That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Shut up!

Forget facts.

It was the black kids fault. It always is.

The black kid obviously was a criminal.

Obviously stole the food from the 7-eleven.

Obviously mercilessly beat the flashlight cop and was going to kill him if he didn't take out his weapon and shoot the kid.

Look, the only place I put race in this discussion ANYWHERE is the fact that because the young kid was an African American there are certain segments of society that will not accept that the kid was innocently walking down the street.

African American males don't innocently walk down the street at night. We just don't. It's the law of nature. Cop vs black kid, obviously the black kid did something wrong. Even though Mr. Zimmerman has a criminal past and has a history of calling the police for bogus situations... it was the black kids fault.

Race may have had something to do with this case. I don't pretend to know how Zimmerman feels about black people. I don't care. I don't believe he's a racist I believe he's a complete idiot and was probably drunk.

If anyone should claim self-defense it was the kid. You do not pursue someone who looks suspicious walking down the street unless you are a trained law enforcement officer, period. If I could pursue and kill every person that looked suspicious in my neighborhood, I'd have no neighbors.

Seriously there are some segments of society that WILL NOT accept that an innocent young black teenager would ever have to defend himself against anyone. We are always wrong. Because we to them are an inferior race. And crime prone. THEY are the racists, whether or not Zimmerman was a racist I have no clue.

It is unfortunate, if nothing else that a FATHER lost his son in all this.

But of course the internet freaks don't care. Comments like "minority crime strikes again" or whatever will continue, because we are not human nor do we have emotion, we are vicious crime ridden "minorities". We are animals. I thank God, that I had a praying mother, who woke up morning by morning and prayed for an hour before work every day for my safety growing up or this very well could have been me. I'm a registered republican, I believe in self-determination, responsability, and accountability. But I don't JUST believe in it for black people. This Mr. Zimmerman needs to be held accountable for his actions. A life is lost. A family is mourning and people simply just want to call the kid a thug, not because he was or they know him.

From what I have gathered so far, it does appear the shooter instigated the entire affair.

If some guy was in my face for just walking down the street I may have clocked him too.

Being honest will not help the killer if an INVESTIGATION is conducted. I don't see why DOJ & the FBI need to be involved at this point though. FDLE should be able to handle it.
If FDLE had been interested, they would have moved on this a lot earlier.
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

George Zimmerman. Hmmm, Mexican or Puerto Rican? Sounds more Mexican to me.
Only a Republican can listen to a black child screaming in terror for help and hear a "threat" that needs a good shooting.
Only a Republican can listen to a black child screaming in terror for help and hear a "threat" that needs a good shooting.

It galls me to even read some of the vile shit you post, and believe me you're a vile sonofabitch, deano.
Only a Republican can listen to a black child screaming in terror for help and hear a "threat" that needs a good shooting.

It galls me to even read some of the vile shit you post, and believe me you're a vile sonofabitch, deano.

It was an extremely inappropriate comment to make. It's disgusting to make this a political issue.

Just as disgusting as it is to say things like "one more criminal gone"... "give him a darwin award and say good riddance"... which has been said on this board (mostly outside of this thread).

Just trying to be unbiased here.
Progressive nitwits and populist mobs want to lynch the guy before all the facts are even presented. gawd bless America. The black community hates gays and people who carry legal guns.

Maybe, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, maybe if gays armed themselves they could get the cons to support their issues?
Only a Republican can listen to a black child screaming in terror for help and hear a "threat" that needs a good shooting.

It galls me to even read some of the vile shit you post, and believe me you're a vile sonofabitch, deano.

It was an extremely inappropriate comment to make. It's disgusting to make this a political issue.

Just as disgusting as it is to say things like "one more criminal gone"... "give him a darwin award and say good riddance"... which has been said on this board (mostly outside of this thread).

Just trying to be unbiased here.
dump the faux outrage. you sound like Newt doing his 'I'm appalled" routine

ideologues on all sides make shit ideological.

that said, who cares?
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

George Zimmerman. Hmmm, Mexican or Puerto Rican? Sounds more Mexican to me.

His dad is white, mother Latina. But for the right-wing crowd, he's "Hispanic".

But to them, Obama having a black father and a white mother means he's not black, but "half white".

Spin it to fit your cause.


P.S. Hispanics and black gang members hate and kill each other all the time. Being part Hispanic doesn't absolve you from hating blacks.
Progressive nitwits and populist mobs want to lynch the guy before all the facts are even presented. gawd bless America. The black community hates gays and people who carry legal guns.

Maybe, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, maybe if gays armed themselves they could get the cons to support their issues?

You are in the Yidnar realm of stupidity.
Only a Republican can listen to a black child screaming in terror for help and hear a "threat" that needs a good shooting.

It galls me to even read some of the vile shit you post, and believe me you're a vile sonofabitch, deano.

It was an extremely inappropriate comment to make. It's disgusting to make this a political issue.

Just as disgusting as it is to say things like "one more criminal gone"... "give him a darwin award and say good riddance"... which has been said on this board (mostly outside of this thread).

Just trying to be unbiased here.

Life is a political issue. Choose your side and fight for your team, because I guarantee you the other side is.
I have been a gun owner all of my life. And have packed on many occasions, once even came very close to shooting someone in a case of clear self defense.

The fact that Zimmermann confronted this kid for only looking suspicious, then shot him, tells all that needs to be said. The police told him to cease and desist, he did not. The boy had no way of knowing what kind of person Zimmermann was, only that he was being followed by a very large man that was aggressive. They fought, the very large man was getting the worst of it, and shot the kid.

But here we have a bunch of fruitcakes spinning it as self defense. A clear case of murder is what it is.
The fact that Zimmermann confronted this kid for only looking suspicious, then shot him, tells all that needs to be said.

It's not a fact that Zimmerman confronted the black.

The story, that I have no reason to doubt, is that the black jumped Zimmerman, and Zimmerman shot in self-defense. I have no reason to think that Zimmerman would have confronted the black, given that the police were on their way and given that the police told him not follow the black. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head, which strongly supports his story that the black jumped him from behind. Zimmerman had no shooting motive except self-defense.

But here we have a bunch of fruitcakes spinning it as self defense. A clear case of murder is what it is.

Your racial hatred and delusions are not facts. You don't have a case that this isn't self-defense.
The fact that Zimmermann confronted this kid for only looking suspicious, then shot him, tells all that needs to be said.

It's not a fact that Zimmerman confronted the black.

The story, that I have no reason to doubt, is that the black jumped Zimmerman, and Zimmerman shot in self-defense. I have no reason to think that Zimmerman would have confronted the black, given that the police were on their way and given that the police told him not follow the black. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head, which strongly supports his story that the black jumped him from behind. Zimmerman had no shooting motive except self-defense.

But here we have a bunch of fruitcakes spinning it as self defense. A clear case of murder is what it is.

Your racial hatred and delusions are not facts. You don't have a case that this isn't self-defense.


This is what comes of allowing citizens to tote guns.

or when people start to have a physical confrontation rather than argue.

either the young man or the Hispanic guy started a fight that got out of hand. Ended up a tragedy. Guns are not the issue.
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

I don't really care about his race, but did people presume he was white because of his last name Zimmerman? not really a common Hispanic last name from what I know.

It's standard to identify Hispanics as whites when they're accused of attacking non-whites.
The fact that Zimmermann confronted this kid for only looking suspicious, then shot him, tells all that needs to be said.

that is not verifiable. I can confront (whatever that means in any given situation) and shoot a man. Maybe that man was trying to rob and kill me.

Your report explains nothing that would warrant a condemnation or arrest of the man.
Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

I don't really care about his race, but did people presume he was white because of his last name Zimmerman? not really a common Hispanic last name from what I know.

It's standard to identify Hispanics as whites when they're accused of attacking non-whites.

not true. Mexicans and Blacks have had a running turf war in LA. No one refers to it as white/black

Is actually hispanic.

suc,0,5792590,full.storyk it race baiters.

I suppose the last name Zimmerman made the racist left go bonkers...

I wonder how those racist fucks will spin this one...

We already got Jesse and Al bringing down the whole black KKK Jenna 6 team...

Will the DOJ charge the Hispanic wanna b cop with a hate crime?? naw ...

Meanwhile in other news - a white kid was set on fire by a black kid but that doesn't make news...

Teens set kid on fire for being 'white boy' - New York Daily News

"that's what you get white boy."

No media coverage...
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