
Seriously. Nobody gives a shit except you. So he was wrong and there have been non-Christian chaplains, bit whoop.

He cares .......

Perhaps he should quit whining and crying and accept that he is as human as anyone else and we all make mistakes. Moreover, he keeps on responding with protestations filled with bullshit. Apparently he wants this nonsensical dialogue to continue.
The only thing more annoying than a sore loser is a sore winner.

Because democrats still lost. obama was reelected but half the country still opposes him. It's a pyhrric victory. Democrats didn't only want obama to win, but for conservatives to become liberals and that they didn't win.
The only thing more annoying than a sore loser is a sore winner.

The poster started this bigoted thread. He wants to call me a liar, he should prove it; he wants to mischaracterize a country and a set of values I believe in, then he should prove it; he believes in his position, then he should prove it or STFU.

Further, "winning" on an internet site is like stepping in dog poop, if the old wives tale is true the "winner" will have good luck throughout the day...:doubt:
Seriously. Nobody gives a shit except you. So he was wrong and there have been non-Christian chaplains, bit whoop.

There has never been a non Christian Congressional Chaplain. I even post both links for the house and senate. How am I wrong when both links support what I said?
They are Chaplains, and you said, And yes all Chaplains have been of the Christian faith. from your source:

"Guest Chaplains have been selected to deliver occasional prayers to open Senate sessions "for many decades." In 1948 Wilmina Rowland Smith became the first female Guest Chaplain to deliver the opening prayer, in 1992 Warith Deen Mohammed was the first Muslim, and in 2007 Rajan Zed was the first Hindu."

Jesus Christ dude you are one stupid individual no Congressional Chaplain has been of any faith other than Christian. I guess now you're going to say all chaplains are congressional chaplains?

You cannot wiggle out of this, you said, "And yes all Chaplains have been of the Christian faith". Your own sources proved you wrong, I just posted what those sources stated.

You either failed to be thorough or you either intentionally left that information out to somehow prove your spurious argument. In either case you failed and were betrayed by your own sources.

Now you claim they were not Chaplains, but, guest speakers when your own sources clearly state the were Chaplains.....

Stupid bitch here is what I said.
"I guess that's why the founders voted to have all those theists and deists to be the congressional chaplains "
the only thing more annoying than a sore loser is a sore winner.

the poster started this bigoted thread. He wants to call me a liar, he should prove it; he wants to mischaracterize a country and a set of values i believe in, then he should prove it; he believes in his position, then he should prove it or stfu.

Further, "winning" on an internet site is like stepping in dog poop, if the old wives tale is true the "winner" will have good luck throughout the day...:doubt:

asshole there has never been a non christian congressional chaplain. i HAVE PROVEN YOU WRONG ON THAT NOR HAS THEIR EVER BEEN A THEIST OR DEIST AS CONGRESSIONAL CHAPLAIN
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One more time from both House Chaplain web site and the Senate Chaplain web site

Since the election of Rev. Linn in 1789, the House has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Baptist (7), Christian (1), Congregationalist (2), Disciples of Christ (1), Episcopalian (4), Lutheran (1), Methodist (16), Presbyterian (15), Roman Catholic (1), Unitarian (2), and Universalist (1).
History of the Chaplaincy, Office of the Chaplain
When the Senate first convened in New York City on April 6, 1789, one of its first orders of business was to appoint a committee to recommend a candidate for chaplain. On April 25, the Senate elected the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, Episcopal Bishop of New York, as its first chaplain. Since that time, the Senate has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Episcopalians (19), Methodists (17), Presbyterians (14), Baptists (6), Unitarians (2), Congregationalists (1), Lutherans (1), Roman Catholic (1), and Seventh-day Adventist (1).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > People > Officers & Staff > Senate Chaplain
No non Christians mentioned.
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One more time from both House Chaplain web site and the Senate Chaplain web site

Since the election of Rev. Linn in 1789, the House has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Baptist (7), Christian (1), Congregationalist (2), Disciples of Christ (1), Episcopalian (4), Lutheran (1), Methodist (16), Presbyterian (15), Roman Catholic (1), Unitarian (2), and Universalist (1).
History of the Chaplaincy, Office of the Chaplain
When the Senate first convened in New York City on April 6, 1789, one of its first orders of business was to appoint a committee to recommend a candidate for chaplain. On April 25, the Senate elected the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, Episcopal Bishop of New York, as its first chaplain. Since that time, the Senate has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Episcopalians (19), Methodists (17), Presbyterians (14), Baptists (6), Unitarians (2), Congregationalists (1), Lutherans (1), Roman Catholic (1), and Seventh-day Adventist (1).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > People > Officers & Staff > Senate Chaplain
No non Christians mentioned.

The following is what you used as well I suggest you read your resources.

I guess that's why the founders voted to have all those theists and deists to be the congressional chaplains
No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith
Chaplain of the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets look at the house.
Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope all of the Christian faith.
Now with all the founders being theists or deists as you have said You would have had at least ONE theists or deists as a Congressional Chaplain in the senate or house.
One more time from both House Chaplain web site and the Senate Chaplain web site

Since the election of Rev. Linn in 1789, the House has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Baptist (7), Christian (1), Congregationalist (2), Disciples of Christ (1), Episcopalian (4), Lutheran (1), Methodist (16), Presbyterian (15), Roman Catholic (1), Unitarian (2), and Universalist (1).
History of the Chaplaincy, Office of the Chaplain
When the Senate first convened in New York City on April 6, 1789, one of its first orders of business was to appoint a committee to recommend a candidate for chaplain. On April 25, the Senate elected the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, Episcopal Bishop of New York, as its first chaplain. Since that time, the Senate has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Episcopalians (19), Methodists (17), Presbyterians (14), Baptists (6), Unitarians (2), Congregationalists (1), Lutherans (1), Roman Catholic (1), and Seventh-day Adventist (1).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > People > Officers & Staff > Senate Chaplain
No non Christians mentioned.

The following is what you used as well I suggest you read your resources.

I guess that's why the founders voted to have all those theists and deists to be the CONGRESSIONAL CHAPLAINS
No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith
Chaplain of the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets look at the house.
Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope all of the Christian faith.
Now with all the founders being theists or deists as you have said You would have had at least ONE theists or deists as a Congressional Chaplain in the senate or house.

Dude stop it how many non Christian have been Congressional Chaplains?
One more time from both House Chaplain web site and the Senate Chaplain web site

Since the election of Rev. Linn in 1789, the House has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Baptist (7), Christian (1), Congregationalist (2), Disciples of Christ (1), Episcopalian (4), Lutheran (1), Methodist (16), Presbyterian (15), Roman Catholic (1), Unitarian (2), and Universalist (1).
History of the Chaplaincy, Office of the Chaplain
When the Senate first convened in New York City on April 6, 1789, one of its first orders of business was to appoint a committee to recommend a candidate for chaplain. On April 25, the Senate elected the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, Episcopal Bishop of New York, as its first chaplain. Since that time, the Senate has been served by chaplains of various religious denominations, including Episcopalians (19), Methodists (17), Presbyterians (14), Baptists (6), Unitarians (2), Congregationalists (1), Lutherans (1), Roman Catholic (1), and Seventh-day Adventist (1).

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > People > Officers & Staff > Senate Chaplain
No non Christians mentioned.

The following is what you used as well I suggest you read your resources.

I guess that's why the founders voted to have all those theists and deists to be the CONGRESSIONAL CHAPLAINS
No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith
Chaplain of the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets look at the house.
Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope all of the Christian faith.
Now with all the founders being theists or deists as you have said You would have had at least ONE theists or deists as a Congressional Chaplain in the senate or house.

Dude stop it how many non Christian have been Congressional Chaplains?

You are attempting to cherry pick the issue I have with your spurious arguments every time you are proven to be in error. How about putting on your big boy pants and simply deal with the facts within the issues I have cited.
The following is what you used as well I suggest you read your resources.

Dude stop it how many non Christian have been Congressional Chaplains?

You are attempting to cherry pick the issue I have with your spurious arguments every time you are proven to be in error. How about putting on your big boy pants and simply deal with the facts within the issues I have cited.

Who's cherry picking in that comment you partially quoted I was talking about the Congressional Chaplain. I wasn't talking about guest speakers.
Dude stop it how many non Christian have been Congressional Chaplains?

You are attempting to cherry pick the issue I have with your spurious arguments every time you are proven to be in error. How about putting on your big boy pants and simply deal with the facts within the issues I have cited.

Who's cherry picking in that comment you partially quoted I was talking about the Congressional Chaplain. I wasn't talking about guest speakers.

Try again..Your post is clearly a separate statement standing on it's own merits, "No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith"
You are attempting to cherry pick the issue I have with your spurious arguments every time you are proven to be in error. How about putting on your big boy pants and simply deal with the facts within the issues I have cited.

Who's cherry picking in that comment you partially quoted I was talking about the Congressional Chaplain. I wasn't talking about guest speakers.

Try again..Your post is clearly a separate statement standing on it's own merits, "No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith"

There is nothing to try again cherry picker

I guess that's why the founders voted to have all those theists and deists to be the CONGRESSIONAL CHAPLAINS
No wait All the Chaplains in the senate have been of the Christian faith
Chaplain of the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets look at the house.
Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope all of the Christian faith.
Now with all the founders being theists or deists as you have said You would have had at least ONE theists or deists as a Congressional Chaplain in the senate or house.

If one wasn't as stupid as you you would see I was talking about the Congressional Chaplain. One would also understand I was not talking about a guest speaker. They are not Congressional Chaplains. And I'm right all of the Congressional Chaplains have been Christians
you thanked your god.......i thanked mine.....i am not concerned with the god you worship just as you are not concerned with the goddess i believe in
you thanked your god.......i thanked mine.....i am not concerned with the god you worship just as you are not concerned with the goddess i believe in

Well at least mine will answer my prayers. My God is a very active live one that brought me back from death.
good for you....still no reason to insult those who dont agree with you....did it ever occur to you how many people are not slanted this towards those who are athesits with no regard to people who people in different religions....why did you feel the need to be insulting over thanksgiving?

i bet you are a fucking joy at winter solstice parties

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