That Cohen Prague Trip?

Based on the last time Congress prosecuted anyone for contempt or perjury, it's not going to happen.

OMG you people are giving me a headache.

Congress has ZERO power to prosecute anyone for anything. Now they can of course impeach any federal official, but they can't criminally prosecute anyone.

Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.

And when it comes to a private citizen they have even less power. Adam Schiff can not punish a private citizen for refusing to obey a subpoena or for lying to him, or anything else. Congress has no such authority. They would have to go the Justice Department and request that charges be brought.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.
OMG you people are giving me a headache.

Congress has ZERO power to prosecute anyone for anything. Now they can of course impeach any federal official, but they can't criminally prosecute anyone.

Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.

And when it comes to a private citizen they have even less power. Adam Schiff can not punish a private citizen for refusing to obey a subpoena or for lying to him, or anything else. Congress has no such authority. They would have to go the Justice Department and request that charges be brought.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
Nixon’s pardon was never tested. No one challenged it. The definition of a pardon is forgiving someone of a crime for which they’ve been convicted. You can be sure if Trump shot anyone in Congress and then tried to pardon himself, these issues would certainly be challenged.

Well given that idiotic liberals have taken everything to court to try to prevent Trump from being President, that's probably true, but they would for sure lose that battle.
OMG you people are giving me a headache.

Congress has ZERO power to prosecute anyone for anything. Now they can of course impeach any federal official, but they can't criminally prosecute anyone.

Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.

And when it comes to a private citizen they have even less power. Adam Schiff can not punish a private citizen for refusing to obey a subpoena or for lying to him, or anything else. Congress has no such authority. They would have to go the Justice Department and request that charges be brought.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
Nixon’s pardon was never tested. No one challenged it. The definition of a pardon is forgiving someone of a crime for which they’ve been convicted. You can be sure if Trump shot anyone in Congress and then tried to pardon himself, these issues would certainly be challenged.

Well given that idiotic liberals have taken everything to court to try to prevent Trump from being President, that's probably true, but they would for sure lose that battle.
Nope, not so sure. The Constitution is not a get out of jail card to allow a president to commit crimes. Especially crimes as heinous as murder.
None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
Nixon’s pardon was never tested. No one challenged it. The definition of a pardon is forgiving someone of a crime for which they’ve been convicted. You can be sure if Trump shot anyone in Congress and then tried to pardon himself, these issues would certainly be challenged.

Well given that idiotic liberals have taken everything to court to try to prevent Trump from being President, that's probably true, but they would for sure lose that battle.
Nope, not so sure. The Constitution is not a get out of jail card to allow a president to commit crimes. Especially crimes as heinous as murder.

Well, you are wrong, A President could commit murder and then pardon himself (of federal charges only of course)

that you wish this wasn't so because you believe Trump is going to pardon himself from crimes that you believe he committed even though you have no evidence that shows that he did doesn't change the fact.

B Obama could have shot Donald Trump when he came to the White House as President Elect and then pardoned himself. Boom he got away with murder. This is just a fact of the way our system works.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
Nixon’s pardon was never tested. No one challenged it. The definition of a pardon is forgiving someone of a crime for which they’ve been convicted. You can be sure if Trump shot anyone in Congress and then tried to pardon himself, these issues would certainly be challenged.

Well given that idiotic liberals have taken everything to court to try to prevent Trump from being President, that's probably true, but they would for sure lose that battle.
Nope, not so sure. The Constitution is not a get out of jail card to allow a president to commit crimes. Especially crimes as heinous as murder.

Well, you are wrong, A President could commit murder and then pardon himself (of federal charges only of course)

that you wish this wasn't so because you believe Trump is going to pardon himself from crimes that you believe he committed even though you have no evidence that shows that he did doesn't change the fact.

B Obama could have shot Donald Trump when he came to the White House as President Elect and then pardoned himself. Boom he got away with murder. This is just a fact of the way our system works.
Again, this has never been tested and would likely not hold up if it was. D.C. has different jurisdictional powers than states. It has a lower court, like a state. He could be charged at that level. Then there’s the question of ”except in Cases of Impeachment.” That too would likely be questioned. As would the ability to pardon someone not charged with a crime. Then there’s the question of does “grant” apply to one’s self. The fact of the matter is that none of your points have ever been tested since no president has ever pardoned themselves for a crime.

No one knows how such an event would unfold and you look foolish posturing as though you can categorically define the outcome.
Yup.....a closeup of a passport proves everything.
Cohen lied....on orders from Trump this stupidity must be implying.
Sure glad the government is shut down.
The Mueller team has no money.
Mueller investigation is funded from a permanent indefinite appropriation and not affected by rhe shutdown.

Now if they can hide the indictments from Whitaker....the Mole.
Boy I sure am getting confused with all the lefty bullshit. Does this one go in the “It” column too? Seems it meets the threshold of yet another failed wet dream by team dimocrats, so why not?

"Confused" is a way of life for trumpettes....
None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.

Your ignorance and dishonest are just overwhelming.

For the zillionth time. A Presidential pardon ONLY applies to federal criminal proceedings. It has NOTHING to do with impeachment proceedings whatsoever, and no one has EVER claimed that a President could pardon himself from being impeached, so why in the fuck do you keep bringing that up like you have a legitimate point?
OMG you people are giving me a headache.

Congress has ZERO power to prosecute anyone for anything. Now they can of course impeach any federal official, but they can't criminally prosecute anyone.

Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.

And when it comes to a private citizen they have even less power. Adam Schiff can not punish a private citizen for refusing to obey a subpoena or for lying to him, or anything else. Congress has no such authority. They would have to go the Justice Department and request that charges be brought.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

So you say. LOL

Is that retroactive?
The irony comes when Mueller and Weissman each get longer sentences than Manafot and Cohen combined
The real irony is that those on the left REALLY want to see Trump pardon himself or someone around him and people on the right are the ones saying if people are all "well if someone broke the law they should go to jail"

You can't make that kind of thing up at all.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.

Your ignorance and dishonest are just overwhelming.

For the zillionth time. A Presidential pardon ONLY applies to federal criminal proceedings. It has NOTHING to do with impeachment proceedings whatsoever, and no one has EVER claimed that a President could pardon himself from being impeached, so why in the fuck do you keep bringing that up like you have a legitimate point?
Dumbfuck, it could be argued that “cases of impeachment” includes legal charges from crimes leading to impeachment. I never said a pardon applies to impeachment proceedings. I said, “cases of impeachment.” And again, for the hard of learning, it’s never been judiciously tested if that includes legal charges which lead to impeachment. Personally, I doubt that would hold water, but it’s never been tested

The real irony is that those on the left REALLY want to see Trump pardon himself or someone around him and people on the right are the ones saying if people are all "well if someone broke the law they should go to jail"

You can't make that kind of thing up at all.

That’s funny since you were the one here to raise the issue of Trump pardoning himself.
What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.

Your ignorance and dishonest are just overwhelming.

For the zillionth time. A Presidential pardon ONLY applies to federal criminal proceedings. It has NOTHING to do with impeachment proceedings whatsoever, and no one has EVER claimed that a President could pardon himself from being impeached, so why in the fuck do you keep bringing that up like you have a legitimate point?
Dumbfuck, it could be argued that “cases of impeachment” includes legal charges from crimes leading to impeachment. I never said a pardon applies to impeachment proceedings. I said, “cases of impeachment.” And again, for the hard of learning, it’s never been judiciously tested if that includes legal charges which lead to impeachment. Personally, I doubt that would hold water, but it’s never been tested


Well of course that can be argued, if you're stupid, which you clearly are.

I'm done with this conversation, you're ad dishonest as you are stupid. Have a nice day.
”Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.”

That’s not so clear cut as there are many untested questions. That includes can a president pardon themselves of crimes they commit; can a president pardon someone not yet convicted of a crime; and even who has pardon powers over crimes committed in D.C., the president or the mayor of D.C.

None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.

You lie as much as your king....

Trump says he has ‘absolute right’ to pardon himself of federal crimes but denies any wrongdoing
None of those things are in question

A) A President's pardoning powers are unlimited in that he can pardon ANYONE of a ANY federal crime, including himself

B) Ford pardoned Nixon who hadn't been convicted of anything, hand't even been charged with anything. Other President's have also pardoned folks who were never convicted of a crime, but that's the most obvious example.

C) The Congressional building is FEDERAL property and thus the District of Columbia has zero jurisdiction.

Your post is a classic example of what I was talking about in another thread you completely ignore facts in favor of your emotions.
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.

You lie as much as your king....

Trump says he has ‘absolute right’ to pardon himself of federal crimes but denies any wrongdoing

What the fuck? How does what you posted show that I lied about anything?

God you people are stupid.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.

Your ignorance and dishonest are just overwhelming.

For the zillionth time. A Presidential pardon ONLY applies to federal criminal proceedings. It has NOTHING to do with impeachment proceedings whatsoever, and no one has EVER claimed that a President could pardon himself from being impeached, so why in the fuck do you keep bringing that up like you have a legitimate point?
Dumbfuck, it could be argued that “cases of impeachment” includes legal charges from crimes leading to impeachment. I never said a pardon applies to impeachment proceedings. I said, “cases of impeachment.” And again, for the hard of learning, it’s never been judiciously tested if that includes legal charges which lead to impeachment. Personally, I doubt that would hold water, but it’s never been tested


Well of course that can be argued, if you're stupid, which you clearly are.

I'm done with this conversation, you're ad dishonest as you are stupid. Have a nice day.
My day is just fine, thank you. Made even brighter by a moron who thinks he knows conclusively how untested legal arguments would result. Oh, and keep in mind... your claims mean a president could drop a nuclear bomb on Washington D.C., pardon themselves, and not be held legally liable. :eusa_doh:
None of which had ever been tested. On top of which, there’s also the question of whether or not such a pardon would hold up being a case involving impeachment.

What are you talking about? I gave you a very clear example of a President pardoning someone who had not even been charged with a crime. Beyond that , it is generally accepted by well everyone except partisan morons that a President COULD pardon himself.

As for impeachment, again this is just you not understanding the subject you are trying to give an opinion on, pardoning powers cover criminal proceedings ONLY, an impeaching is not a criminal proceeding and thus pardons don't play any part in that situation.
A president loses pardoning power in cases of impeachment.

My God you people are ignorant, A President NEVER "loses" pardoning powers. Pardons apply to CRIMINAL charges, an impeachment is not a criminal proceeding, thus a President can not pardon anyone from being impeached.
Tell the Constitution it’s wrong, which states a president can’t use a pardon in cases of impeachment.

Your ignorance and dishonest are just overwhelming.

For the zillionth time. A Presidential pardon ONLY applies to federal criminal proceedings. It has NOTHING to do with impeachment proceedings whatsoever, and no one has EVER claimed that a President could pardon himself from being impeached, so why in the fuck do you keep bringing that up like you have a legitimate point?

You LIE as much as your king!

Trump says he can pardon himself in Mueller inquiry — but maintains he's done 'nothing wrong'

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