That 70s Show Star's Death Lisa Robin Kelly


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Jan 6, 2007
We were so sad to hear of the passing of That 70s Show star Lisa Robin Kelly Wednesday.
Many assumed because she died in rehab that her death was caused by drugs or alcohol, but this appears to not be the case.
Law enforcement sources say there were no signs of drugs, alcohol, or any sign of physical trauma at all!
According to the rehab facility, Lisa wasn't even taking any prescription withdrawal drugs.
Lisa was admitted to rehab on Sunday — with a .34 alcohol content. She had been to rehab many times before- in the double digits, in fact. Perhaps her body just couldn't take it anymore.
We'll know soon. The County Coroner is performing an autopsy as soon as possible.
- See more at: That 70s Show Star's Death Remains A Mystery ? No Sign Of Drugs Or Alcohol! |

That 70s Show Star's Death Remains A Mystery ? No Sign Of Drugs Or Alcohol! |
This was such a sad one.

"One of those every one else made it but me kinda girl." whoa geeze I knew so many.

She couldn't flip. She didn't realize that she was only on the show for at best "a look". Not trying to be nasty here but come on. All she was, was the douche bag sister of the lead dude.

She got her moment. And she didn't realize another brass ring was coming around and she blew it.
BAC of .34 when admitted to rehab. That's 4x the legal limit for driving. Sucks that she got into that lifestyle. She apparently let a little fame get to her head. That's why she didn't come back for the final season even though she wasn't a big star and had no better options on the table. Not to overly criticize b/c it's sad that she passed. If I can say anything, it's that she was a talent and her presence was missed when she left the show. They never should have gotten a replacement actress, who sucked, and could never have possibly filled her shoes anyways.
It's not fame getting into your head. It's Hollywood.

That's oversimplifying. Plenty of people are in Hollywood and avoid this type of demise. It's a shame that she never found someone who could help straighten her out before it was too late. Then again, maybe people tried and she rejected them. We don't really know.
The initial reports in these celebrity deaths all say that drugs and alcohol weren't involved. Later they come out with the news, when they can bury it on some inside page.

The media has an interest in hiding alcohol and drug related deaths. It does not advance their agenda to get the public to use drugs and drink.
The article says she died in rehab. I wonder if it was the Sunset Plaza facility that has had so many deaths recently. The Plaza is well known for allowing drugs into the facility because no one can say to the celebrities "no". It's being investigated due to the number of deaths.
I cannot dredge up sympathy for anyone who killed themselves with drugs and alcohol. The most I can come up with is good riddance.
So another Hollywood douche throwing their life away over alcohol and/or drugs. Who fucking cares. It should be a story when one of them don't die that way.
You all do know it is classified as a disease that their is no cure for right?
nothing for me to say.

after posting in threads related to Whitney and Michael Jackson--I have nothing more to add.

I have seen 'That 70's Show' reruns on late night TV.

I would give it a C or a C minus. Lived through the 70's--in my 20's --could barely relate to the plots.

I just hope all the people in Seattle participating in the marijuana festival know what they are doing.

-Medical Marijuana--fine with me.

that's all I've got.
Listen l I know a few folks who drank themselfs to death, they were good folks just couldnt stop when on the vodka or whisk,y that shit will kill you fast 24/7. your liver/ kidneys and stomache gets destroyed and it is an ugly death they hurt so bad on their death bed and it is not fast like in the movies, morphine can not even stop the pain..

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