That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

That's not me, that's my brother...

Pretty much what happened was my brother found an Ipod, pawned it 6 months later - he gets a call from the cops telling him to come down to the police department to discuss the issue, he pretty much tells the cop "finders keepers" and several months later these storm troopers show up at our door claiming they have a non-existent warrant...

Thats what happened..

They were trying to arrest him so he could formally be charged on "FAILURE TO TAKE MEASURES TO RETURN PROPERTY."

The Goddamn Ipod in question wasn't even reported stolen - it was reported MISSING..

Not only that, but when my brother found out the Ipod was seized from the pawn shop he actually went back and paid them the money out of guilt of their loss..

The cops are fucking lunatics and the system is fucked..

All this shit over a fucking Ipod.

You guys are awesome man.

I gotta give you points for posting something so personal.

I have some kinda new found respect for you.


I'm laughing b/c nobody got hurt.


Yeah I know - My dad got tyrannical dicks on his jury just like you and GT..

You think that shit is funny..

Yeah? well wait until it happens to you motherfucker...

Oh and if you keep voting the way you do IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU..

Then you will be singing a different story..


Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:

How fucking dumb are you??



Some people just cant get it through their fucking head that the cops were insane here, and certainly overreaching with their authority.

No, the warrant DIDN'T EXIST - that is the most fucked up part..

Now go get butt-fucked by a cop..

If the warrant didn't exist have you ever thought about suing the police department? I would.

There is a lawsuit pending...

Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:

How fucking dumb are you??



Some people just cant get it through their fucking head that the cops were insane here, and certainly overreaching with their authority.

No, the warrant DIDN'T EXIST - that is the most fucked up part..

Now go get butt-fucked by a cop..


So, how much did you win on the settlement then, if the Warrant didn't exist?

You did sue right? And prove that it didn't exist?:lol:

You dopes are the class-a cop provokers - cameras all around just asking for it, posting on message boards about "police state this" and socialism that all the time, etc. etc. shit makes me giggle.

my aDVIce is to go out of the house. turn off the news and political message boards.

forget about politics completely, altogether. your brain isn't strong enough to stay hinged and handle it.

First off the cops were outside of my parents home for a good 5-10 minuets before they even pulled the fucking camera out. Second, it's a good idea to document police contact for your own records. Third my dad owns his own audio/video business - why wouldn't he have cameras??? He would want evidence if someone broke into his house - not to mention MANY PEOPLE have cameras for security.

I mean you would think someone who installs security cameras for a living (among other AV stuff) would have security cameras themselves.
Yeah I know - My dad got tyrannical dicks on his jury just like you and GT..

You think that shit is funny..

Yeah? well wait until it happens to you motherfucker...

Oh and if you keep voting the way you do IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU..

Then you will be singing a different story..
Nick, I'm actually on your side on this.

I wasn't laughing at you and/or your family per se, just laughing at the situation, mainly the fact that you actually posted this thing. Something so personal, and you are all so serious an entire family of Tea Partiers....<--- see, I even used the proper term.

Chill fam...I come in peace.

Yeah I know - My dad got tyrannical dicks on his jury just like you and GT..

You think that shit is funny..

Yeah? well wait until it happens to you motherfucker...

Oh and if you keep voting the way you do IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU..

Then you will be singing a different story..
Nick, I'm actually on your side on this.

I wasn't laughing at you and/or your family per se, just laughing at the situation, mainly the fact that you actually posted this thing. Something so personal, and you are all so serious an entire family of Tea Partiers....<--- see, I even used the proper term.

Chill fam...I come in peace.


Well, this may be personal but it's a perfect example of how fucked up the police are.

The police in my county have a good track record of abusing their power to the point of killing people and framing others (when they know they have the wrong guy).

Look up Lake County Illinois...

The cops just beat a guy to death and the prosecutors are refusing to charge the cops with ANY CRIME, meanwhile the coroner found that the beating contributed to the guys death.

In my county the cops get their jollies off playing storm trooper. It's tase and beat first and ask questions later.

This isn't even a high crime county...

A small misunderstanding can turn into a cop killing someone really fast around here - it has happened several times.

If you cry Bill of Rights or civil liberties around here during police contact these cowboys will crack you over your heads with their clubs, then tase you - then pretend to be justified in doing such while they pathologically lie and purger themselves.

The cops around here are seriously rogue cowboys that do whatever the fuck they want and they're never held accountable for their actions, so they get more authoritarian.
I have a gun too...

None of this nonsense would ever happen where I live...

In my neighborhood I am for the first time in my life, afraid of a group within the PD. The city has a tough rep. Snoop Dawg's city. I live downtown, so carrying would get me killed either by criminals or cops. :lol:

but I choose to live dangerously. :cuckoo:

Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

[ame=]Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]

he was obstructing the officers in the execution of an active warrant. He put his hand on an officer. He got tazed for his trouble.

I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..
I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..

This kind of thing happens alot in bad neighborhoods.
In my neighborhood I am for the first time in my life, afraid of a group within the PD. The city has a tough rep. Snoop Dawg's city. I live downtown, so carrying would get me killed either by criminals or cops. :lol:

but I choose to live dangerously. :cuckoo:

Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

[ame=]Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]

he was obstructing the officers in the execution of an active warrant. He put his hand on an officer. He got tazed for his trouble.


A) He didn't touch that motherfucker - that bully actually grabbed my dads arm and put it on him to justify his bullshit tyranny. Not to mention he punched my dad in the back of his head in the video and knocked him out cold.

B) You must show an individual a warrant - that fat fuck "claimed" he had a warrant - he didn't show it.

C) The warrant didn't exist in the first place.
Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube

he was obstructing the officers in the execution of an active warrant. He put his hand on an officer. He got tazed for his trouble.


A) He didn't touch that motherfucker - that bully actually grabbed my dads arm and put it on him to justify his bullshit tyranny. Not to mention he punched my dad in the back of his head in the video and knocked him out cold.

B) You must show an individual a warrant - that fat fuck "claimed" he had a warrant - he didn't show it.

C) The warrant didn't exist in the first place.

Sue the pants off those motherfuckers Nick!
I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..

This kind of thing happens alot in bad neighborhoods.

My parents neighborhood isn't bad...

The cops around here are just crazy...

Remember this insane shit is over a MISSING (NOT STOLEN BUT MISSING IPOD) That my brother found in a fucking Panara Bread bathroom..
I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??
If I obstructed the officers in the execution of an active warrant, I'd expect to be tased. Also, no one broke in... the door was opened from the inside, according to the video posted.

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?
taser darts do not cause pools of blood.

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.
An active warrant negates illegal search and seizure claims.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..
Not if you do it respectfully. You should try less anger, and more respect. It would help.

My comments in BLUE above.
Not to mention the Ipod was a first gen Ipod - the thing was a broken piece of shit... I saw it first hand. I remember asking my brother if it worked when he had it (because I was interested in what type of music the guy who lost it liked) and he was like NO it doesn't work..

Meanwhile we all had the newest Ipods..

Quite frankly I don't even understand why the pawn shop gave my brother a dime for such a piece of shit Ipod...

I wouldn't have bought it for a dollar - it was literally junk...
Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube

he was obstructing the officers in the execution of an active warrant. He put his hand on an officer. He got tazed for his trouble.


A) He didn't touch that motherfucker - that bully actually grabbed my dads arm and put it on him to justify his bullshit tyranny. Not to mention he punched my dad in the back of his head in the video and knocked him out cold.
Not according to the video I just watched.

B) You must show an individual a warrant - that fat fuck "claimed" he had a warrant - he didn't show it.
Sorry, wrong again... If police have a search warrant, do they have to show it to me? | How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
No. The Supreme Court has never ruled that police must present the search warrant when performing a search.

The purpose of the warrant is to establish legal authority to conduct the search and create a paper trail in case the search is challenged. Since executing a search warrant is considered a high-risk activity for police, officers are permitted to enter quickly and forcefully. If you have doubts about the legality of a search warrant issued against you or your property, you'll need to discuss the matter with your attorney.

C) The warrant didn't exist in the first place.
You'll have to prove that in court.

see above comments.
I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??
If I obstructed the officers in the execution of an active warrant, I'd expect to be tased. Also, no one broke in... the door was opened from the inside, according to the video posted.

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?
taser darts do not cause pools of blood.

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.
An active warrant negates illegal search and seizure claims.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..
Not if you do it respectfully. You should try less anger, and more respect. It would help.

My comments in BLUE above.

They didn't have a warrant...

My dad asked to SEE THE WARRANT and he was denied.

No warrant - no son - it is that simple.

My dad didn't do anything wrong - when the cops got fed up with my dads patriotism the asshole grabbed my dads hand and pushed it towards him.

If you can show me where he pushed the cop - then you will see he his hand was grabbed first and pushed towards the 250 lb fat ass.

Oh and if it matters the same cop that pulled that bullshit is also the same cop being sued for gross interrogations and literally the mastermind behind the Jerry Hobbs Cleared: Dad Charged In Girls' Murder To Go Free, DNA Evidence Links Another Man case.
I mean how would someone feel if the cops came to your door, broke into your house and tased you??
If I obstructed the officers in the execution of an active warrant, I'd expect to be tased. Also, no one broke in... the door was opened from the inside, according to the video posted.

Meanwhile your wife thinks you have been shot because there is blood pooling out your back?
taser darts do not cause pools of blood.

I stand for the constitution - that was totally out of line.
An active warrant negates illegal search and seizure claims.

The tyrant republicans apparently want a police state - because in their mind the police can do no wrong. Really dumb shits??? come to Illinois - they'll beat your ass if you look at them wrong or have the audacity to point to the Bill of Rights..
Not if you do it respectfully. You should try less anger, and more respect. It would help.

My comments in BLUE above.

They didn't have a warrant...

My dad asked to SEE THE WARRANT and he was denied.
See my last post. They did not NEED to show him, as long as it existed. If it did nto, then you have to take them to court over it.

No warrant - no son - it is that simple.
See above.

My dad didn't do anything wrong - when the cops got fed up with my dads patriotism the asshole grabbed my dads hand and pushed it towards him.
Patriotism my lest nad. He was belligerent and obstructing the officers.

If you can show me where he pushed the cop - then you will see he his hand was grabbed first and pushed towards the 250 lb fat ass.
EDIT: at 1:58 he CLEARLY placed his left hand on the officers right shoulder to pus him back and prevent him from entering. Bad move.

Oh and if it matters the same cop that pulled that bullshit is also the same cop being sued for gross interrogations and literally the mastermind behind the Jerry Hobbs Cleared: Dad Charged In Girls' Murder To Go Free, DNA Evidence Links Another Man case.
It doesn't.
see above
Last edited:
he was obstructing the officers in the execution of an active warrant. He put his hand on an officer. He got tazed for his trouble.


A) He didn't touch that motherfucker - that bully actually grabbed my dads arm and put it on him to justify his bullshit tyranny. Not to mention he punched my dad in the back of his head in the video and knocked him out cold.

B) You must show an individual a warrant - that fat fuck "claimed" he had a warrant - he didn't show it.

C) The warrant didn't exist in the first place.

Sue the pants off those motherfuckers Nick!

I cant sue anyone - I have nothing to do with any of this - I wasn't even there.

My dad and brother are suing them tho.
My comments in BLUE above.

They didn't have a warrant...

My dad asked to SEE THE WARRANT and he was denied.
See my last post. They did not NEED to show him, as long as it existed. If it did nto, then you have to take them to court over it.

No warrant - no son - it is that simple.
See above.

My dad didn't do anything wrong - when the cops got fed up with my dads patriotism the asshole grabbed my dads hand and pushed it towards him.
Patriotism my lest nad. He was belligerent and obstructing the officers.

If you can show me where he pushed the cop - then you will see he his hand was grabbed first and pushed towards the 250 lb fat ass.
EDIT: at 1:58 he CLEARLY placed his left hand on the officers right shoulder to pus him back and prevent him from entering. Bad move.

Oh and if it matters the same cop that pulled that bullshit is also the same cop being sued for gross interrogations and literally the mastermind behind the Jerry Hobbs Cleared: Dad Charged In Girls' Murder To Go Free, DNA Evidence Links Another Man case.
It doesn't.
see above

They didn't have a warrant...

My dad asked to SEE THE WARRANT and he was denied.
See my last post. They did not NEED to show him, as long as it existed. If it did nto, then you have to take them to court over it.

No warrant - no son - it is that simple.
See above.

My dad didn't do anything wrong - when the cops got fed up with my dads patriotism the asshole grabbed my dads hand and pushed it towards him.
Patriotism my lest nad. He was belligerent and obstructing the officers.

If you can show me where he pushed the cop - then you will see he his hand was grabbed first and pushed towards the 250 lb fat ass.
EDIT: at 1:58 he CLEARLY placed his left hand on the officers right shoulder to pus him back and prevent him from entering. Bad move.

Oh and if it matters the same cop that pulled that bullshit is also the same cop being sued for gross interrogations and literally the mastermind behind the Jerry Hobbs Cleared: Dad Charged In Girls' Murder To Go Free, DNA Evidence Links Another Man case.
It doesn't.
see above


and they will have to prove that in court.
Do idiots really believe cops can just take you off to jail for no reason??

If there is a warrant for my arrest I would A) want to READ WHAT FOR, B) would want a copy for my own records..

I suppose that is too much to ask...

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