eating away at our nation. From politicians to ordinary people in their workplaces we have been infected with the fear of being politically correct. While this started out as a somewhat reasonable endeavor aiming to treat all others with their due respect, it has devolved into labeling anybody a bigot or racist that calls somebody black instead of African-American, having to issue trigger warnings before talking about pretty much anything, or living in fear of a hidden microaggression that can come from something as small as complimenting an Asian for doing well on a math test. The far left, especially in recent times with the radical BLM movement, has grown increasingly aggressive with overstepping its bounds, encroaching upon reasonable people's lives and fighting to REMOVE freedoms that we all believe in.

Now, while it is good to have a bit of fight against the far left, unfortunately, it appears to inspired a race to the polar opposite of the far right in many people. There is a difference between standing for your freedom of speech and believing that people shouldn't live in fear of offending others, and then just being outright uncivil and xenophobic...and encouraging such a behavior. I don't even pretend to pray that this election cycle will turn out well. What I am hoping is that, by the time our next election cycle comes around, Americans will have stopped running to the radical ends of the spectrum and returned to a more reasonable, moderate stance in their lives.
Again? You sound like Al Bundy remembering his touchdown back at Polk High. It wasn't that big of a deal, but if it is the high point of your life, be all means enjoy your nostalgia.

It wasn't that big of a deal? The largest swing of seats from one political party to another in modern political history coming only two years after the Democrats seized control of the White House, the Senate and the House? Hard to see that as anything other than a serious bitch slap given by the electorate to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, Bulldog.

And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!

Are you saying the only times that our country mad progress were when the presidency and both houses were under the control of one party? Quit whining and give me a break, The right failed and will continue to fail as long as they shun integrity.
Funny how the far left and far right sound alot alike at times.
This is actually really true in my opinion. Not really talking about their policy goals, but speaking of the methods that they use in attempts to get their policy pushed through...both extremes should not be tolerated in my opinion.
Well, they have to be tolerated, but it sure would be nice if cooler heads would prevail and people like this are culturally marginalized.

And you guys are right. Both ends of the spectrum hate hearing this, but their behaviors & methods are very similar. They're no easier to communicate with than some wild-eyed teenage boy on the streets of Damascus. They just don't realize it. Their minds are closed, and no contrary information or thought survives long in there.

No improvements of substance can happen until they don't control the conversation. And I don't see that happening any time soon.
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So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.

I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.
So out of only 115 votes, they passed less than a third, and most of those were just simple noncontroversial bills with near universal bipartisan support. (Extending construction deadlines? Get real) They promised to stop healthcare and reverse all of Obama's executive orders as soon as they took office. They have kept none of their promises, and barely took care of general housekeeping tasks that were required. The fact remains. They have accomplished nothing, and certainly no where near what they promised to do.
Non controversial? I posted that because you said they didn't do anything so that proves you're a liar. Changing the subject won't work.
I stand corrected.They did the absolute minimum required, and failed at ALL their stated goals and promises. Feel better now?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. Doubling down on your idiotic comments doesn't make you look smart. You're just a hate filled retard with a keyboard, nothing more.

OK. In an effort to be more than fair to you, why don't you just tell me what the winners of that little midterm election have done that you are most proud of? Point out their impressive successes that I might have missed.
It wasn't that big of a deal? The largest swing of seats from one political party to another in modern political history coming only two years after the Democrats seized control of the White House, the Senate and the House? Hard to see that as anything other than a serious bitch slap given by the electorate to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, Bulldog.

And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
And yet, they have done NOTHING since they have been there.

How about this, Progressives give us conservatives "60 working days" to pass whatever legislation we'd like and then we'll see who got what DONE! Deal?

You've already been given 500 days 12 hours and 37 minutes and counting since that little midterm election you're so proud of.
2014 Mid-Term Election

Yeah, right...and in ANY of that time did we have control of the Senate, House and White House like the Democrats did? Between Harry Reid refusing to bring GOP House bills to the floor of the Senate and Barack Obama declaring that he'd veto anything he didn't like that came to his is it that the GOP was "given" anything? Like I said...anytime you liberals want to give us conservatives complete control for 60 working days...THEN...and ONLY THEN can you say that the GOP has failed legislatively!
you gave us the GREAT RECESSION the last time you had the senate, the house of representatives and the white house in republican hands,,,

so let's count our blessing you haven't been given that again! AMEN! ;)

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.

Barack Obama has had to work past more obstruction than any president in modern history, perhaps ever.

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