Thanos: Ultimate symbol of global warming leftism goes to far

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Oh GOOD.. Then it was probably inspired by the radical leftists back in the 60s predicting world wide war and famine and brimstone raining down from Gaia.

They FLOODED the enviro fervor back then with "The Population Bomb" stuff. Marshall McCluhan, Paul Erlich? Ever hear of these guys? It's what started the whole Earth Day and the Whole Earth Catalogue stuff..

It must suck to live such a life that one cannot even read a comic book without making it about partisan politics.

Fuck, I am glad I am not you.

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I wasn't talking about Thanos or whatever fiction that came from. I was referring to the ORIGINS of the drumbeats about population control and that being the GREATEST THREAT to the planet going back FURTHER than just the Global Warming crazy train.

In fact, MANY of the loudmouths on the GW crazy train were SCHOOLED on Erlich and his Population Bomb attempts to "play on their fears" for the sake of the planet.

For instance, Bill Nye was the Grand Marshall of that latest GW march and protest within the past year. And anytime he's publicly debated "the science" of GW -- he's off on population control in the 1st 5 minutes.

MANY of the ardent climate warriors and the UN PROGRAMS that go with that is all about denying 3rd world countries access to the same GDP growth the rest of the world has had. And it all takes on a very obvious and sinister throttling nature of developing countries with the highest birth rates.

Which is ALL BTW -- total counterproductive. Since it's the DEVELOPED world that can AFFORD to take up ardent environmental stands.

Bill Nye is a UN/NWO shill, and that he replaced Bugs Bunny in order to indoctrinate a generation of children pisses me off! :mad:
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.
As for why it was changed to the whole "overpopulation" thing, I think it's because they needed (and succeeded in doing so, in my opinion) to make him a three-dimensional character. He couldn't be as cartoonishly (or comic bookishly) evil, to get the impact they were looking for.
Most Hollywood Movies are made by Hollywood types, you know the ones who molest children…

Most movies are made by people who want to make money.

Yep, but they have no problem throwing in their social and political agendas as well, the same applies to TV.

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In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Population reduction is not human extinction.

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Population reduction is not human extinction.

Of course, people who advocate such things want to remain to rule the world.

Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Population reduction is not human extinction.

Of course, people who advocate such things want to remain to rule the world.


Population reduction, in this context, doesn't mean killing people who are currently alive.

You understand that, right?
Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Population reduction is not human extinction.

Of course, people who advocate such things want to remain to rule the world.


Population reduction, in this context, doesn't mean killing people who are currently alive.

You understand that, right?

Yeah, it's more covert than that, the world wide spread of planned parenthood is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's a cornerstone of the ideology.

They way you are presenting it it is a conspiracy theory.

I've provided 3 links, you, not so much.

Look dude, I can post links that "prove" bush destroyed the twin towers. That doesn't make it true.

So don't read the links or watch the video, you're free to remain ignorant.

Here's a search, feel free to scroll through and pick your own sources.

environmentalist call for forced population reduction - Bing

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Wikipedia


Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.

Au Contraire. Any rich leftist that wishes to promote "Sustainable Development" CAN be latent eugenicists. To wit ----

That's the core of the problem that rich Western environmentalists have with the developing world - they are afraid that Issac and his fellow poor people will aspire to live the way they do. Issac's children and grandchildren will want bigger houses, private automobiles, university educations, computers, refrigerators, air-conditioning, restaurant meals, imported foods, and trips abroad. In the lexicon of ideological environmentalists this is called "overconsumption."

To prevent the spread of "overconsumption" the Greens at the Summit in Johannesburg want to mandate measures that would "protect the livelihoods" of people like Issac's cattle-raising father. Essentially, the goal is to stop poor people like Issac from moving to the city and driving taxis or doing other work. These rich country environmentalists

"Sustainable development is setting the necessary social and ecological limits to economic growth," he declared. In other words, poor people like Issac and his children
should not aspire to the opportunities and wealth enjoyed by the citizens of developed

At issue is how the EU and the environmentalists define the term "renewable." To understand how radical the environmentalists' proposal is, consider that today only two percent of the world's primary energy is produced by renewables that ideological environmentalists would regard as acceptable — among them wind, solar, geothermal and small hydropower. The Europeans on the other hand would count as renewables such already-existing sources as large hydropower and traditional biomass. "Traditional
biomass" is a term that encompasses everything from collected wood to cow dung.
Large hydropower includes projects like India's much-loathed Narmada Dam and China's equally execrated Three Gorges Dam.

Conveniently, the Euro plan requires little heavy lifting. Morgan points out that, using the
EU definition, fourteen percent of the world's primary energy is already supplied by
renewables; in effect the EU is calling for a mere one-percent increase in the portion of
primary energy supplied by renewables by 2015. European diplomats have practiced
this sort of continental guile since the days of Rochefoucauld. Less crafty United States
negotiators would simply prefer to dump any timetables and targets for renewable energy.

IOWs --- don't send microloans, tractors, power stations, general aid and trade. Send them windmills and solar panels so that their economies will NEVER develop beyond the Earth's capacity to shelter these hoards. Forbid them the consumption and waste and conveniences of developed countries. And underneath all of that is let them suffer at marginal poverty so that their birthrate is neutralized.

Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Thanks man. I knew I had heard him weigh in on population vs "the planet". But forget where I heard it. The folks who edited that did have somewhat of a conspiracy agenda since they focused on one slip up in his presentation about vaccines.

But I recall the TED talk was bad enough with his references that his PSEC equation was pretty much maxed out for fixing CO2 WITHOUT reduction in population growth in underdeveloped nations..

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Thanks man. I knew I had heard him weigh in on population vs "the planet". But forget where I heard it. The folks who edited that did have somewhat of a conspiracy agenda since they focused on one slip up in his presentation about vaccines.

But I recall the TED talk was bad enough with his references that his PSEC equation was pretty much maxed out for fixing CO2 WITHOUT reduction in population growth in underdeveloped nations..

I just pulled up the first video I found on it, I figure if people wanted to learn more, I'm sure the full presentation is out there. There are also articles that are pretty good, with links, that people can read, I didn't post them because the regressives would poopoo the sources.

Yes, crazies have crazy ideas. Who knew?

Yeah, crazies like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and Buffett. Do a bit of reading so you're not so ignorant.


Gates, the Rockefellers, and Buffet aren't planning on the extinction of humans, you silly goober. And you wonder why people say right wingers are insane.


Thanks man. I knew I had heard him weigh in on population vs "the planet". But forget where I heard it. The folks who edited that did have somewhat of a conspiracy agenda since they focused on one slip up in his presentation about vaccines.

But I recall the TED talk was bad enough with his references that his PSEC equation was pretty much maxed out for fixing CO2 WITHOUT reduction in population growth in underdeveloped nations..

I just pulled up the first video I found on it, I figure if people wanted to learn more, I'm sure the full presentation is out there. There are also articles that are pretty good, with links, that people can read, I didn't post them because the regressives would poopoo the sources.


Here you go.. GodFather of CNN itself. GW action IS population control according to Ted Turner. THERE'S your leftist sugar daddy connection to eugenics right HERE VVVVVVVV

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Please, no nonsensical conspiracy theories.

It's not a conspiracy theory if it's actually being advocated.

SEPS Scientists and Environmentalists for Population Stabilization

They way you are presenting it it is a conspiracy theory.

I've provided 3 links, you, not so much.

Look dude, I can post links that "prove" bush destroyed the twin towers. That doesn't make it true.

So don't read the links or watch the video, you're free to remain ignorant.

Here's a search, feel free to scroll through and pick your own sources.

environmentalist call for forced population reduction - Bing

Well I'm not gonna respond to this line any further. The moderation staff has apparently decided that me pointing out this is a conspiracy theory is off topic while you bringing it up for discussion is not. Since the mods are biased in you favor and deleting my replies I'm out.
In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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Holy fuck you are stupid. Thanos predates the global warming movement by about 20 years

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Not the Infinity War version that just came out

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In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You are reading far too much into what is basically a comic book.

Get over it.

For the most part I know it is a comic book movie and it was not the writers or director’s point to make the baddie an enviroNAZI, but the symbolism is still there.

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In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

I have seen the movie and have drawn my own conclusions without thought of you or your moronic assertions. So...carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done.

Just as I can draw my own conclusions.

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I love the anger and hatred liberals spew when making a simple point about symbolism in fiction. Heck college courses are taught on it.

Many Hollywood blockbusters push agendas. The Day After Tomorrow comes to mind.

Get over yourself lefties.

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