That Didn't Take Long

What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.

So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.

Pedophiles call for the ?same rights? as homosexuals.

It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals « Pat Dollard

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

?Gay? laws set stage for pedophilia ?rights?

Pedophiles demand rights like homosexuals | General News 2013-07-30

There's about 100 more just like those.

Just google for them
An adult having sex with a child is harmful to the child victim.

An adult having sex with an adult is not harmful to either partner.

Hope that helps!

It is a little scary how many like the OP can't see the difference.

I think the difference is really irrelevant to the op and posters, as is the fact that no one, besides a few pedophiles, has ever suggested that pedophella be legalized.
What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.

So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.

Not yet anyway. too bad you're too stupid to see where this is going.
What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.

So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.

Not yet anyway. too bad you're too stupid to see where this is going.

Oh, I think we can see where this thread is going. roflmao
What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.

So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.

Pedophiles call for the ?same rights? as homosexuals.

It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals « Pat Dollard

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

?Gay? laws set stage for pedophilia ?rights?

Pedophiles demand rights like homosexuals | General News 2013-07-30

There's about 100 more just like those.

Just google for them

A pedophile wanting permission to have sex with kids is about as surprising as a serial killer wanting permission to kill hookers.

That you found anti-gay sites using the same fallacious slippery slope arguments as yourself is also not surprising.

Your point?
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So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.

Pedophiles call for the ?same rights? as homosexuals.

It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals « Pat Dollard

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

?Gay? laws set stage for pedophilia ?rights?

Pedophiles demand rights like homosexuals | General News 2013-07-30

There's about 100 more just like those.

Just google for them

A pedophile wanting permission to have sex with kids is about as surprising as a serial killer wanting permission to kill hookers.

That you found anti-gay sites using the same slippery slope arguments as yourself is also not surprising.

Your point?

Read them. It's real. It is not make believe.

These people honestly want the same rights granted to them that gays have.

I'm not in the mood to look it up but there was a law passed that forbade school counselors from trying to tell kids what was best for them sexually and the Congress passed a law forbidding it.

In the law is language that says that counselors can not dissuade or persuade anyone based on sexual orientation.

Without defining what sexual orientation was.

Republicans tried to amend the bill to say that pedophilia was not a sexual orientation and should not be included but dimocraps, led by Alcee Hastings, stopped the bill.+

I remember having the same arguments with people back in the 70s. I told them that gays would demand to have the right to marry. People laughed.

They said that all they wanted was to be left alone, to not be discriminated against. That they didn't want anything special and that marriage was an invention of the straight man and they weren't interested.

People, we are feeding a troll.

Eat shit, scumbag.

With B4U-ACT, Pedophilia Takes a Step Toward Being Considered Normal

COMMENTARY | Statements from a relatively new organization indicate a slippery slope toward "normalizing" pedophilia.

On August 17, an 8-year-old group called B4U-ACT held a Symposium in Baltimore, MD. B4U-ACT has a goal of making American society and the American medical community more understanding of what they've reclassified as "minor-attracted persons."

B4U-ACT aims to increase services and resources for individuals who are sexually attracted to children so that mental help is more readily available; and for society to stop criminalizing "minor-attracted persons" without recognizing needs for mental help.

Certainly, there are conditions for which people are better helped by mental assistance than simply being imprisoned.

However, some hot-button words within B4U-ACT's philosophy could de-sensitize society toward criminal acts of pedophilia, making it more acceptable.

The Symposium's title was "Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM." DSM stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.

The keynote speaker, Fred Berlin, M.D., made a statement now quoted alongside B4U-ACT's Principles and Perspectives. He asked the American Psychiatric Association to develop a contemporary policy statement regarding pedophilia. It should encourage nondiscriminatory and objective public policies and professional education (italics mine).

B4U-ACT's Principles and Perspectives include (paraphrased):

*These individuals do not choose to have such feelings.

*Some minor-attracted people need help dealing with issues resulting from society's negative reactions to their sexual feelings.

*We should not assume that minor-attracted persons abuse children or that their sexual feelings are more compulsive or uncontrollable than other people.

Regarding the last statement, public school children are often directed in sex-education classes that they should explore and experiment with their sexuality. So we can't assume "minor-attracted persons" are not acting out.

Controversial book, older organization may support B4U-ACT:

A 2003 book still causes a stir regarding pedophilia. "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex," by Judith Levine with former U.S. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders, claims sex isn't necessarily harmful to children, but children are more endangered by "puritanical" sexual attitudes.

Another organization, NAMBLA (the North American Man/Boy Love Association) has sought social approval since 1978 by separating "consensual man/boy love" from pedophilia, arguing that minor boys having sex with men aren't always doing so against their will.

The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) community rejects approval of pedophilia. In fact, NAMBLA's website currently carries an article regarding claims made against them by South Florida Gay News earlier this month.
Pedophilia may no longer be a 'disease' or a 'sin', but it is still a crime. I'm really hoping parents groups get in gear and push the child advocacy aspect of this.

A pedophile wanting permission to have sex with kids is about as surprising as a serial killer wanting permission to kill hookers.

That you found anti-gay sites using the same slippery slope arguments as yourself is also not surprising.

Your point?

Read them. It's real. It is not make believe.

These people honestly want the same rights granted to them that gays have.

Who are "these people"? The only people I see are pedophiles asking permission to have sex with kids. Which as I said, is as surprising as a serial killer asking permission to kill hookers.

Show me ordinary society saying we should cut pedophiles some slack and then your stupid slippery slope argument will have some validity.

Your links are all to heavily biased anti-gay sites. They are opinion pieces. They are making the same tired "homosexuality = pedophilia" slippery slope fallacious rants you are. A link to a thread on the Freeper board is not EVIDENCE of anything except that some people really hate gays! Jesus!
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We need to make sure laws state that sex must be between consenting adults and carve it in stone.

I know, I know, teens have sex, but as long as they are both minors, it's not illegal. Of course, there has to be a cut off. Even a 15 year old cannot have sex with a child. Many teens, 18 and 19 yr. olds, are on the sex offender registry because they continued having sex with their teen girlfriends after they became of age. I suppose that is one way parents can get rid of the boyfriend they disapprove of.

Pedophiles are sick. Period. Having sex with someone who does not consent or understand what is happening is a crime and needs to stay that way.

Pedophiles are not in the same group as gays. They are just hoping people will sympathize with them, but they are dreaming.

Anyone who has sex with a child is not decent enough to live in our society. If ever there was a group that needed to be locked up and have the key thrown away, it's these perverts. Rapists are in this group. They are all deranged. When someone rapes and kills a child, I fully support the death penalty.

I can't believe anyone even asks the question as to whether it's an orientation. It shouldn't be dignified by discussing it seriously.
A pedophile wanting permission to have sex with kids is about as surprising as a serial killer wanting permission to kill hookers.

That you found anti-gay sites using the same slippery slope arguments as yourself is also not surprising.

Your point?

Read them. It's real. It is not make believe.

These people honestly want the same rights granted to them that gays have.

Who are "these people"? The only people I see are pedophiles asking permission to have sex with kids. Which as I said, is as surprising as a serial killer asking permission to kill hookers.

Show me ordinary society saying we should cut pedophiles some slack and then your stupid slippery slope argument will have some validity.

Your links are all to heavily biased anti-gay sites. They are opinion pieces. They are making the same tired "homosexuality = pedophilia" slippery slope fallacious rants you are. A link to a thread on the Freeper board is not EVIDENCE of anything except that some people really hate gays! Jesus!


The LGBT and GLAAD organizations are against these people.

Gays don't like them any more than anybody else does. I'm just telling you what's going on and you choose to stick your head in the sand.

You allow events to control you instead of you trying to control events. No wonder you're a dimocrap.

Try looking stuff up for yourself once in a while.
I can't believe anyone even asks the question as to whether it's an orientation. It shouldn't be dignified by discussing it seriously.

The reason for examing pedophilia is to determine if it can be cured or resolved. It provides data on the potential for recidivism.

If there is evidence a pedophile is hardwired to be sexually attracted to children, that suggests a high probability of repeat offenses, and perhaps a low probability of a pedophile ever being cured. A study can provide the best methods of prevention and/or treatment going forward, and result in making life safer for our children.

It in no way suggests we should let pedophiles harm children, as the voices in the topic starter's head mistakenly concluded.
Officially establishing pedophilia as a “sexual orientation,” as some already want to do, will designate pedophiles as an elevated class, with the de facto hiring and promotion priority entailed in laws and policies forbidding “discrimination.” From there the normalization of sexual relations between adults and children will follow inevitably.

There was absolutely nothing in that article that even suggested that pedophiles wish to normalize sexual relations between adults and children, and in fact, the men on that website are adamant that they have never had sexual relationships with children, and would not consider victimizing a child.

There is a big difference between recognizing the causes of pedophilia, and that the condition doesn't respond well to treatment, and making a move to allow pedophiles to prey on young victims. That's not about to happen - ever.
well, pathology IS pathology. it does not matter is it inborn or acquired.
I can't believe anyone even asks the question as to whether it's an orientation. It shouldn't be dignified by discussing it seriously.

The reason for examing pedophilia is to determine if it can be cured or resolved. It provides data on the potential for recidivism.

If there is evidence a pedophile is hardwired to be sexually attracted to children, that suggests a high probability of repeat offenses, and perhaps a low probability of a pedophile ever being cured. A study can provide the best methods of prevention and/or treatment going forward, and result in making life safer for our children.

It in no way suggests we should let pedophiles harm children, as the voices in the topic starter's head mistakenly concluded.

it has been known it is not treatable from the early 90s - then the approach from counseling and therapy changed to strict prosecution and in the cases of recidivism - chemical castration ( the only cure for the pedophile is to take away his libido altogether).
Dr. James Cantor of CAMH has shown pedophilia is like a sexual orientation — a deep attraction that cannot change. Now, pedophiles who have never molested children are seeking social acceptance.
Good Heavens!

There are people who are so mentally deficient they cannot tell right from wrong. It does not follow we must therefore allow them to kill at will.

The doctor is not making the argument that pedophiles should be allowed to have sex with kids, but Edgetho is too stupid to realize it.

Edgetho is too stupid to realize much of anything. Pedophiles are a danger to children and are from all sexual orientations and levels of society. Given Edgetho's posts on the subject, I suspect that he may have a problem in that area.
That depends on what you consider a child to be.

In Islam, there is no such thing. In fact, Mohammed's favorite wife, Aisha, was only 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was consummated.

You're full of shit.

Homosexuality used to be against the law.

It isn't now.

When will pedophilia be decriminalized.

You people are always moving the goal posts

Fallacy: Slippery Slope

Look, bitch. I didn't make this shit up. There is active research going on that concludes that pedophilia is something you're born with. Just like homosexuality.

If you believe that ALL homosexuals have no choice but to be homosexual, then you have to give thought to the same thing being true of pedophiles.

Just that one is now glorified and worshiped while the other is still illegal.

Will you stand against the people trying to make pedophilia legal?

I think you will. And in thirty years, people will be calling you a pedophobe.

You can thank me later for inventing a new word.

New things don't aim to change peoples' minds on something. What they do is try to indoctrinate the young, try to make it a part of every day life, try to 'normalize' it.

How many people trave abroad to satisfy their sick desires for children? Like Senator Menendez.

That's how the AIDS virus got here. Men traveling to other Countries to satisfy their sick desire for gay butt-sex and they brought it back.

It won't happen in my lifetime. Or maybe not even in yours. Or maybe never.

But they're going to try to normalize pedophilia,

Count on it

We will not allow heterosexuals to normalize pedophilia.

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