That Cohen Prague Trip?

<pfffft> just wait till shiff gets the chair of the intel committee..... he's gonna call back lotsa people back to testify.... roger stone, panty waist jared, traitor tot, steve bannon.... & probably cohen too. best part of it all, is that they will be public hearings.


You realize don't you that every one of those people could tell schiff to go fuck himself and there is nothing he could do about it?

lol... really? is that right?

they can go after anybody that refuses a subpoena to appear. a charge of contempt can easily be issued & a fine plus jail time can be dropped on them. AND, lying b4 congress is just as bad as lying b4 a judge.
When was the last time Congress did that?

Congress CAN NOT do that. The Justice Department would have to bring ANY charges
I know. That's how we know playtime is a fool.

LOL! you still think mueller hasn't got a thing on trumpco.................
You realize don't you that every one of those people could tell schiff to go fuck himself and there is nothing he could do about it?

lol... really? is that right?

they can go after anybody that refuses a subpoena to appear. a charge of contempt can easily be issued & a fine plus jail time can be dropped on them. AND, lying b4 congress is just as bad as lying b4 a judge.
When was the last time Congress did that?

oh for fuck's sake... you don't think they'll do it? & legitimately too?

c'mon now....

Based on the last time Congress prosecuted anyone for contempt or perjury, it's not going to happen.

OMG you people are giving me a headache.

Congress has ZERO power to prosecute anyone for anything. Now they can of course impeach any federal official, but they can't criminally prosecute anyone.

Trump could walk into Congress on January 3 and murder both Pelosi and Schumer and then pardon himself and Congress could impeach him, but that's it.

And when it comes to a private citizen they have even less power. Adam Schiff can not punish a private citizen for refusing to obey a subpoena or for lying to him, or anything else. Congress has no such authority. They would have to go the Justice Department and request that charges be brought.

Congress’s Contempt Power and the Enforcement of Congressional Subpoenas:

Law, History, Practice, and Procedure
Todd Garvey
Legislative Attorney
May 12, 2017

Congress’s contempt power is the means by which Congress responds
to certain acts that in its view obstruct the legislative process. Contempt may be used either to coerce compliance, to punish the contemnor, and/or to remove the obstruction. Although arguably any action that directly obstructs the effort of Congress to e
xercise its constitutional powers may constitute a contempt, in recent times the contempt power has most often been employed in response to non-compliance with a duly issued congressional subpoena—whether in the form of a refusal to appear before a committee for purposes of providing testimony, or a refusal to produce requested documents.

Congress has three formal methods by which it can combat non - compliance with a duly issued subpoena. Each of these methods invokes the authority of a separate branch of government. First,the long dormant inherent contempt power permits Congress to rely on its own constitutional authority to detain and imprison a contemnor until the individual complies with congressional demands. Second, the criminal contempt statute permits Congress to certify a contempt citation to the executive branch for the criminal prosecution of the contemnor. Finally, Congress may rely on the judicial branch to enforce a congressional subpoena. Under this procedure, Congress may seek a civil judgment
from a federal court declaring that the individual in question is legally obligated to comply with the congressional subpoena.
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Looks like the only Dossier claim to be challenged has pretty definitively been challenged.

Cohen was in Prague just as the Dossier claimed

Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting
Already been proven it was a DIFFERENT Cohen but hey go ahead and dig yourself a deeper hole.
No shit?

Link required
REPORT: Intelligence Community Believes It Was a Different Michael Cohen Who Visited Prague

Even from a leftist site!
Based on the last time Congress prosecuted anyone for contempt or perjury,
Yeah, I mean, it's been AT LEAST 2 weeks since someone was found guilty of the crime of lying to congress! Therefore, it will never happen again!

It makes perfect sense, if you don't think about it.
Yeah, the Mueller witch hunt. Note, Congress didn't prosecute Cohen. I rest my case.

lol... uh... well.... ummmmm...... that was when the intel chair was held by devon nunez. it ain't like that no mo.
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How the hell is that even close to "file was a fiction put out to make Trump look bad."????
Hillary funded it, and the author admits it's bullshit. That's right on the money.

Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.

NO? no you say?.... you poor little deplorable you...

Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier

his link is jan 2018. my link is may 2018... so apparently they are still in biz'nez...

tell you what spidey, you go find a legit verifiable credible link & one by one - have them dissect the claims already proven in the dossier & how they can disprove them, 'k?

Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier
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Someone better cough up a passport to prove it.

About ten years ago I was alleged to having been a witness to a business deal in London. Except I have not only never been to London, I don't even have a passport. Nevertheless, my accusers said they had hotel records and copies of credit card receipts.

I put this in the same category.
How exactly would we get a passport from Cohen if he doesn't want to show it?

His cell phone was pinging in PRAGUE dummy. And a passport to England wouldn't show a trip to Prague you knew that right?

LOL, wherever you go your passport gets scanned and goes into a Database. Don't be stupid. The Gov tracks you wherever you go.
You have no idea what you are talking about. If you go to mainland Europe with a long as you stay within the Schengen do NOT need a passport
If you are an american and you board a flight to ANYWHERE in Europe the first thing that happens when you land is border security checks and STAMPS!!!!!!!!! your passport!!!!!!!
Fucking WISE UP all you fuckwitts!!!!!!!!!
Lesh is correct.

Europe Passport Requirements: Do I Need a Passport to Go to Europe? | SmarterTravel

As for traveling within Europe, some countries require a passport to cross borders, but 26 countries are a party to the Schengen Agreement, which means you do not need a passport to travel between these countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.


Europe passport requirements state that a valid U.S. passport is necessary to enter any of its 50 countries. Once you arrive in Europe, you can travel between certain countries without a passport

We're in America twit. You lose.
December 2017: Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates

Cohen traveled three times to Europe last year, though he strongly denies the claim in a controversial dossier on Donald Trump’s Russia connections that he met secretly with a Russian official in Prague.

So...Cohen was in Europe three times in 2016. Once you are in Europe, you don't need a passport to skip over to Prague.

All caught up now, retard?

You lose.

; ) you still think you can get into London from NY without a passport. Why would I even entertain anything you think?
Congratulations. You have exposed something no one claimed.

Yes...your passport would show Britain...and in fact France...but then nothing

That my idiot friend is the point.

Cohen has shown "a" passport that doesn't show him going to either but I'll bet you weren't aware that you can have MORE than one passport
Dear GOD you are so fucking stupid!
A "second" passport will have a number/barcode. If can't have two valid american passports.
We're in America twit. You lose.
December 2017: Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates

Cohen traveled three times to Europe last year, though he strongly denies the claim in a controversial dossier on Donald Trump’s Russia connections that he met secretly with a Russian official in Prague.

So...Cohen was in Europe three times in 2016. Once you are in Europe, you don't need a passport to skip over to Prague.

All caught up now, retard?

You lose.

; ) you still think you can get into London from NY without a passport. Why would I even entertain anything you think?
The argument is about his presence in the Czech Republic, not London. A conservative demanded that a passport be produced. But as g5000 said, he could have gone there without using his passport.

The passport-free area of the European Union is known as the Schengen Area. If you hold a passport from one of the EU countries, you do not need to show a passport when traveling between countries within the Schengen zone. At the time of publication, the 26 countries in the Schengen Area were Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Do Europeans Need Passport to Travel Between Countries in Europe?
EUROPEANS don't need a passport. EUROPEANS use the Europass. Cohen is not European. He does not have a passport from an EU country.
An American traveling within the Schengen area does not have to show passport. Only when arriving at Europe. That's it.
If Cohen entered Europe in London, he only has to show passport in London. From there nobody would bother him.
G5000 schooled you.
Mullier knows Cohen did NOT even travel to London during the time in question. He passport proves it.
Cohen was in Cal. attending his son's baseball game with other family members at the time.
We're in America twit. You lose.
December 2017: Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates

Cohen traveled three times to Europe last year, though he strongly denies the claim in a controversial dossier on Donald Trump’s Russia connections that he met secretly with a Russian official in Prague.

So...Cohen was in Europe three times in 2016. Once you are in Europe, you don't need a passport to skip over to Prague.

All caught up now, retard?

You lose.

; ) you still think you can get into London from NY without a passport. Why would I even entertain anything you think?
The argument is about his presence in the Czech Republic, not London. A conservative demanded that a passport be produced. But as g5000 said, he could have gone there without using his passport.

The passport-free area of the European Union is known as the Schengen Area. If you hold a passport from one of the EU countries, you do not need to show a passport when traveling between countries within the Schengen zone. At the time of publication, the 26 countries in the Schengen Area were Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Do Europeans Need Passport to Travel Between Countries in Europe?
EUROPEANS don't need a passport. EUROPEANS use the Europass. Cohen is not European. He does not have a passport from an EU country.
You're wrong and you're either an idiot or a liar. You pick

The Schengen Borders Agreement permits citizens from certain countries - including the United States - to travel freely to 26 European countries within the Schengen area (see list below) for up to three months for tourism or business.
*Make sure you receive a stamp in your passport when you enter and exit the Schengen area.**
December 2017: Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates

Cohen traveled three times to Europe last year, though he strongly denies the claim in a controversial dossier on Donald Trump’s Russia connections that he met secretly with a Russian official in Prague.

So...Cohen was in Europe three times in 2016. Once you are in Europe, you don't need a passport to skip over to Prague.

All caught up now, retard?

You lose.

; ) you still think you can get into London from NY without a passport. Why would I even entertain anything you think?
The argument is about his presence in the Czech Republic, not London. A conservative demanded that a passport be produced. But as g5000 said, he could have gone there without using his passport.

The passport-free area of the European Union is known as the Schengen Area. If you hold a passport from one of the EU countries, you do not need to show a passport when traveling between countries within the Schengen zone. At the time of publication, the 26 countries in the Schengen Area were Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Do Europeans Need Passport to Travel Between Countries in Europe?
EUROPEANS don't need a passport. EUROPEANS use the Europass. Cohen is not European. He does not have a passport from an EU country.
You're wrong and you're either an idiot or a liar. You pick

The Schengen Borders Agreement permits citizens from certain countries - including the United States - to travel freely to 26 European countries within the Schengen area (see list below) for up to three months for tourism or business.
*Make sure you receive a stamp in your passport when you enter and exit the Schengen area.**
Hillary funded it, and the author admits it's bullshit. That's right on the money.

Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.

NO? no you say?.... you poor little deplorable you...

Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier
From Newsweek. Seriously?
Lanny Davis confirmed Cohen was never in Prague.

Lanny Davis, attorney for Michael Cohen, trashed the infamous Trump dossier, a document put together by former British spy Christopher Steele, in an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd on Wednesday.

Davis said the part about Cohen visiting Prague to meet with Russians in 2016 "never" happened." He called it the "so-called dossier" and said it mentions his client in a "false" manner. On Tuesday, a superior court judge threw out a defamation lawsuit against Steele for failing to provide evidence that information in the dossier was knowingly falsified.

"Can you say definitively whether you know if Michael Cohen was ever in Prague in 2016?" Todd on Wednesday's edition of Meet the Press Daily on MSNBC.

"Never, never in Prague," Davis sternly said.

"Never ever?" Todd pressed.

"Never ever in Prague," Davis answered. "And the reason, just to let your viewers know what we're talking about, is that the dossier, the so-called dossier, mentions his name 14 times. One of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. 14 times. False."

Lanny Davis: "So-Called Dossier" False, Cohen Was Never In Prague
Lanny Davis confirmed Cohen was never in Prague.

Lanny Davis, attorney for Michael Cohen, trashed the infamous Trump dossier, a document put together by former British spy Christopher Steele, in an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd on Wednesday.

Davis said the part about Cohen visiting Prague to meet with Russians in 2016 "never" happened." He called it the "so-called dossier" and said it mentions his client in a "false" manner. On Tuesday, a superior court judge threw out a defamation lawsuit against Steele for failing to provide evidence that information in the dossier was knowingly falsified.

"Can you say definitively whether you know if Michael Cohen was ever in Prague in 2016?" Todd on Wednesday's edition of Meet the Press Daily on MSNBC.

"Never, never in Prague," Davis sternly said.

"Never ever?" Todd pressed.

"Never ever in Prague," Davis answered. "And the reason, just to let your viewers know what we're talking about, is that the dossier, the so-called dossier, mentions his name 14 times. One of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. 14 times. False."

Lanny Davis: "So-Called Dossier" False, Cohen Was Never In Prague
In that link:

On Tuesday, a superior court judge threw out a defamation lawsuit against Steele for failing to provide evidence that information in the dossier was knowingly falsified.

So you acknowledge the dossier is false, just not that it was knowingly falsified? :eusa_think:
Who says it’s fake? What from the dossier has been proven wrong?
Lesh is correct.

Europe Passport Requirements: Do I Need a Passport to Go to Europe? | SmarterTravel

As for traveling within Europe, some countries require a passport to cross borders, but 26 countries are a party to the Schengen Agreement, which means you do not need a passport to travel between these countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.


Europe passport requirements state that a valid U.S. passport is necessary to enter any of its 50 countries. Once you arrive in Europe, you can travel between certain countries without a passport

We're in America twit. You lose.
I can do nothing with your level of retardation.

Meaning you don't have shit. If you take off from La Guardia and land at Heathrow they scan you in. Are you really this stupid?
If you land in Frankfort, your passport is required. If you then drive to Prague you do not need to show your passport at the Czech border.

You’re quite the dumbass.

Lesh is correct.

Europe Passport Requirements: Do I Need a Passport to Go to Europe? | SmarterTravel

As for traveling within Europe, some countries require a passport to cross borders, but 26 countries are a party to the Schengen Agreement, which means you do not need a passport to travel between these countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.


Europe passport requirements state that a valid U.S. passport is necessary to enter any of its 50 countries. Once you arrive in Europe, you can travel between certain countries without a passport

We're in America twit. You lose.
December 2017: Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates

Cohen traveled three times to Europe last year, though he strongly denies the claim in a controversial dossier on Donald Trump’s Russia connections that he met secretly with a Russian official in Prague.

So...Cohen was in Europe three times in 2016. Once you are in Europe, you don't need a passport to skip over to Prague.

All caught up now, retard?

You lose.

; ) you still think you can get into London from NY without a passport. Why would I even entertain anything you think?
I never said that, retard. Holy shit, you are getting dumber by the second!

Here, I will try to use small words.

1) Cohen was in Yurp 3 times in 2016.

2) Cohen used his passport to get into Yurp.

3) If he traveled to Prog after getting to Yurp, he would not need to use his passport from there.

NOW are you FINALLY all caught up, retard?

LOL, you're aren't worth my time kid. You just don't pass mustard.
It’s muster, not mustard, fool.
He presented his passport to folks in the WH.. Dates don't match.. THis is propaganda. Cohen denied it today.. Don't you believe EVERYTHING that Cohen says??

What's the crime here anyways? Other than Russians providing "Intel" to back up their phony dossier..

If you can’t even be bothered to keep informed of subjects you are moderating then why should I waste my time explaining to you, like I would a child?

You’re either ignorant or just intellectually dishonest. Which is it?

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