That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

What witness statements?

Zimmerman's is merely his ass-protecting version.

His dad is irrelevant.

From the link:
Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

The boy said he is not sure who called for help. After a moment, his dog escaped, and he turned to catch it and a few seconds later heard a gunshot, he said.

"When I heard the shot, the screaming stopped," he said.
no you bastard racist we weren't,, we were told over and over that race didn't have a damn thing to do with it.. you lying racist

You were told? I thought you said you weren't ALLOWED to talk about it. Did moderators tell you so? Was there a threat to have you kicked off the board? Give us some evidence. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

double standards and hypocrisy you racist bastard,, that's why sharpton didn't show up for the burned up white kid.. or the murdered white teens in memphis,, nope no al sharpton anywhere to be seen.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Because whites do not need anyone to fight for them, dumb ass. It's hardly brain surgery. Even though I am whiter than the driven snow, people like you make me ashamed of my own race. I wish you and others like you would just go away. What a better world it would be.
So the kid attacked Zimmerman with skittles and a can of sweet tea?:cuckoo:

Ever been beat upside of the head with a can? He couldve had a bottle of coke and some mentos ! Now thats a deadly weapon.

Do you really think thats what happened?

Something happened! I really doubt that the guy was out looking for some target practice. I doubt that Trayvon was out looking for someone to bop with a soda can. We have a culture that is divided and each side is terrified of the other. If I was out after dark and it became obvious to me that I was being followed, you can bet your bootie that I would take some kind of action. BOTH of them called 911. The dispatcher should have known that this was a volatile situation and someone was going to get hurt if not dead.

Having seen this before, the dispatcher would have told Party 2, that Party 1 had called and reported suspicious activity. Then called Party 1 back and said that Party 2 was worriied that he was being followed. He was on his way home from having gone to the store. Even if it were two 911 operators, they are both looking at the same screen and know exactly what's going on. A patrol car should have been out there right away to stop BOTH of them and defuse this situation. This was a monumental FU of the most major proportions but not a hate crime.
and it wasnt just a murder, it was a "hate" murder..................that makes it even more terrible

Wow, no more need for police investigations and fair trials decided by a jury of one's peers. Let's just assume and judge because of skin color. No other information needed.

Why does the left see color and make judgements based solely on that in almost every case? I find that racist.
The monumental fuckup was that someone with mental problems was allowed a concealed weopons permit, and that he was not told to cease and desist after so many useless calls to 9-11. The man has a history of obvious problems.

Now he has a major problem. He committed a high profile murder. And the Sanford Police Department apparently was going to let him get away with it. I don't care what law or method they use to take this guy down, he has to come down. He committed murder for no reason at all.
Think I'll just wait for all the facts to come out.

I live down her in Florida and this shit has been on the news all day.

Sharpton and everyother bs artist has been on the news.

Still don't have all the facts and probably won't until if and when it goes to trial.
The monumental fuckup was that someone with mental problems was allowed a concealed weopons permit, and that he was not told to cease and desist after so many useless calls to 9-11. The man has a history of obvious problems.

Now he has a major problem. He committed a high profile murder. And the Sanford Police Department apparently was going to let him get away with it. I don't care what law or method they use to take this guy down, he has to come down. He committed murder for no reason at all.

Care to prove your accusation of 'mental problems'? Or maybe just the accusation of 'murder'?

The truth is, none of us know what actually happened and it doesn't look like we will any time soon. Rushing around hysterically screaming 'Murder' is just a little over the top right now. Let the authorities do their jobs and we'll see where we are at in a week or 2...
Ever been beat upside of the head with a can? He couldve had a bottle of coke and some mentos ! Now thats a deadly weapon.

Do you really think thats what happened?

Something happened! I really doubt that the guy was out looking for some target practice. I doubt that Trayvon was out looking for someone to bop with a soda can. We have a culture that is divided and each side is terrified of the other. If I was out after dark and it became obvious to me that I was being followed, you can bet your bootie that I would take some kind of action. BOTH of them called 911. The dispatcher should have known that this was a volatile situation and someone was going to get hurt if not dead.

Having seen this before, the dispatcher would have told Party 2, that Party 1 had called and reported suspicious activity. Then called Party 1 back and said that Party 2 was worriied that he was being followed. He was on his way home from having gone to the store. Even if it were two 911 operators, they are both looking at the same screen and know exactly what's going on. A patrol car should have been out there right away to stop BOTH of them and defuse this situation. This was a monumental FU of the most major proportions but not a hate crime.

The Police told him not to pursue Trayvon, Zimmerman really should have listened to the Police.
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

That is correct.

He came from one of the following "LATIN" Countries:

Zimmerman Family Origin

Germany (670)
Switzerland (108)
Preussen (53)
France (39)
Russia (34)
Württemberg (22)

Who would have thunketh?


Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

That is correct.

He came from one of the following "LATIN" Countries:

Zimmerman Family Origin

Germany (670)
Switzerland (108)
Preussen (53)
France (39)
Russia (34)
Württemberg (22)

Who would have thunketh?



His mother is Hispanic fuck face, no go back and play with your Ron Paul blow up doll.
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

That is correct.

He came from one of the following "LATIN" Countries:

Zimmerman Family Origin

Germany (670)
Switzerland (108)
Preussen (53)
France (39)
Russia (34)
Württemberg (22)

Who would have thunketh?



His mother is Hispanic fuck face, no go back and play with your Ron Paul blow up doll.

I noticed that you are a tad belligerent.

I take it that you Mandingo BFF hasn't given you a cum facial yet. He is more than likely two-timing you.


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