That controversial line in the former German anthem: Deutschland über alles = Germany above all!

That controversial line in the former German anthem: Deutschland über alles = Germany above all!

3 question about it:

a) did you know it?
b) did you know its true meaning?
c) did you know that it is no longer the German anthem?

democrats Uber Alles!
Yes - the writer of the German anthem actually wanted a united and democratic Germany.
Not a Monarchy, but a Republic.
The democrat Party wants the same thing: a Republic lead by a Dictator where none of their political opponents have a say
Absolute nonsense

No. It is not. This is a long time history now. There are two mayor reasons to speak about such a theme. One is curiosity and research. The other is revanchism. So your "mission" is unclear. State minister of Thuringia Ramelow for example spoke an unbelievable nonsense when he said "I can not forget the Nazi parades so I like to have another national anthem". First of all is no one able "to forget" what had happened when he was unborn. Second: The Nazi hymn had been the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Third: The flag of the Nazis had been a red flag, white circle, black swastika (canted in the middle).

With the flag of Germany and with the national anthem of Germany the Nazis never had anything to do.

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Okay. You are no German. Why are you interested in this "theme" - better to say in an unilinear view to the three German words "Deutschland über alles" in context of the poem "Das Lied der Deutschen" from August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerslabenm from the year 1841?
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Okay. You are no German. Why are you interested in this "theme" - better to say in an unilinear view to the three German words "Deutschland über alles" in context of the poem "Das Lied der Deutschen" from August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerslabenm from the year 1841?
i am german …
i am german …
Strange. What do you not know about Germany or what do I not know? What for heavens sake is your pronlem with our national anthem or the formula of the early national movement in 18xx "Deutschland über alles"? Unity movements is a totally normal phenomenon in all western countries.
Strange. What do you not know about Germany or what do I not know? What for heavens sake is your pronlem with our national anthem or the formula of the early national movement in 18xx "Deutschland über alles"? Unity movements is a totally normal phenomenon in all western countries.

You know nothing.

Do you think the present day German concerns him/her self with these whimsical notions of yours?

Right now, the farmers are blocking the roads with their tractors, protesting against some government policies.

Why don’t you get up to speed and look into that?
You know nothing.

About what? About Germany and my life here?

Do you think the present day German concerns him/her self with these whimsical notions of yours?

Eh? "Glauben Sie, dass sich der Deutsche von heute mit Ihren skurrilen Vorstellungen beschäftigt?"

I fear for a German like me sounds your message in German even some miles more stupid than in English.

Right now, the farmers are blocking the roads with their tractors, protesting against some government policies.

I know. I met them.

Why don’t you get up to speed and look into that?

And what has this to do with what? What is your nationality?
About what? About Germany and my life here?

Eh? "Glauben Sie, dass sich der Deutsche von heute mit Ihren skurrilen Vorstellungen beschäftigt?"

I fear for a German like me sounds your message in German even some miles more stupid than in English.

I know. I met them.

And what has this to do with what? What is your nationality?


What do you know about the German national anthem? Nothing or nothing? What do you like to know about it? Nothing and nothing!

But you have an opinion. And what a luck that all others in the world are only idiots so you are always only right with your own opinion about everyone and anything what you do not [like to] understand.

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I experienced an unpleasant issue with it once, in Poland.

In Poland? You? Tell me this story.

By the way: Poland owns a big part of former Germany now - and had to give a big part of former Polish territory to Russia. So the following lines in our anthem from 1841 (more than 100 years older) make not a big sense any longer:

"... Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt –
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!"

"... From the Meuse to the Memel,
From the Adige to the Belt -
Germany, Germany above all,
Above everything in the world!"

Meaning: Germany in her concrete borders should be united in only one Germany (and not in 50-200 different independent states and organisations). "Germany" - a national state "Germany" - should be in the own mind "above all" and "above everything" [else] "in the world" ="in our German world". Motor for such an idea had been the rest of the western world : the USA, France, England, Spain, Italy and so on ... . The reality today is it that national states at all are a block in the developement of international structures. It needs today much more multi-national structures and internationals cooperations than in any other moment of world history.

It was by the way a very good decision to use only the third strophe of the German national anthem any longer, the summary of strophe 1+2. But with Nazis and Commies has this nothing to do.
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In Poland? You? Tell me this story.

By the way: Poland owns a big part of former Germany now -. and had to give a big part of foerm Posish terrtorry to Russia. So the lines from 1841 make not a big sense any longer:

"... Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt –
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!"

"... From the Meuse to the Memel,
From the Adige to the Belt -
Germany, Germany above all,
Above everything in the world!"

Meaning: Germany in her concrete borders should be united in only one Germany (and not in 50-200 different independent states and organisation). "Germany" - a national state "Germany" - should be in the own mind "above all" an "above everything" [else] "in the world" ="in our German world". Motor for such an idea had been the rest of the western world : the USA, France, England, Spain, Italy and so on ... . The reality today is it that natiiohnalk states at all are a block in the developement of international structures. It needs multi-national structures.


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