Thanos: Ultimate symbol of global warming leftism goes to far

Perhaps i'm quaint, but i like the idea of real men & women doing things real men and women do.....not hollyweirds gender bender baloney

I'm obviously not talking about the comic book version.

If we look at the movie adaptation of Black Panther, we can see a bunch of progressive political agenda in that movie as well.

We don't look at source material for the agenda in the modern propaganda, that would be foolish and unconstructive.
It would also be a foolish act of ultimate denial to refuse to look at the propaganda implicit in these movies.

My kid as been a HUGE fan of these movies forever. But even HE KNOWS these flicks all have an implicit propaganda message of one sort or another.

Shit, that recent one, they even changed the sex of the main character. I am sure you are smart enough to know what THAT was all about. Hell, Hollyweird probably had that planned even before the 2016 election. All sorts of things were planned. This was supposed to be the administration of the woman. All sorts of movies have a SJW theme, and yet, wrong administration. The propaganda doesn't quite match the regime, there is a mismatch here.

The original Iron Man and Capt. America flicks, like the Transformers movies, are just huge, bloated PR movies for the US armed forces. They are, in essence, giant recruiting tools. Anyone that can't figure THAT out, is liable to graduate from High School and enlist. :71:

NONE of it has to do with the original source material, the movies, like the Doc said, are made to make money, and, further, to influence public opinion. It is, in the final analysis, sophisticated propaganda.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

I cannot imagine my life being so tied around politics that I could not even watch a movie just for the enjoyment. What a shitty way to live life.

I have seen every movie you speak of and did not come away from any of them thinking the weird shit you do.

I assume you are speaking about Capt Marvel and changing the sex of the character, but again your history of comics is lacking...

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The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

Nope, they definitely push it. You really don't understand how the Anglo-American Empire work? Or the Chatham House rules operate? :71:

If you look at the consolidation of the Entertainment companies and the membership of these companies in CFR? It is quite purposeful.

In the movie Thanos believed the universe has gotten too over populated (sound familiar leftists) and people use up the resources and destroy the environment. As a humanitarian and for the greater good, he will take it upon himself to kill off half the universe’s population. The people must pay the price for the environment. Sound familiar lefties? Surprised a Hollywood movie used such symbolism.

So question to the leftists, since Thanos is a liberal promoting your agenda, are you going to root for him in the movie?

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You understand it is just a movie, don't you?

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiracies are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Conservatives are ultra-triggered by movies, even though the ones based entirely on fiction. Conspiraices are seen everywhere where they don't exist.

Paranoia is the term for this.

The GOP should issue tinfoil hats to all their members.

Yes instead of those colonial teabagger hats they should get colonial tinfoil hats. Cons you should get on that.

You fools do realize there is symbolism in fiction correct?

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Of course you are correct about political themes in films.

This from the Russo Bros., the directors of the film, interview:

“My brother and I are politically minded guys. We’re all impacted by what’s going on every day in the world. Heroes are a way to remove yourself from what may be difficult concepts to talk about in your life. They’re a way to get some distance and have an experience in a theater where you’re confronting those issues in a way that’s safer for your psyche.”
The Russo Brothers Talk Politics, Captain America, And The Avengers

Those dopes who poo-poo's the idea that there is a political meaning in the film,....perhaps they see exactly what we saw, but fear admitting it as per its effect on their worldview.
Thanos....evil.....and so is Liberalism.

I think they're either not sharp enough to realize it, or not enough free-thinking to admit it to themselves if it they do.

Or too cowardly to ever connect the dots, and question their masters.

The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

Nope, they definitely push it. You really don't understand how the Anglo-American Empire work? Or the Chatham House rules operate? :71:

If you look at the consolidation of the Entertainment companies and the membership of these companies in CFR? It is quite purposeful.


Dang, how did I miss the signs of you being a conspiracy theory nut.

That explains so much.

Well, carry on!

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The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

Nope, they definitely push it. You really don't understand how the Anglo-American Empire work? Or the Chatham House rules operate? :71:

If you look at the consolidation of the Entertainment companies and the membership of these companies in CFR? It is quite purposeful.


Dang, how did I miss the signs of you being a conspiracy theory nut.

That explains so much.

Well, carry on!

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So you deny that the Council on Foreign Relations exists?

Or you deny that Chatham House Rules exist?

. . . or are you just done and this is a personal attack because you have nothing better?



The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

Nope, they definitely push it. You really don't understand how the Anglo-American Empire work? Or the Chatham House rules operate? :71:

If you look at the consolidation of the Entertainment companies and the membership of these companies in CFR? It is quite purposeful.


Dang, how did I miss the signs of you being a conspiracy theory nut.

That explains so much.

Well, carry on!

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So you deny that the Council on Foreign Relations exists?

Or you deny that Chatham House Rules exist?

. . . or are you just done and this is a personal attack because you have nothing better?

Why yes, the CFR does exist, but no it does not control the world.

Yes, there are the Chatham House Rules but they are not evil or sinister.

This is how you CT nuts operate, you take normal everyday things and twist them into something much bigger than they really are. I have spent a long time dealing with CTs.

I spent many years on a Christian forum that had a number of Flat Earthers, they do the same thing to support their theory.

I am far too much of a skeptic to be a CTer. Buying into these things give mankind far more credit than I am willing to give

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The point, sir, is that movies and TEE VEE, due to their very nature, are used for propaganda and shifting of cultural norms.

YES, we can sit back and enjoy them passively.

YET, if you are not aware of their very powerful ability to shift ones world view after viewing them, then you are susceptible to their very powerful propaganda role in society.

I am not sure how the link supports your position, but whatever.

Do TV and movies push the shifting of cultural norms or do they just follow the shift after it occurs?

Nope, they definitely push it. You really don't understand how the Anglo-American Empire work? Or the Chatham House rules operate? :71:

If you look at the consolidation of the Entertainment companies and the membership of these companies in CFR? It is quite purposeful.


Dang, how did I miss the signs of you being a conspiracy theory nut.

That explains so much.

Well, carry on!

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So you deny that the Council on Foreign Relations exists?

Or you deny that Chatham House Rules exist?

. . . or are you just done and this is a personal attack because you have nothing better?

Why yes, the CFR does exist, but no it does not control the world.

Yes, there are the Chatham House Rules but they are not evil or sinister.

This is how you CT nuts operate, you take normal everyday things and twist them into something much bigger than they really are. I have spent a long time dealing with CTs.

I spent many years on a Christian forum that had a number of Flat Earthers, they do the same thing to support their theory.

I am far too much of a skeptic to be a CTer. Buying into these things give mankind far more credit than I am willing to give

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It's not "conspiracy theory," it's just understanding how the system really works buddy.

You go ahead and believe the reason the system favors the one percent of the one percent and never changes is pure coincidence if that works for you . . .

There is a reason they call it denial gator.


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