That controversial line in the former German anthem: Deutschland über alles = Germany above all!

The first and second strophe are antiquated and would refer to a territory of Germany which not exists any longer.

The third strophe (the summary of 1+2) is the best. And the melody from the last decade of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation refers to a very long tradition.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
sind des Glückes Unterpfand:

|: Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes,
blühe, deutsches Vaterland!

(Unity and justice and freedom
for the German fatherland!
Let us all strive for this
fraternally with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
are the pledge of happiness:
Bloom in the splendor of this happiness,
blossom, German fatherland!)

(Oh by the way: "German" = "deutsch" and "deutsch" means per se something what's very similiar to the expression "united". So "united fatherland" and "German fatherland" are nearly the same.)

Did you think I dont know all this?

I said so before - only in other words.
Because of your interest in the text "Deutschland über alles"
And what did I write about this text?
Did you not see?

I wrote practically the same as you did.
So you should ask yourself, whether you are a Nazi.

How can you get me sooooooooooo wrong?????

I tried to get the REAL meaning acrosss!
That makes me the oppsite of a Nazi!

Did you not read what I wrote?

no comment

An Upper Franconian is no Lower Franconian. And a Franconian in general is no Swabian and an Alemanian not a Lower Bavarian nor any other Bavarian. But they all live in Bavaria. And a Bavarian who lives there is no Prussian, a Hesse is no Saxon and an East Frisian is no Dane and so on and so on. Nationalism is not really something what makes a big sense in Germany.
That controversial line in the former German anthem: Deutschland über alles = Germany above all!

3 question about it:

a) did you know it?
b) did you know its true meaning?
c) did you know that it is no longer the German anthem?

I like Jello, man. He's a real dude.

An Upper Franconian is no Lower Franconian. And a Franconian in general is no Swabian and an Alemanian not a Lower Bavarian nor any other Bavarian. But they all live in Bavaria. And a Bavarian who lives there is no Prussian, a Hesse is no Saxon and an East Frisian is no Dane and so on and so on.
What do you want to tell me with that nonsense?
You would better answer my question why you insulted me with that idiotic question whether I am a Nazi.

Depends on what you mean by "your country"
For example in the US a Trumper would say voting Trump is putting your country above all, a Democrat would say the exact opposite.
@ Putting your country first above all others

But that is NOT what the German anthem says!
It has been explained again and again now!
What do you want to tell me with that nonsense?
You would better answer my question why you insulted me with that idiotic question whether I am a Nazi.

I insulted no one. I asked you. You said: "No - I am no Nazi." Okay - this I accept. But you gave me no answer what you think about the political party AfD. My "prejudice" in context of this political party is it that someone who is not a Nazi but a sympathizer or member of this political party is only a useful idiot of the antidemocratic Nazis who control the AfD.
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The second stanza refers to wine etc.

What's also antiquated. The last year of this "good old time" was in 1865. Then came Königgrätz in 1866 and the Piefkes (=Prussians) overtook and destroyed Germany by throwing out Austria and their German nations from Germany and degrading all other German nations to colonies from Prussians grace (no joke!). The German emperor from 1870 - who had been crowned in the famous German city Versailles - never had been a German emperor but had only been a Prussian fake-emperor over Germany.

If the Prussian-British idiots had agreed to be German emperors from the peoples grace in 1849 then we could today be a democracy with a representative monarchy as it is Sweden or the UK. Instead of this easy and normal way of history the German history is a disaster.

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What do you want to tell me with that nonsense?

A Frankonian within Bavaria says "I am no Bavarian - I am a Frankonian". The same Frankonian outside of Bavaria in Germany says "I am no German - I am a Bavarian". Nonsense or not nonsense - that's the context we use and how all Germans think "naturally". Within Germany we are no Germans - outside from Germany we are Germans. German nationalism within Germany is a more sick thing than it is sane. Except it is a local patriotism in context with a universal patriotism.

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