That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

The entire modern classical liberal philosophy is based on law...

We ask ourselves and ponder; "what can the government legally do within contexts of the Constitution", "what limitations does the government have."

Meanwhile the rest of society knee-jerk kicks our rights and liberties to the curb - hence freedom.
you dont know the law, you're ignorant of it.

and secondly - demanding a warrant doesn't prevent a kidnapping. that's a retarded point. sorry you just cant see that but uh, I know why tbh.




As a libertarian I resent that notion. I've read more law books than you have read books in general.

I probably would have been a lawyer but that would have fucked my morals and put them through a cheese grader......

Don't even attempt to tell me what I know...

You're so dumb you don't even understand why I fly the flag upside down.

yet still you confused the 4th and 5th amendments earlier in the thread. How is that?


I'm not confused you're confused...
Using some of your logic "authority" can pick a man up, try him and hang him without the individual knowing what exactly he is being accused of...

What the fuck is this the Salem Witch Trial era??

You don't need to explain and supply documentation to a man why he is being arrested and on what charge?


What a wonderful backwards-ass world..
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Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

Where did you learn the State attorney's office has been through this with a fine tooth comb? I have read it was just turned over to the stare in the last few days? The Sheriff's offense spent an hour or so, let the killer go after determining "self defense".



As a libertarian I resent that notion. I've read more law books than you have read books in general.

I probably would have been a lawyer but that would have fucked my morals and put them through a cheese grader......

Don't even attempt to tell me what I know...

You're so dumb you don't even understand why I fly the flag upside down.

yet still you confused the 4th and 5th amendments earlier in the thread. How is that?


I'm not confused you're confused...

nope, still you who is confused...

Do idiots really believe cops can just take you off to jail for no reason??

If there is a warrant for my arrest I would A) want to READ WHAT FOR, B) would want a copy for my own records..

I suppose that is too much to ask...

It is apparently too much to ask that you understand that legally, the arrest warrant does not HAVE to be shown to you.

And that is illegal.........

It is called a Fifth Amendment violation..

you claim here that not showing you an arrest warrant is a 5th amendment violation.

Here is a link to the 5th amendment text on wiki...
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation
none of that applies to your not seeing an arrest warrant.

Now, the 4th amendment might at least have been more relevant to your comment...
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
...but it still does not say that you are required to be SHOWN an arrest warrant upon arrest.

You confused the 5th and 4th amendments.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

Where did you learn the State attorney's office has been through this with a fine tooth comb? I have read it was just turned over to the stare in the last few days? The Sheriff's offense spent an hour or so, let the killer go after determining "self defense".

That is not how it works. PD is not the determinor or arbitrator of self-defense it involves consultation of their counsel.....DA.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

Where did you learn the State attorney's office has been through this with a fine tooth comb? I have read it was just turned over to the stare in the last few days? The Sheriff's offense spent an hour or so, let the killer go after determining "self defense".

That is not how it works. PD is not the determinor or arbitrator of self-defense it involves consultation of their counsel.....DA.

I refer to the prosecution as SA, PD I thought meant Sheriff's department. Where are the opinions of the public defender AND prosecutor? It just got turned over TO the prosecutor a few days ago.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

Where did you learn the State attorney's office has been through this with a fine tooth comb? I have read it was just turned over to the stare in the last few days? The Sheriff's offense spent an hour or so, let the killer go after determining "self defense".

That is not how it works. PD is not the determinor or arbitrator of self-defense it involves consultation of their counsel.....DA.

Assistant State Attorney Pat Whitaker told the students it would take several weeks to look at the case, but that the "investigation of the Sanford police needs to be greatly supplemented," Jasmine Rand, the FAMU professor, said after the meeting.

Justice Department, FBI to probe Florida teen's death - CNN

The State Attorney's office said it would take WEEKS to go through the evidence; of course the Public Defender's office isn't involved yet: NO CHARGES. Florida uses the words "State Attorney".
Was a police department = PD

The decision to not arrest has been turned over to Feds.

Will take weeks for review of PD/SA actions.

April 10 to be exact for grand jury.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

A kid with no record, not involved in any crime was shot.

It's sickening that anyone thinks this was a "good shoot".

Human beings are not sport.

Where did you learn the State attorney's office has been through this with a fine tooth comb? I have read it was just turned over to the stare in the last few days? The Sheriff's offense spent an hour or so, let the killer go after determining "self defense".

That is not how it works. PD is not the determinor or arbitrator of self-defense it involves consultation of their counsel.....DA.

Assistant State Attorney Pat Whitaker told the students it would take several weeks to look at the case, but that the "investigation of the Sanford police needs to be greatly supplemented," Jasmine Rand, the FAMU professor, said after the meeting.

Justice Department, FBI to probe Florida teen's death - CNN

The State Attorney's office said it would take WEEKS to go through the evidence; of course the Public Defender's office isn't involved yet: NO CHARGES. Florida uses the words "State Attorney".

Meanwhile the police have no idea where the shooter is..and whether or not he's still armed.

He can very possibly do this again. One of the charges of the police is to protect the public.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

A kid with no record, not involved in any crime was shot.

It's sickening that anyone thinks this was a "good shoot".

Human beings are not sport.

Evidence demonstrates different thus far.

Arizona Iced Tea can which bashed Zimmerman's head. What will that show when the Sanford PD investigation is greatly supplemented with forensic evidence on that can and of those recordings ?
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Was a police department = PD

The decision to not arrest has been turned over to Feds.

Will take weeks for review of PD/SA actions.

April 10 to be exact for grand jury.

Yes, it will take until 4/10 or longer. State Attorney, then the feds. Has any agency been over the facts yet?
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

A kid with no record, not involved in any crime was shot.

It's sickening that anyone thinks this was a "good shoot".

Human beings are not sport.

Evidence demonstrates different thus far.

Arizona Iced Tea can which bashed Zimmerman's head. What will that show when the Sanford PD investigation is greatly supplemented with forensic evidence on that can and of those recordings ?

Had Zimmerman drawn his gun before that "fact"?
Was a police department = PD

The decision to not arrest has been turned over to Feds.

Will take weeks for review of PD/SA actions.

April 10 to be exact for grand jury.

Yes, it will take until 4/10 or longer. State Attorney, then the feds. Has any agency been over the facts yet?

Enough to pass detainment / arrest test.

Absent forensic and voice analysis which is forthcoming.
Good shoot. Physical / forensic evidence and eyewitness corrorborate.

PD and DA have been through it with fine tooth comb = no arrest.

Let grand jury decide and be the bearer of news.

A kid with no record, not involved in any crime was shot.

It's sickening that anyone thinks this was a "good shoot".

Human beings are not sport.

Evidence demonstrates different thus far.

Arizona Iced Tea can which bashed Zimmerman's head. What will that show when the Sanford PD investigation is greatly supplemented with forensic evidence on that can and of those recordings ?

What evidence?

At some point they got into a fight. Zimmerman, who was armed with a 9mm gun and weighing 250 lbs was chasing this kid around the neighborhood. The 911 tapes confirm that. They also confirm Zimmerman used a racial epithet and was concerned he "got away". Martin's girlfriend confirms that Zimmerman confronted him and asked what he was doing in the neighborhood. He did this without first identifying himself. Which, in this case, would have been sort of silly, since he wasn't part of any registered neighborhood watch. Zimmerman's story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You'd have to suspend belief to go with it.
A kid with no record, not involved in any crime was shot.

It's sickening that anyone thinks this was a "good shoot".

Human beings are not sport.

Evidence demonstrates different thus far.

Arizona Iced Tea can which bashed Zimmerman's head. What will that show when the Sanford PD investigation is greatly supplemented with forensic evidence on that can and of those recordings ?

Had Zimmerman drawn his gun before that "fact"?

The stitches in the back of the head are indicative of an ambuscade type attack to the rear.

His testimony is he drew while his attacker was on top of him as the witness corroborated.

I suspect powder residue supported this and the PD/SA decision.
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Assistant State Attorney Pat Whitaker told the students it would take several weeks to look at the case, but that the "investigation of the Sanford police needs to be greatly supplemented," Jasmine Rand, the FAMU professor, said after the meeting.

Justice Department, FBI to probe Florida teen's death - CNN

The police should arrest those protesters for attempting to incite violence, such as by holding signs saying "No peace for Sanford." It's that kind of animal mentality that provoked the black to attack the Jewish Mr. Zimmerman, resulting in the death of the black.
What evidence?

At some point they got into a fight. Zimmerman, who was armed with a 9mm gun and weighing 250 lbs was chasing this kid around the neighborhood. The 911 tapes confirm that. They also confirm Zimmerman used a racial epithet and was concerned he "got away". Martin's girlfriend confirms that Zimmerman confronted him and asked what he was doing in the neighborhood. He did this without first identifying himself. Which, in this case, would have been sort of silly, since he wasn't part of any registered neighborhood watch. Zimmerman's story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You'd have to suspend belief to go with it.

Where do the racist cops and states attorneys covering it up enter the scene ?

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