That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Are you ignorant to the constitution??

Yes warrants damn well do need to be shown..........

Sorry to explain that the Bill of Rights cannot be contradicted and the Bill of Rights is the basis of law - hence the supreme law of the land.

You apparently are. And of existing legal precedent as well.

You're telling me that nearly every arrest made in this country is illegal, because the arrest warrant was not shown to the arrested person?

You really wanna go that way, Sparky?

And that is illegal.........

It is called a Fifth Amendment violation..
You meant 4th amendment, not 5th.
So much for YOUR constitutional prowess.

Serving a warrant is a different story.

You can't walk up to a house and serve a warrant without the warrant Nazi..

In one case one is being singled out and in the other is a case of circumstance..

And if I was arrested on a warrant I would certainly want a copy of the warrant while being booked...

In this case the warrant doesn't even exist.................PERIOD

He wasn't there to serve a warrant, he was there to make an arrest, and was TOLD the arresstee was in the home.

As for the warrant not existing, again, court.
The case is very simple (and insane)..

Brother finds Ipod in a public bathroom, owner of ipod reports the object MISSING, brother pawns ipod 6 months later, pawn shop gets audited and ipod is found to be missing, cops call brother, brother says finders keepers, 5 months later storm troopers show up with an alleged "arrest warrant", storm troopers violate Bill of Rights, storm troopers invade home tase dad and arrest brother.

Yeah, it is that simple...

They deserved what they got in the Video. It's that simple.

If you're told that there's a Warrant, you have to abide and prove there is or isn't one later. That's a fact.

The guy who answered the door acted like a fucking loon, and Cops can't take chances with loons, such as the guy (already being uncooperative and loony) slamming the door in their face to go "get something."

Yea, no. How about we dont risk this whackadoodle going to get a shot-gun, even if it happens to ACTUALLY only be a stick of gum. That's retarded.

The guy who said "finders keepers" is also behaving retarded.

Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

Yea, that'll work slick - and then you can go to jail for:

impersonating a police officer

(see - there's already laws against those things, dipshit)
You apparently are. And of existing legal precedent as well.

You're telling me that nearly every arrest made in this country is illegal, because the arrest warrant was not shown to the arrested person?

You really wanna go that way, Sparky?


You meant 4th amendment, not 5th.
So much for YOUR constitutional prowess.

Serving a warrant is a different story.

You can't walk up to a house and serve a warrant without the warrant Nazi..

In one case one is being singled out and in the other is a case of circumstance..

And if I was arrested on a warrant I would certainly want a copy of the warrant while being booked...

In this case the warrant doesn't even exist.................PERIOD

He wasn't there to serve a warrant, he was there to make an arrest, and was TOLD the arresstee was in the home.

As for the warrant not existing, again, court.

He was not there to make an arrest he was there to serve a non-existent arrest warrant.

Do you think this happened in the span of 2 days??

Do you think some kid my brother knows is accusing him of stealing his Ipod?

That tyrant cop was there to serve a non-existent warrant...

Imagine finding a 10 dollar bill on the ground and 10 months later there are 5 cops at your door attempting to serve a warrant which a) doesn't even exist and b) they cant show you..

What the fuck would you say dummy?
They deserved what they got in the Video. It's that simple.

If you're told that there's a Warrant, you have to abide and prove there is or isn't one later. That's a fact.

The guy who answered the door acted like a fucking loon, and Cops can't take chances with loons, such as the guy (already being uncooperative and loony) slamming the door in their face to go "get something."

Yea, no. How about we dont risk this whackadoodle going to get a shot-gun, even if it happens to ACTUALLY only be a stick of gum. That's retarded.

The guy who said "finders keepers" is also behaving retarded.

Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

Yea, that'll work slick - and then you can go to jail for:

impersonating a police officer

(see - there's already laws against those things, dipshit)

Which is why I wouldn't do it dummy - because I'm not a criminal. However, most criminals wouldn't give a fuck. That scenario has happened before numerous times. As a matter of fact Chicago cops were just indicted for robbing gangster drug dealers while using the same moniker.
Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

Yea, that'll work slick - and then you can go to jail for:

impersonating a police officer

(see - there's already laws against those things, dipshit)

Which is why I wouldn't do it dummy - because I'm not a criminal. However, most criminals wouldn't give a fuck. That scenario has happened before numerous times. As a matter of fact Chicago cops were just indicted for robbing gangster drug dealers while using the same moniker.

You're not getting it.

You dont live with the threat of "people faking to be cops" simply because of warrant or no warrant. Your point was irrelevant.

A fake badge maker can make a fake warrant, and a KIDNAPPER can just use "gunpoint."

Your argument is infantile.
Serving a warrant is a different story.

You can't walk up to a house and serve a warrant without the warrant Nazi..

In one case one is being singled out and in the other is a case of circumstance..

And if I was arrested on a warrant I would certainly want a copy of the warrant while being booked...

In this case the warrant doesn't even exist.................PERIOD

He wasn't there to serve a warrant, he was there to make an arrest, and was TOLD the arresstee was in the home.

As for the warrant not existing, again, court.

He was not there to make an arrest he was there to serve a non-existent arrest warrant.

Do you think this happened in the span of 2 days??

Do you think some kid my brother knows is accusing him of stealing his Ipod?

That tyrant cop was there to serve a non-existent warrant...

Imagine finding a 10 dollar bill on the ground and 10 months later there are 5 cops at your door attempting to serve a warrant which a) doesn't even exist and b) they cant show you..

What the fuck would you say dummy?

I'd say you have a lot of issues... anger management being chief. A penchant for absurdity being next.
The case is very simple (and insane)..

Brother finds Ipod in a public bathroom, owner of ipod reports the object MISSING, brother pawns ipod 6 months later, pawn shop gets audited and ipod is found to be missing, cops call brother, brother says finders keepers, 5 months later storm troopers show up with an alleged "arrest warrant", storm troopers violate Bill of Rights, storm troopers invade home tase dad and arrest brother.

Yeah, it is that simple...

Finders keepers? What kind of BS is that? Once the rightful owner is known, if you're brother doesn't turn it over, he is guilty of theft.

No one knew who the owner was dummy..

6 months later the junk was pawned, I assume the pawn shop was audited by the cops and only THEN THEY FIGURED OUT THE OWNER IDIOT...

How the hell do you think they found my brother???

Because he pawned it with his ID...

Nothing was stolen, nothing was reported stolen...

How can my brother give the fucking Ipod back when it's already in police possession??

What my brother did do is go down to the pawn shop and reimburse them for their loss out of honesty..

Something's not adding up. Where does reimbursing the pawn shop come in? That's stands in stark contrast from telling the police that this was an issue of finders keepers.

Here's the bottom line. Once the rightful owner was found, your brother had an obligation to either return the item or reimburse the pawn shop since I assume the pawn shop owners were not allowed to profit from any merchandise that shows up as either reported lost or stolen and was therefore not legally your brother's property to sell. He definitely should have cleared up any misunderstanding with the police instead of just blowing them off which is what it sounds like he did.

Personally, whenever I find something of value, I either turn it in to someone with the understanding that I can claim it later if the owner fails to come forward, or I put an ad on Craigslist. Maybe that's just me.

You're brother probably could have kept that Ipod forever without any repercussions because, let's face it, who's gonna know? But once your brother decided to sell the Ipod to a pawn shop (as opposed to a private party), and gave his ID as a condition of pawning the item, he was basically setting up the circumstances for something like this to happen. And once the Ipod was discovered to be reported lost and the police became involved, your brother should have bent over backwards to make sure everything was cleared up even IF it ended up costing him money in the process. To me, it sounds like your brother's childish attitude set everything in motion that ended happening later, and he pulled the rest of your family into the mess, as well.

If the police didn't have a valid warrant, AND if your father didn't put his hands on the cop, you guys have a valid complaint. But your whole family's attitude about the original matter of the Ipod is little more than a rationalization. Your brother made this all happen. You should all try to face that fact.
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He wasn't there to serve a warrant, he was there to make an arrest, and was TOLD the arresstee was in the home.

As for the warrant not existing, again, court.

He was not there to make an arrest he was there to serve a non-existent arrest warrant.

Do you think this happened in the span of 2 days??

Do you think some kid my brother knows is accusing him of stealing his Ipod?

That tyrant cop was there to serve a non-existent warrant...

Imagine finding a 10 dollar bill on the ground and 10 months later there are 5 cops at your door attempting to serve a warrant which a) doesn't even exist and b) they cant show you..

What the fuck would you say dummy?

I'd say you have a lot of issues... anger management being chief. A penchant for absurdity being next.

He gets that a ton on here.

Must be us.

Then - - you see the video and you're like - "ahhhhh, elle ohhh elle."
The case is very simple (and insane)..

Brother finds Ipod in a public bathroom, owner of ipod reports the object MISSING, brother pawns ipod 6 months later, pawn shop gets audited and ipod is found to be missing, cops call brother, brother says finders keepers, 5 months later storm troopers show up with an alleged "arrest warrant", storm troopers violate Bill of Rights, storm troopers invade home tase dad and arrest brother.

Yeah, it is that simple...

They deserved what they got in the Video. It's that simple.

If you're told that there's a Warrant, you have to abide and prove there is or isn't one later. That's a fact.

The guy who answered the door acted like a fucking loon, and Cops can't take chances with loons, such as the guy (already being uncooperative and loony) slamming the door in their face to go "get something."

Yea, no. How about we dont risk this whackadoodle going to get a shot-gun, even if it happens to ACTUALLY only be a stick of gum. That's retarded.

The guy who said "finders keepers" is also behaving retarded.

Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

and you can then serve time in jail for impersonating a police officer. I see we have to add stupidity to your list of issues.
Yea, that'll work slick - and then you can go to jail for:

impersonating a police officer

(see - there's already laws against those things, dipshit)

Which is why I wouldn't do it dummy - because I'm not a criminal. However, most criminals wouldn't give a fuck. That scenario has happened before numerous times. As a matter of fact Chicago cops were just indicted for robbing gangster drug dealers while using the same moniker.

You're not getting it.

You dont live with the threat of "people faking to be cops" simply because of warrant or no warrant. Your point was irrelevant.

A fake badge maker can make a fake warrant, and a KIDNAPPER can just use "gunpoint."

Your argument is infantile.

My point is very relevant.........

Using your tyrannical logic one could impersonate a cop and rob you, kill you or rob you and kill you under the ruse of having a warrant and under the gullibility of those on the other side of the farce warrant...

Crooked cops use the "I have a warrant" bullshit all the time here in Illinois just to rob drug dealers - many have been caught. They don't only use it on drug dealers they use that shit to rape woman..
Which is why I wouldn't do it dummy - because I'm not a criminal. However, most criminals wouldn't give a fuck. That scenario has happened before numerous times. As a matter of fact Chicago cops were just indicted for robbing gangster drug dealers while using the same moniker.

You're not getting it.

You dont live with the threat of "people faking to be cops" simply because of warrant or no warrant. Your point was irrelevant.

A fake badge maker can make a fake warrant, and a KIDNAPPER can just use "gunpoint."

Your argument is infantile.

My point is very relevant.........

Using your tyrannical logic one could impersonate a cop and rob you, kill you or rob you and kill you under the ruse of having a warrant and under the gullibility of those on the other side of the farce warrant...

Crooked cops use the "I have a warrant" bullshit all the time here in Illinois just to rob drug dealers - many have been caught. They don't only use it on drug dealers they use that shit to rape woman..

This might be the dumbest comment I've read on here in weeks. And you're competing with some fuggin AIR heads.
They deserved what they got in the Video. It's that simple.

If you're told that there's a Warrant, you have to abide and prove there is or isn't one later. That's a fact.

The guy who answered the door acted like a fucking loon, and Cops can't take chances with loons, such as the guy (already being uncooperative and loony) slamming the door in their face to go "get something."

Yea, no. How about we dont risk this whackadoodle going to get a shot-gun, even if it happens to ACTUALLY only be a stick of gum. That's retarded.

The guy who said "finders keepers" is also behaving retarded.

Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

and you can then serve time in jail for impersonating a police officer. I see we have to add stupidity to your list of issues.

Do you think those who would give a fuck??? that is why they're criminals idiot.

If going to prison was a deterrent to crime we wouldn't have any.
Good, maybe I will take the official police badge I found, show up at your door and claim you have a warrant - throw you in my caprice then............

Oh while we're at it we can burn the Bill of Rights...

and you can then serve time in jail for impersonating a police officer. I see we have to add stupidity to your list of issues.

Do you think those who would give a fuck??? that is why they're criminals idiot.

If going to prison was a deterrent to crime we wouldn't have any.

and if demanding a warrant is a deterrant to kidnapping, than your point isn't retarded.
You're not getting it.

You dont live with the threat of "people faking to be cops" simply because of warrant or no warrant. Your point was irrelevant.

A fake badge maker can make a fake warrant, and a KIDNAPPER can just use "gunpoint."

Your argument is infantile.

My point is very relevant.........

Using your tyrannical logic one could impersonate a cop and rob you, kill you or rob you and kill you under the ruse of having a warrant and under the gullibility of those on the other side of the farce warrant...

Crooked cops use the "I have a warrant" bullshit all the time here in Illinois just to rob drug dealers - many have been caught. They don't only use it on drug dealers they use that shit to rape woman..

This might be the dumbest comment I've read on here in weeks. And you're competing with some fuggin AIR heads.

Feds: Two Chicago cops took orders from Latin Kings - Chicago Sun-Times
and you can then serve time in jail for impersonating a police officer. I see we have to add stupidity to your list of issues.

Do you think those who would give a fuck??? that is why they're criminals idiot.

If going to prison was a deterrent to crime we wouldn't have any.

and if demanding a warrant is a deterrant to kidnapping, than your point isn't retarded.

That is why you ask to see the fucking warrant idiot - not only that but it is your Fifth Amendment right.......

You can disagree all you want like a tyrant but that would just make you wrong.

You have the right to know a) what you're being charged with and b) the accuser and c) the judge who signed the warrant.

You just cant arrest people because "the warrant is in the computer." Anyone who believes that is a justifiable excuse to attack an innocent man for standing up for the Fifth Amendment is NO GODDAMN CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERAL - THEY"RE TYRANTS.
you dont know the law, you're ignorant of it.

and secondly - demanding a warrant doesn't prevent a kidnapping. that's a retarded point. sorry you just cant see that but uh, I know why tbh.
Finders keepers? What kind of BS is that? Once the rightful owner is known, if you're brother doesn't turn it over, he is guilty of theft.

No one knew who the owner was dummy..

6 months later the junk was pawned, I assume the pawn shop was audited by the cops and only THEN THEY FIGURED OUT THE OWNER IDIOT...

How the hell do you think they found my brother???

Because he pawned it with his ID...

Nothing was stolen, nothing was reported stolen...

How can my brother give the fucking Ipod back when it's already in police possession??

What my brother did do is go down to the pawn shop and reimburse them for their loss out of honesty..

Something's not adding up. Where does reimbursing the pawn shop come in? That's stands in stark contrast from telling the police that this was an issue of finders keepers.

Here's the bottom line. Once the rightful owner was found, your brother had an obligation to either return the item or reimburse the pawn shop since I assume the pawn shop owners were not allowed to profit from any merchandise that shows up as either reported lost or stolen and was therefore not legally your brother's property to sell. He definitely should have cleared up any misunderstanding with the police instead of just blowing them off which is what it sounds like he did.

Personally, whenever I find something of value, I either turn it in to someone with the understanding that I can claim it later if the owner fails to come forward, or I put an ad on Craigslist. Maybe that's just me.

You're brother probably could have kept that Ipod forever without any repercussions because, let's face it, who's gonna know? But once your brother decided to sell the Ipod to a pawn shop (as opposed to a private party), and gave his ID as a condition of pawning the item, he was basically setting up the circumstances for something like this to happen. And once the Ipod was discovered to be reported lost and the police became involved, your brother should have bent over backwards to make sure everything was cleared up even IF it ended up costing him money in the process. To me, it sounds like your brother's childish attitude set everything in motion that ended happening later, and he pulled the rest of your family into the mess, as well.

If the police didn't have a valid warrant, AND if your father didn't put his hands on the cop, you guys have a valid complaint. But your whole family's attitude about the original matter of the Ipod is little more than a rationalization. Your brother made this all happen. You should all try to face that fact.

My brother felt bad when the pawn shop was out of money - he did that out of his own free will (honestly I think my parents pushed him to do it, being small business owners themselves)..

Do you not understand my brother didn't have the fucking Ipod and the cops had it because it was pawned??? The Ipod hadn't been in his possession for 6 months.

I don't have any idea how to be any more simple than that.


Do I have to write the aforementioned 100 times like Bart Simpson???

People here are either retarded or just like to argue. That or they're pro-cops to the point they're in denial that cops could ever do anything wrong..
you dont know the law, you're ignorant of it.

and secondly - demanding a warrant doesn't prevent a kidnapping. that's a retarded point. sorry you just cant see that but uh, I know why tbh.




As a libertarian I resent that notion. I've read more law books than you have read books in general.

I probably would have been a lawyer but that would have fucked my morals and put them through a cheese grader......

Don't even attempt to tell me what I know...

You're so dumb you don't even understand why I fly the flag upside down.
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you dont know the law, you're ignorant of it.

and secondly - demanding a warrant doesn't prevent a kidnapping. that's a retarded point. sorry you just cant see that but uh, I know why tbh.




As a libertarian I resent that notion. I've read more law books than you have read books in general.

I probably would have been a lawyer but that would have fucked my morals and put them through a cheese grader......

Don't even attempt to tell me what I know...

You're so dumb you don't even understand why I fly the flag upside down.

yet still you confused the 4th and 5th amendments earlier in the thread. How is that?
you dont know the law, you're ignorant of it.

and secondly - demanding a warrant doesn't prevent a kidnapping. that's a retarded point. sorry you just cant see that but uh, I know why tbh.




As a libertarian I resent that notion. I've read more law books than you have read books in general.

I probably would have been a lawyer but that would have fucked my morals and put them through a cheese grader......

Don't even attempt to tell me what I know...

You're so dumb you don't even understand why I fly the flag upside down.


you lemme know the next time a criminal impersonating an officer who wants to kidnap you....................leaves you alone when you ask for a warrant :lol: dope

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