Thanos: Ultimate symbol of global warming leftism goes to far

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

If true, this is no different than what was done to white women.

You realize this, right?

You mean birth control, increased independence and a longer lifespan? How awful.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Liberals should stop reproducing, come on libs take one for the planet.

You fucking Conservatives think that a character made 20 years before the idea of global warming became a reality is really about global warming...and it is the libs that should stop reproducing?

What a fucked up world we live in
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

Please, no nonsensical conspiracy theories.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

If true, this is no different than what was done to white women.

You realize this, right?

Just pointing out it's a real regressive fantasy.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Movies have premises. Premises have significance. Otherwise so much fiction wouldn't constantly be quoted in Political discussions. Right?
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

If true, this is no different than what was done to white women.

You realize this, right?

Just pointing out it's a real regressive fantasy.


The evidence suggests the fantasy is yours.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Oh GOOD.. Then it was probably inspired by the radical leftists back in the 60s predicting world wide war and famine and brimstone raining down from Gaia.

They FLOODED the enviro fervor back then with "The Population Bomb" stuff. Marshall McCluhan, Paul Erlich? Ever hear of these guys? It's what started the whole Earth Day and the Whole Earth Catalogue stuff..
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

Please, no nonsensical conspiracy theories.

It's not a conspiracy theory if it's actually being advocated.

SEPS Scientists and Environmentalists for Population Stabilization

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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It's the Agenda 21 movie!
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Liberals should stop reproducing, come on libs take one for the planet.

You fucking Conservatives think that a character made 20 years before the idea of global warming became a reality is really about global warming...and it is the libs that should stop reproducing?

What a fucked up world we live in

The theory of depopulation for control was concocted decades before that.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Oh GOOD.. Then it was probably inspired by the radical leftists back in the 60s predicting world wide war and famine and brimstone raining down from Gaia.

They FLOODED the enviro fervor back then with "The Population Bomb" stuff. Marshall McCluhan, Paul Erlich? Ever hear of these guys? It's what started the whole Earth Day and the Whole Earth Catalogue stuff..

It must suck to live such a life that one cannot even read a comic book without making it about partisan politics.

Fuck, I am glad I am not you.

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In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Oh GOOD.. Then it was probably inspired by the radical leftists back in the 60s predicting world wide war and famine and brimstone raining down from Gaia.

They FLOODED the enviro fervor back then with "The Population Bomb" stuff. Marshall McCluhan, Paul Erlich? Ever hear of these guys? It's what started the whole Earth Day and the Whole Earth Catalogue stuff..

As he was actually written, Thanos (in the comics) was not seeking to "save the universe" by killing half the population to alleviate overpopulation. That was retconned for the movie.

In the comics, Thanos is seeking to kill half the population of the universe to impress his crush - Marvel's physical personification of Death, who is portrayed as a lady. As in, he's "courting Death".

Seriously, I didn't just make that up.
As for why it was changed to the whole "overpopulation" thing, I think it's because they needed (and succeeded in doing so, in my opinion) to make him a three-dimensional character. He couldn't be as cartoonishly (or comic bookishly) evil, to get the impact they were looking for.
You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

Sent from my iPhone using

UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

If true, this is no different than what was done to white women.

You realize this, right?

Just pointing out it's a real regressive fantasy.


The evidence suggests the fantasy is yours.

Right, that why world billionaires are spending so much money on population control.

As for why it was changed to the whole "overpopulation" thing, I think it's because they needed (and succeeded in doing so, in my opinion) to make him a three-dimensional character. He couldn't be as cartoonishly (or comic bookishly) evil, to get the impact they were looking for.
Most Hollywood Movies are made by Hollywood types, you know the ones who molest children…
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.

You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

Sent from my iPhone using

UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population

Please, no nonsensical conspiracy theories.

It's not a conspiracy theory if it's actually being advocated.

SEPS Scientists and Environmentalists for Population Stabilization

They way you are presenting it it is a conspiracy theory.

I've provided 3 links, you, not so much.

As for why it was changed to the whole "overpopulation" thing, I think it's because they needed (and succeeded in doing so, in my opinion) to make him a three-dimensional character. He couldn't be as cartoonishly (or comic bookishly) evil, to get the impact they were looking for.
Most Hollywood Movies are made by Hollywood types, you know the ones who molest children…

Most movies are made by people who want to make money.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Oh GOOD.. Then it was probably inspired by the radical leftists back in the 60s predicting world wide war and famine and brimstone raining down from Gaia.

They FLOODED the enviro fervor back then with "The Population Bomb" stuff. Marshall McCluhan, Paul Erlich? Ever hear of these guys? It's what started the whole Earth Day and the Whole Earth Catalogue stuff..

It must suck to live such a life that one cannot even read a comic book without making it about partisan politics.

Fuck, I am glad I am not you.

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I wasn't talking about Thanos or whatever fiction that came from. I was referring to the ORIGINS of the drumbeats about population control and that being the GREATEST THREAT to the planet going back FURTHER than just the Global Warming crazy train.

In fact, MANY of the loudmouths on the GW crazy train were SCHOOLED on Erlich and his Population Bomb attempts to "play on their fears" for the sake of the planet.

For instance, Bill Nye was the Grand Marshall of that latest GW march and protest within the past year. And anytime he's publicly debated "the science" of GW -- he's off on population control in the 1st 5 minutes.

MANY of the ardent climate warriors and the UN PROGRAMS that go with that is all about denying 3rd world countries access to the same GDP growth the rest of the world has had. And it all takes on a very obvious and sinister throttling nature of developing countries with the highest birth rates.

Which is ALL BTW -- total counterproductive. Since it's the DEVELOPED world that can AFFORD to take up ardent environmental stands.

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