That Cohen Prague Trip?

How the hell is that even close to "file was a fiction put out to make Trump look bad."????
Hillary funded it, and the author admits it's bullshit. That's right on the money.

Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.

How can you be sooo wrong so often? It's an art form reserved for straight retarded.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting

During the same period of late August or early September, electronic eavesdropping by an Eastern European intelligence agency picked up a conversation among Russians, one of whom remarked that Cohen was in Prague, two people familiar with the incident said.

If Cohen indeed made the journey to the Czech Republic, one lingering mystery is how he entered Europe’s visa-free, 29-nation Schengen area without detection. While those countries’ open-border arrangements would have spared Cohen from having to produce a visa to travel between Germany and Prague, U.S. and European authorities should have a record if he took a trip to Europe. Those records are not public.

Congressional committee chairs, including California Rep. Adam Schiff, who will lead the House Intelligence Committee beginning in January when Democrats take control, have asked Cohen to return to Capitol Hill to testify further about his knowledge of Trump’s ties to Russia.


They will find out whether it's true or not.
How the hell is that even close to "file was a fiction put out to make Trump look bad."????
Hillary funded it, and the author admits it's bullshit. That's right on the money.

Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.
as described here...
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Not proven:
* Russia had been cultivating Trump for years, or at all. (does Butina corroborate?)
* Trump was offered real estate deals in Russia and turned them down. (although signed letter of intent)
* Trump's lawyer worked as an intermediary between Trump and Russia. (although guilty plea corroborates)
* Trump is open to blackmail due to illicit sexual activities in Russia.

Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting

During the same period of late August or early September, electronic eavesdropping by an Eastern European intelligence agency picked up a conversation among Russians, one of whom remarked that Cohen was in Prague, two people familiar with the incident said.

If Cohen indeed made the journey to the Czech Republic, one lingering mystery is how he entered Europe’s visa-free, 29-nation Schengen area without detection. While those countries’ open-border arrangements would have spared Cohen from having to produce a visa to travel between Germany and Prague, U.S. and European authorities should have a record if he took a trip to Europe. Those records are not public.

Congressional committee chairs, including California Rep. Adam Schiff, who will lead the House Intelligence Committee beginning in January when Democrats take control, have asked Cohen to return to Capitol Hill to testify further about his knowledge of Trump’s ties to Russia.


They will find out whether it's true or not.

Yeah and the guy that wrote that article said his source was triple hearsay and unverified. Don't be surprised if McClatchy retracts it. They got duped.

Saw the author of this McClatchy piece on CNN interview today. EVEN nucking futz Joy wasn't buying his "sources".. Which are 3rd hand at best and the author has seen no evidence for this spurious allegation...

It's dead.. If Mueller mentioned EVERY OTHER RUSSIAN that Cohen talked in court documents, AND the CITIES where the convos took place --- And there is NOTHING in ANY of the court filings about THESE Russians or Prague --

Give it up toads. It's dead. Virtually NOTHING in dossier was ever verified or COULD be verified. It's Russian Propaganda that Hilliary and DNC PAID FOR...

Even Joy Reid Skeptical of McClatchy Report on Michael Cohen's Cell Phone Near Prague
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Only thing you have right is that there was NO BASIS for asking for a FISA warrant on Carter Paige. He had done NOTHING wrong and in FACT was an official "asset" to the US Intel community. The FBI cabal that got those warrants lied about most everything to the FISCourt.
As Swamp Rat Mueller collects assorted nude selfies on computers his team of Deep State idiots examine, our tax money at work :p democrat Senator Mark Warner of the Senate Intelligence Committee is promoting FAKE NEWS about more FAKE Obama and Crooked Hillary linked "tech companies" like New Knowledge and American Engagement Technologies that make shit up about non-existent Russian troll farms (not that it would even be against any law even if there were any), in this case not the "Insurance Policy" but the “Birmingham Project.”

Folks the democrats and MSM continue to attack our democracy. Very troubling.
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Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.
Hilariously false.

People, you are not going to penetrate this fool's skull with facts or reason.
It's indisputably true, douchebag. I challenge you to name one claim in it that has been demonstrated to be true.

Page was working in Russia.. Truest verifiable statement in the dossier. Rest is Bovine Scatology and a HUGE embarrassment for Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strokz, Ohr, McCabe et al...
Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.
Nor does "not fully verified" mean, "false". Hannity has turned this guy's brain to tapioca.
Hillary sucked Putin's dick.

Oh? Is that why Hillary was supporting anti-Putin demostrations and sactions on Russia??

Is that why Trump oppposed sanctions and wouldn't dare utter a single negative word about Putin regime?

Is that why Putin wanted Trump to win?

Analysis | Trump dismissed the idea that Putin wanted him to win. Putin just admitted that he did.

You are a fucking moron.
Did you expect him to say "no" when Trump was standing right next to him? Only a certified imbecile would believe that.
Hillary funded it, and the author admits it's bullshit. That's right on the money.

Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.

How can you be sooo wrong so often? It's an art form reserved for straight retarded.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
You call me retarded, and then you cite Wikipedia?
Except HE DOES NOT, where the fuck do you get proposterous bullshit like that from?
He certainly does. What do you imagine the link points at?

It points at Steely saying that a SPECIFIC piece of intel is not fully verified. It's does not say ANYTHING about the entirety of the dossier.

You seriously need to learn to read.
Nothing in the document has been verified, dumbass.

How can you be sooo wrong so often? It's an art form reserved for straight retarded.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
You call me retarded, and then you cite Wikipedia?

That quote on "Veracity" from Wiki is pretty lame. No sources, No examples.. And it discusses only the general long known knowledge of Russia interfering with elections like the US does also.. NOTHING about Trump or any of his associates... The use of this turd for a ticket to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION US CAMPAIGN is a travesty. The LARGEST political scandal of our lives actually.

They used the most powerful Domestic Spy Machine ever known to mankind to attempt to STOP an opposition political campaign.. Russian trolls pall in comparison...
Hillary sucked Putin's dick.
Of course, this is nonsense, as Hillary was and is rather hawkish on Russia. Putin despises her. But Putin loves him some Trump.
The statement was used as an example of what you claim to have been "not invalidated." The fact that you're denying it's true only shows that you're a dumbass who is incapable of committing logic.
* Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.
* The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
* Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

SO much bullshit. The only truly verified thing is that Carter Paige "worked" in Russia.. With the FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL of the FBI and other intel agencies.. So fucking what?

You left out about 14 other ridiculously stupid allegations in the Dossier including Trumps night with the hookers in Moscow peeing on the Obama's bed.. C'mon.. Get a fucking grip.. IT"S RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA..

The same kind of Russian propaganda you've been looking for right in front of your idiot faces.. EXCEPT, The dossier have 10,000 times the impact on America than a 1/2 dozen Russian trolls with a $30K budget, putting up pics of Hillary dressed as a witch..

Amateur Russian trolling or top notch professional type? Which you interested in?
FBI isnt the authority which approves foreign agents. If Carter Page was registered, there would be no need for fisa warrant on him.

Steele's sources in russia were anti-putin russians, or anti-kremlin russians.
I did include the sexual activities in the dossier, but you cut it off.

Don't fucking care what you were told about the "political leanings" of the Russian GRU pranksters that made themselves famous for this propaganda coup. I'm sure Putin has PERSONALLY congratulated them all on this monumental prank. They'll have statues in the Kremlin for what they accomplished.

And there is NO NEED for ANYONE to "register" to work in Russia or do BUSINESS with Russians. That only applies if you come back to USA and LOBBY the govt on behalf of those interests. Page was setting up Merill Lynch branches in Russia and helping them on energy issues before the WTO.

He also was an ASSET for the FBI while he was doing this and was congratulated for his "debriefings" on his Russian contacts. He was ex Navy Intel, and as such, it would standard procedure to "monitor" his actions in Russia.. The US Intel Comm. knew EVERYTHING about his work there.
Russia had killed at least one russian for help steele.
Carter Page was an adviser to Russia.
Youre providing nothing but your imagination; there is no fact in anything youre giving.

Putin hated Clinton because he could not buy her support or bully her into acquiescence in his plots to penetrate the American government and subvert American democracy. Putin hated Clinton because he knew she was onto him and feared her resistance against his plans and plots.
When was the last time Congress did that?

Congress CAN NOT do that. The Justice Department would have to bring ANY charges

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are 3... count them.... THREE equal branches of gov'ment. the justice dept falls under the executive branch. congress is a whole separate entity.

& btw... articles of impeachment ( charges against the prez) falls on congress' shoulders & begins in the judiciary committee.

I said good day. You are obviously too stupid to waste time discussing anything with.

uh-huh. so when sessions was threatened with contempt on behalf of nunez... how would that have been worked out if carried thru?

Your stupidity is like a siren, okay one more attempt.

Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress, because he absolutely lied to them. What was the result of that? Nothing, they couldn't do anything to him. Big deal they said "we hod you in contempt Eric Holder" and that's exactly what would have happened with Sessions, unless you believe Sessions would have been like "oh okay yes I'll prosecute myself for Contempt of Congress" LOL

uh... the link that now says otherwise... that i gave you.... is dated 2017. eric holder wasn't AG in 2017. now granted, since the majority party holding those chairs in 2017 were (R), me thinx sessions was safe no matter what.

but on jan 3, 2019, them thar chairs will now be (D). & it WILL be a very good day. :itsok:
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