That Cohen Prague Trip?

* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Russia had killed at least one russian for help steele.
Carter Page was an adviser to Russia.
Youre providing nothing but your imagination; there is no fact in anything youre giving.

Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him and feared her resistance against his plans and plots.

Man, there's no stupier move than NOT READING your own links and shoving them in my face. ..

And it has been speculated that Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB general and chief of staff to Igor Sechin, was one of the primary sources for the document.

Sechin, the CEO of state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft, plays a major role in the dossier, which accuses him of having secret meetings with Trump campaign officials as an intermediary of the Russian government. Erovinkin was found dead in his car in December 2016, according to Russian media. It was later claimed that he died of a heart attack.

Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Erovinkin is the source of the claims involving Sechin. However, there is no evidence that has emerged to back up this assertion. Erovinkin is one of a number of high-profile Russians who died in the months after the 2016 election.

Congrats. You are NOW officially "a conspiracy theorist" with "no evidence".. How much time did you waste finding that? And BTW --- Execs at Rosneft served ONLY at the pleasure of Putin. If Putin had a problem with Erovinkin, he's be managing a chicken farm in Siberia instead of STATE-OWNED giant oil company..


As for you 2nd link --- I've already TOLD YOU 3 TIMES that Page "was an adviser" to Russia.. SO FUCKING WHAT? We have ex-CIA, DIA, NSA, high level folks "advising" and "PARTNERING" with Russian private security firms. It's NOT illegal at all..

THOUSANDS of high level US "advisers" went to Russia during Glasnost to set up free market functions like banking and investment and franchises..
It's one of their few tenuous connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, so you know they are going to play that card every chance they get.
That's how a court of law and the scientific community treats it.
Ridiculous horseshit...nobody with a brain cell thinks that something not being fully verified is therefore false. Just shaddup already. You said something stupid, and you are not going to put certain words in the right order to suddenly make it not stupid.
Yes they do, turd blossom. If you have no evidence to support your claim, it's assumed to be horseshit. That's what scientists and judges do.

Only a certified moron would put stock in any claims that have no evidence to support them.

Liberal thought process:
  1. It would be nice if it were true.
  2. It must be true.
SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Russia had killed at least one russian for help steele.
Carter Page was an adviser to Russia.
Youre providing nothing but your imagination; there is no fact in anything youre giving.

Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him and feared her resistance against his plans and plots.

Man, there's no stupier move than NOT READING your own links and shoving them in my face. ..

And it has been speculated that Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB general and chief of staff to Igor Sechin, was one of the primary sources for the document.

Sechin, the CEO of state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft, plays a major role in the dossier, which accuses him of having secret meetings with Trump campaign officials as an intermediary of the Russian government. Erovinkin was found dead in his car in December 2016, according to Russian media. It was later claimed that he died of a heart attack.

Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Erovinkin is the source of the claims involving Sechin. However, there is no evidence that has emerged to back up this assertion. Erovinkin is one of a number of high-profile Russians who died in the months after the 2016 election.

Congrats. You are NOW officially "a conspiracy theorist" with "no evidence".. How much time did you waste finding that? And BTW --- Execs at Rosneft served ONLY at the pleasure of Putin. If Putin had a problem with Erovinkin, he's be managing a chicken farm in Siberia instead of STATE-OWNED giant oil company..


As for you 2nd link --- I've already TOLD YOU 3 TIMES that Page "was an adviser" to Russia.. SO FUCKING WHAT? We have ex-CIA, DIA, NSA, high level folks "advising" and "PARTNERING" with Russian private security firms. It's NOT illegal at all..

THOUSANDS of high level US "advisers" went to Russia during Glasnost to set up free market functions like banking and investment and franchises..
It's one of their few tenuous connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, so you know they are going to play that card every chance they get.

It's not tenuous at all.. It's just that TDS snowflakes are not well informed. Carter Page is ex-navy Intel. Was an "asset" for a lot of his career. And when he got the opportunity to go help Russia reform its economy, he was a KNOWN ASSET to the FBI. They monitored his Russian contacts WITH HIS APPROVAL and HELP. Which would be the case for ANY ex-Intel employee working abroad..

They BURNT him.. A loyal patriotic American who had HELPED US Intelligence for most of his life -- to get at the Trump Campaign. He was their best and probably ONLY HOPE of hoodwinking the FISCourt into giving them the keys to the NSA Big Brother Spy Machine...

DOJ Documents Show Carter Page Helped FBI Catch Russian Spies

Department of Justice court records from 2015 have provided details about how Carter Page cooperated with FBI agents in exposing Russian spies working inside the United States.

The court records in question come from a sealed complaint deposed by Special Agent Gregory Monaghan. In the complaint, Monaghan attested to how Page was the target of efforts by Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) agents Igor Sporyshev and Victor Podobnyy to recruit sources in New York City.

According to the documents, Page and Podobnyy first met at an energy symposium in New York in January 2013. At this conference, Podobnyy gave his contact information to Page, who subsequently followed up with the Russian both by email and in-person to talk about energy policy. Page transferred unspecified “documents” to Podobnyy “about the energy business,” but Monaghan did not recommend that any charges be levied against Page. In fact, the section of the document discussing Page never characterizes him as a conscious spy or security risk, instead framing him as a victim of Sporyshev and Podobnyy, who expressly denied that Page knew about their status as intelligence agents.

So, if Carter Page was acting as a foreign intelligence agent for Russia as far back as 2013, as has been repeatedly implied by mainstream reports, why did FBI agents at the time not see him as such? Based on the information provided above, it seems perfectly plausible that Page thought he was developing a relationship with someone who was a legitimate business contact. If Page had illegally or unethically shared sensitive information with Podobnyy, why would Monaghan have omitted thisgiven that such an action by Page would have strengthened the FBI’s case against Sporyshev and Podobnyy?
ROFL! If Mueller wanted the answer, he would have asked. He obviously doesn't believe Cohen was in Prague.

Neither you nor I knows what Mueller has asked for what he knows.

Go back and tell us again how Flynn was entrapped moron
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ROFL! If Mueller wanted the answer, he would have asked. He obviously doesn't believe Cohen was in Prague.

Neither you nor I knows what has asked ior what he knows.

Go back and tell us again how Flynn was entrapped moron

The bottom line is that Mueller can get the answer with a phone call or an email. You're trying to tell us that he never did. Why should anyone believe you?
The bottom line is that Mueller can get the answer with a phone call or an email. You're trying to tell us that he never did. Why should anyone believe you?

How fucking stupid are you? (Rhetorical question. We saw how stupid you were in your dogged claim that Flynn was entrapped and would be vindicated)

I'm not trying to say ANYTHING about what Mueller does or does not know.
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Russia had killed at least one russian for help steele.
Carter Page was an adviser to Russia.
Youre providing nothing but your imagination; there is no fact in anything youre giving.

Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him and feared her resistance against his plans and plots.

Man, there's no stupier move than NOT READING your own links and shoving them in my face. ..

And it has been speculated that Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB general and chief of staff to Igor Sechin, was one of the primary sources for the document.

Sechin, the CEO of state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft, plays a major role in the dossier, which accuses him of having secret meetings with Trump campaign officials as an intermediary of the Russian government. Erovinkin was found dead in his car in December 2016, according to Russian media. It was later claimed that he died of a heart attack.

Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Erovinkin is the source of the claims involving Sechin. However, there is no evidence that has emerged to back up this assertion. Erovinkin is one of a number of high-profile Russians who died in the months after the 2016 election.

Congrats. You are NOW officially "a conspiracy theorist" with "no evidence".. How much time did you waste finding that? And BTW --- Execs at Rosneft served ONLY at the pleasure of Putin. If Putin had a problem with Erovinkin, he's be managing a chicken farm in Siberia instead of STATE-OWNED giant oil company..


As for you 2nd link --- I've already TOLD YOU 3 TIMES that Page "was an adviser" to Russia.. SO FUCKING WHAT? We have ex-CIA, DIA, NSA, high level folks "advising" and "PARTNERING" with Russian private security firms. It's NOT illegal at all..

THOUSANDS of high level US "advisers" went to Russia during Glasnost to set up free market functions like banking and investment and franchises..
Page was meeting with Igor Sechin, a sanction individual and former russian spy. Basically, Carter Page was hanging out with russian spies. Perhaps not illegal, but it catches FBI's attention.
SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Russia had killed at least one russian for help steele.
Carter Page was an adviser to Russia.
Youre providing nothing but your imagination; there is no fact in anything youre giving.

Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him and feared her resistance against his plans and plots.

Man, there's no stupier move than NOT READING your own links and shoving them in my face. ..

And it has been speculated that Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB general and chief of staff to Igor Sechin, was one of the primary sources for the document.

Sechin, the CEO of state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft, plays a major role in the dossier, which accuses him of having secret meetings with Trump campaign officials as an intermediary of the Russian government. Erovinkin was found dead in his car in December 2016, according to Russian media. It was later claimed that he died of a heart attack.

Conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Erovinkin is the source of the claims involving Sechin. However, there is no evidence that has emerged to back up this assertion. Erovinkin is one of a number of high-profile Russians who died in the months after the 2016 election.

Congrats. You are NOW officially "a conspiracy theorist" with "no evidence".. How much time did you waste finding that? And BTW --- Execs at Rosneft served ONLY at the pleasure of Putin. If Putin had a problem with Erovinkin, he's be managing a chicken farm in Siberia instead of STATE-OWNED giant oil company..


As for you 2nd link --- I've already TOLD YOU 3 TIMES that Page "was an adviser" to Russia.. SO FUCKING WHAT? We have ex-CIA, DIA, NSA, high level folks "advising" and "PARTNERING" with Russian private security firms. It's NOT illegal at all..

THOUSANDS of high level US "advisers" went to Russia during Glasnost to set up free market functions like banking and investment and franchises..
Page was meeting with Igor Sechin, a sanction individual and former russian spy. Basically, Carter Page was hanging out with russian spies. Perhaps not illegal, but it catches FBI's attention.

And... that's how spies are caught regularly.. I'm "ex-Intel".. For MANY YEARS after as a private citizen, I was subject to monitoring when traveling or working overseas. And --- the folks working overseas APPRECIATE the "heads-up" from the Intel Community about their business contacts. Nearly ALL will AID the Intel agencies with any information they can supply.. That's exactly what Page did. HELP the FBI indict 2 Russian GRU/KSB agents.

And then the FBI BURNED him.. Sick and twisted. So they could get a warrant to use the world's most awesome spy machine to SPY on the Trump campaign...
The bottom line is that Mueller can get the answer with a phone call or an email. You're trying to tell us that he never did. Why should anyone believe you?

How fucking stupid are you? (Rhetorical question. We saw how stupid you were in your dogged claim that Flynn was entrapped and would be vindicated)

I'm not trying to say ANYTHING about what Mueller does or does not know.
You sure are saying something about Mueller, dumbass. When you claim he doesn't know if Cohen has a second passport, that means you believe he never checked. If Mueller never checked, than he's an incompetent dumbass. If he did, then he would know and no one believes that kind of information wouldn't become public.
You sure are saying something about Mueller, dumbass. When you claim he doesn't know if Cohen has a second passport, that means you believe he never checked.

Hey dumbfuk...point to where I claimed I know what Mueller knows.

You don't know. I don;t know. I DO however know he COULD have had a second passport. It's completely legal to do so.

You are incredibly stupid or completely dishonest.

I actually think you're stupidly dishonest.
You sure are saying something about Mueller, dumbass. When you claim he doesn't know if Cohen has a second passport, that means you believe he never checked.

Hey dumbfuk...point to where I claimed I know what Mueller knows.

You don't know. I don;t know. I DO however know he COULD have had a second passport. It's completely legal to do so.

You are incredibly stupid or completely dishonest.

I actually think you're stupidly dishonest.
If he had a 2nd passport Mueller would know it. That's what I've been trying to tell your dumb ass.
Yeah of course. All really competent "covert ops" people take their "burner phones" home with them and keep them in a desk as souvenirs.

Try and keep up. When the FBI raided Cohen's office they found all SORTS of old burner phones. Apparently Cohen was a pack rat
If he had a 2nd passport Mueller would know it. That's what I've been trying to tell your dumb ass.

Well you're right there. Mueller WOULD know. But WE won't know until Mueller's report is issued...if it's made public

In fact if Cohen was in Prague Mueller probably knows what was discussed at that meeting as well
If he had a 2nd passport Mueller would know it. That's what I've been trying to tell your dumb ass.

Well you're right there. Mueller WOULD know. But WE won't know until Mueller's report is issued...if it's made public

In fact if Cohen was in Prague Mueller probably knows what was discussed at that meeting as well
If had a 2nd passport, it would have leaked. Mueller hasn't managed to keep anything secret.

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