Thanos: Ultimate symbol of global warming leftism goes to far

Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.

Au Contraire. Any rich leftist that wishes to promote "Sustainable Development" CAN be latent eugenicists. To wit ----

That's the core of the problem that rich Western environmentalists have with the developing world - they are afraid that Issac and his fellow poor people will aspire to live the way they do. Issac's children and grandchildren will want bigger houses, private automobiles, university educations, computers, refrigerators, air-conditioning, restaurant meals, imported foods, and trips abroad. In the lexicon of ideological environmentalists this is called "overconsumption."

To prevent the spread of "overconsumption" the Greens at the Summit in Johannesburg want to mandate measures that would "protect the livelihoods" of people like Issac's cattle-raising father. Essentially, the goal is to stop poor people like Issac from moving to the city and driving taxis or doing other work. These rich country environmentalists

"Sustainable development is setting the necessary social and ecological limits to economic growth," he declared. In other words, poor people like Issac and his children
should not aspire to the opportunities and wealth enjoyed by the citizens of developed

At issue is how the EU and the environmentalists define the term "renewable." To understand how radical the environmentalists' proposal is, consider that today only two percent of the world's primary energy is produced by renewables that ideological environmentalists would regard as acceptable — among them wind, solar, geothermal and small hydropower. The Europeans on the other hand would count as renewables such already-existing sources as large hydropower and traditional biomass. "Traditional
biomass" is a term that encompasses everything from collected wood to cow dung.
Large hydropower includes projects like India's much-loathed Narmada Dam and China's equally execrated Three Gorges Dam.

Conveniently, the Euro plan requires little heavy lifting. Morgan points out that, using the
EU definition, fourteen percent of the world's primary energy is already supplied by
renewables; in effect the EU is calling for a mere one-percent increase in the portion of
primary energy supplied by renewables by 2015. European diplomats have practiced
this sort of continental guile since the days of Rochefoucauld. Less crafty United States
negotiators would simply prefer to dump any timetables and targets for renewable energy.

IOWs --- don't send microloans, tractors, power stations, general aid and trade. Send them windmills and solar panels so that their economies will NEVER develop beyond the Earth's capacity to shelter these hoards. Forbid them the consumption and waste and conveniences of developed countries. And underneath all of that is let them suffer at marginal poverty so that their birthrate is neutralized.

That's getting into tinfoil hat territory, isn't it? When a hateful RWNJ tells poor folks they shouldn't have kids unless they can afford them, is that advocating eugenics? According to your logic, it is.
This thread has got some truly funny twists in it, doesn't it? Over a comic book movie.....:71:

So you had no idea what International Sustainable Development really meant huh? Sorry for your gleeful ignorance where you think that analyzing fiction for academic reasons related to politics and culture is just "a conspiracy theory". It's a conspiracy theory that has been on EVERY campus for decades..

The Implications of Fictional Media for Political …
The Implications of Fictional Media for Political Beliefs Kenneth Mulligan1 Assistant Professor [email protected] Philip Habel Assistant Professor [email protected]

Published in:
American Politics Research · 2013
Kenneth Mulligan · Philip Habel
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Entertainment · Fiction

Dystopia and Science Fiction

Ideology and Narrative Fiction | the living handbook of narratology

Political ideas in science fiction - Wikipedia

50 Best Novels for Political Junkies -

That's a SAD kind of funny that you think that way..

And what about your CNN hero Ted Turner asserting the way to save the planet from GW is POPULATION CONTROL??? Just like in the OP of this thread? No comment from you huh?

Fiction always mirrors political/cultural ideas and plays them out in ways that folks can understand. Go take a couple college level courses in it and SEE if it's all "just a funny conspiracy theory"... :deal:
Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.

Au Contraire. Any rich leftist that wishes to promote "Sustainable Development" CAN be latent eugenicists. To wit ----

That's the core of the problem that rich Western environmentalists have with the developing world - they are afraid that Issac and his fellow poor people will aspire to live the way they do. Issac's children and grandchildren will want bigger houses, private automobiles, university educations, computers, refrigerators, air-conditioning, restaurant meals, imported foods, and trips abroad. In the lexicon of ideological environmentalists this is called "overconsumption."

To prevent the spread of "overconsumption" the Greens at the Summit in Johannesburg want to mandate measures that would "protect the livelihoods" of people like Issac's cattle-raising father. Essentially, the goal is to stop poor people like Issac from moving to the city and driving taxis or doing other work. These rich country environmentalists

"Sustainable development is setting the necessary social and ecological limits to economic growth," he declared. In other words, poor people like Issac and his children
should not aspire to the opportunities and wealth enjoyed by the citizens of developed

At issue is how the EU and the environmentalists define the term "renewable." To understand how radical the environmentalists' proposal is, consider that today only two percent of the world's primary energy is produced by renewables that ideological environmentalists would regard as acceptable — among them wind, solar, geothermal and small hydropower. The Europeans on the other hand would count as renewables such already-existing sources as large hydropower and traditional biomass. "Traditional
biomass" is a term that encompasses everything from collected wood to cow dung.
Large hydropower includes projects like India's much-loathed Narmada Dam and China's equally execrated Three Gorges Dam.

Conveniently, the Euro plan requires little heavy lifting. Morgan points out that, using the
EU definition, fourteen percent of the world's primary energy is already supplied by
renewables; in effect the EU is calling for a mere one-percent increase in the portion of
primary energy supplied by renewables by 2015. European diplomats have practiced
this sort of continental guile since the days of Rochefoucauld. Less crafty United States
negotiators would simply prefer to dump any timetables and targets for renewable energy.

IOWs --- don't send microloans, tractors, power stations, general aid and trade. Send them windmills and solar panels so that their economies will NEVER develop beyond the Earth's capacity to shelter these hoards. Forbid them the consumption and waste and conveniences of developed countries. And underneath all of that is let them suffer at marginal poverty so that their birthrate is neutralized.

That's getting into tinfoil hat territory, isn't it? When a hateful RWNJ tells poor folks they shouldn't have kids unless they can afford them, is that advocating eugenics? According to your logic, it is.
This thread has got some truly funny twists in it, doesn't it? Over a comic book movie.....:71:

So you had no idea what International Sustainable Development really meant huh? Sorry for your gleeful ignorance where you think that analyzing fiction for academic reasons related to politics and culture is just "a conspiracy theory". It's a conspiracy theory that has been on EVERY campus for decades..

The Implications of Fictional Media for Political …
The Implications of Fictional Media for Political Beliefs Kenneth Mulligan1 Assistant Professor [email protected] Philip Habel Assistant Professor [email protected]

Published in:
American Politics Research · 2013
Kenneth Mulligan · Philip Habel
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Entertainment · Fiction

Dystopia and Science Fiction

Ideology and Narrative Fiction | the living handbook of narratology

Political ideas in science fiction - Wikipedia

50 Best Novels for Political Junkies -

That's a SAD kind of funny that you think that way..

And what about your CNN hero Ted Turner asserting the way to save the planet from GW is POPULATION CONTROL??? Just like in the OP of this thread? No comment from you huh?

Fiction always mirrors political/cultural ideas and plays them out in ways that folks can understand. Go take a couple college level courses in it and SEE if it's all "just a funny conspiracy theory"... :deal:

Well stated!

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In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Liberals should stop reproducing, come on libs take one for the planet.

You fucking Conservatives think that a character made 20 years before the idea of global warming became a reality is really about global warming...and it is the libs that should stop reproducing?

What a fucked up world we live in

Come on step up libs lead by example. Or are you people all talk and no action?
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Took the kids to see this film today.....and couldn't agree more.

The villain, who looked a lot like the main guy in "Pawn Stars," was the ultimate Liberal: kill half the population to bring about Utopia.

No one who remembers the 20th century could miss that.

I wonder if the 'slaughter' of the finale might resonate with those who understand the march of totalitarianism....not government school grads, of course.

Anyway....good call.

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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Of course you are correct about political themes in films.

This from the Russo Bros., the directors of the film, interview:

“My brother and I are politically minded guys. We’re all impacted by what’s going on every day in the world. Heroes are a way to remove yourself from what may be difficult concepts to talk about in your life. They’re a way to get some distance and have an experience in a theater where you’re confronting those issues in a way that’s safer for your psyche.”
The Russo Brothers Talk Politics, Captain America, And The Avengers

Those dopes who poo-poo's the idea that there is a political meaning in the film,....perhaps they see exactly what we saw, but fear admitting it as per its effect on their worldview.
Thanos....evil.....and so is Liberalism.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Answer the question, dumbass.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.

The Grapes of Wrath is a book about the very real events caused by the dust bowl. Our history books verify it really happened. When you can show me something saying a real effort to kill off half the universe and claiming humanitarian reasons, we can talk. Until then, you're just another nut.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

Sent from my iPhone using

Of course you are correct about political themes in films.

This from the Russo Bros., the directors of the film, interview:

“My brother and I are politically minded guys. We’re all impacted by what’s going on every day in the world. Heroes are a way to remove yourself from what may be difficult concepts to talk about in your life. They’re a way to get some distance and have an experience in a theater where you’re confronting those issues in a way that’s safer for your psyche.”
The Russo Brothers Talk Politics, Captain America, And The Avengers

Those dopes who poo-poo's the idea that there is a political meaning in the film,....perhaps they see exactly what we saw, but fear admitting it as per its effect on their worldview.
Thanos....evil.....and so is Liberalism.

I think they're either not sharp enough to realize it, or not enough free-thinking to admit it to themselves if it they do.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Um just 2 years ago liberals where freaking out over A Handmaid's Tale...

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You make as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.

The Grapes of Wrath is a book about the very real events caused by the dust bowl. Our history books verify it really happened. When you can show me something saying a real effort to kill off half the universe and claiming humanitarian reasons, we can talk. Until then, you're just another nut.
Symbolism - Examples and Definition of Symbolism

i.e. Thanos is a symbol for globalist elites and their motivations. While they might believe they have good intentions, the product of those intentions ends up being the destruction of life and freedom.

You could learn something if you paid attention.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.

The Grapes of Wrath is a book about the very real events caused by the dust bowl. Our history books verify it really happened. When you can show me something saying a real effort to kill off half the universe and claiming humanitarian reasons, we can talk. Until then, you're just another nut.
Symbolism - Examples and Definition of Symbolism

i.e. Thanos is a symbol for globalist elites and their motivations. While they might believe they have good intentions, the product of those intentions ends up being the destruction of life and freedom.

You could learn something if you paid attention.

Thanos first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1973, yet you are trying to make him into something he is not.

give it up, you are just looking like a fool
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Um just 2 years ago liberals where freaking out over A Handmaid's Tale...

There is very little difference between the right wing and the left wing, all wingers are idiots and mindless sheep
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Um just 2 years ago liberals where freaking out over A Handmaid's Tale...

I think a more apt comparison of where society is now going, is the book and movie Logan's Run.

The elites foresee a time when we will run out of rare earth resources, not just peak oil, for the Russian oil science believes, to a degree that this resource replenishes. Yet, other rare earth elements are peak in nature, and consumption will eventually use them all up.

Also, AI and automation will make labor obsolete, thus, population will outstrip the earth's carrying capacity. The only politician currently talking about this is that Yang fellow.

The elites would like to institute a strict regime of population and resource control. Anyone familiar with Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 should recognize this.

. . . i.e. Logan's Run.

Logan's Run - Wikipedia
Logan's Run is a novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. Published in 1967, the novel depicts a dystopic ageist future society in which both population and the consumption of resources are maintained in equilibrium by requiring the death of everyone reaching the age of 21. The story follows the actions of Logan, a Sandman charged with enforcing the rule, as he tracks down and kills citizens who "run" from society's lethal demand—only to end up "running" himself.

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.

The Grapes of Wrath is a book about the very real events caused by the dust bowl. Our history books verify it really happened. When you can show me something saying a real effort to kill off half the universe and claiming humanitarian reasons, we can talk. Until then, you're just another nut.
Symbolism - Examples and Definition of Symbolism

i.e. Thanos is a symbol for globalist elites and their motivations. While they might believe they have good intentions, the product of those intentions ends up being the destruction of life and freedom.

You could learn something if you paid attention.

Thanos first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1973, yet you are trying to make him into something he is not.

give it up, you are just looking like a fool

I'm obviously not talking about the comic book version.

If we look at the movie adaptation of Black Panther, we can see a bunch of progressive political agenda in that movie as well.

We don't look at source material for the agenda in the modern propaganda, that would be foolish and unconstructive.
It would also be a foolish act of ultimate denial to refuse to look at the propaganda implicit in these movies.

My kid as been a HUGE fan of these movies forever. But even HE KNOWS these flicks all have an implicit propaganda message of one sort or another.

Shit, that recent one, they even changed the sex of the main character. I am sure you are smart enough to know what THAT was all about. Hell, Hollyweird probably had that planned even before the 2016 election. All sorts of things were planned. This was supposed to be the administration of the woman. All sorts of movies have a SJW theme, and yet, wrong administration. The propaganda doesn't quite match the regime, there is a mismatch here.

The original Iron Man and Capt. America flicks, like the Transformers movies, are just huge, bloated PR movies for the US armed forces. They are, in essence, giant recruiting tools. Anyone that can't figure THAT out, is liable to graduate from High School and enlist. :71:

NONE of it has to do with the original source material, the movies, like the Doc said, are made to make money, and, further, to influence public opinion. It is, in the final analysis, sophisticated propaganda.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia
I'd love to see a remake of Logan's Run, and folks have been bouncing around the idea now for thirty years.

I don't think it will happen. It would wake up too much of the younger generation. There is definitely a hunger for dystopian books and movies. . . .

But that one? Too damn close to the truth.

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

Sent from my iPhone using

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?
And The Grapes of Wrath is "just a book."

If you can't handle artists' critiques on society, go away.

The Grapes of Wrath is a book about the very real events caused by the dust bowl. Our history books verify it really happened. When you can show me something saying a real effort to kill off half the universe and claiming humanitarian reasons, we can talk. Until then, you're just another nut.
Symbolism - Examples and Definition of Symbolism

i.e. Thanos is a symbol for globalist elites and their motivations. While they might believe they have good intentions, the product of those intentions ends up being the destruction of life and freedom.

You could learn something if you paid attention.

The movie might depict that, but a movie is not a sane basis for national decisions. It's just a movie.
I'm obviously not talking about the comic book version.

If we look at the movie adaptation of Black Panther, we can see a bunch of progressive political agenda in that movie as well.

We don't look at source material for the agenda in the modern propaganda, that would be foolish and unconstructive.
It would also be a foolish act of ultimate denial to refuse to look at the propaganda implicit in these movies.

My kid as been a HUGE fan of these movies forever. But even HE KNOWS these flicks all have an implicit propaganda message of one sort or another.

Shit, that recent one, they even changed the sex of the main character. I am sure you are smart enough to know what THAT was all about. Hell, Hollyweird probably had that planned even before the 2016 election. All sorts of things were planned. This was supposed to be the administration of the woman. All sorts of movies have a SJW theme, and yet, wrong administration. The propaganda doesn't quite match the regime, there is a mismatch here.

The original Iron Man and Capt. America flicks, like the Transformers movies, are just huge, bloated PR movies for the US armed forces. They are, in essence, giant recruiting tools. Anyone that can't figure THAT out, is liable to graduate from High School and enlist. :71:

NONE of it has to do with the original source material, the movies, like the Doc said, are made to make money, and, further, to influence public opinion. It is, in the final analysis, sophisticated propaganda.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

I cannot imagine my life being so tied around politics that I could not even watch a movie just for the enjoyment. What a shitty way to live life.

I have seen every movie you speak of and did not come away from any of them thinking the weird shit you do.

I assume you are speaking about Capt Marvel and changing the sex of the character, but again your history of comics is lacking...

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