That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

It's not a fact that Zimmerman confronted the black.

The story, that I have no reason to doubt, is that the black jumped Zimmerman, and Zimmerman shot in self-defense. I have no reason to think that Zimmerman would have confronted the black, given that the police were on their way and given that the police told him not follow the black. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head, which strongly supports his story that the black jumped him from behind. Zimmerman had no shooting motive except self-defense.

Your racial hatred and delusions are not facts. You don't have a case that this isn't self-defense.


or when people start to have a physical confrontation rather than argue.

either the young man or the Hispanic guy started a fight that got out of hand. Ended up a tragedy. Guns are not the issue.

And a another one. Gotta love it.

Ariux is a racist fucking retard with his head jammed up his ass all the way to his shoulders, so is that faggot Dante.
What matters is the circumstances of the shooting .

Had a concealed carry permit, and was packing heat. . When you have just been told to back off, as was the case here, .

I deleted out the bullshit, so that doesn't leave me much except to agree with you that the circumstances are important.

a witness say Zimmerman on his back and heard someone yelling for help.

Zimmerman was beaten. Busted face and grass stains on his back.

he was armed with a pistol and won against a teen with a can as a weapon.

but like I said

He isn't white, so the race baiters, like the teens family, are fucked.

One of my buddies got 7 stitches from some 20 year old punk that hit him in the forehead with a can of spray paint he was carrying around inside his baggy pants.

He made the mistake of wearing a cowboy hat in eye-shot of this trouble-maker.

We beat the crap out of him and his other two buddies. A crowd of folks sitting at an outside bar were watching it and when I stopped stomping this punk's ass I heard them cheering us.

I guess those kids were well known in the area.

Oh Gawd!!! another internet tough guy.
running away? what does that mean? people can walk away and others say they are running away.

Well, let's see.....Zimmerman can be heard breathing heavily on the 911 tapes while in pursuit, with loud wind sounds on top of that, indicating a high speed of travel. Would suggest that Zimmerman was himself running in order to keep up with Martin, whom Zimmerman said was running.

the young man confronted Zimmerman and started a verbal confrontation that got out of hand. fact

Pathetic. The fact is that Zimmerman chased Martin down. Zimmerman admits this. Why can't you?

You don't breath hard when you're scared or excited7????

Btw, I heard no heavy breathing in the rexordings.

You must be making this up.
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The fact that Zimmermann confronted this kid for only looking suspicious, then shot him, tells all that needs to be said.

It's not a fact that Zimmerman confronted the black.

The story, that I have no reason to doubt, is that the black jumped Zimmerman, and Zimmerman shot in self-defense. I have no reason to think that Zimmerman would have confronted the black, given that the police were on their way and given that the police told him not follow the black. Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head, which strongly supports his story that the black jumped him from behind. Zimmerman had no shooting motive except self-defense.

But here we have a bunch of fruitcakes spinning it as self defense. A clear case of murder is what it is.

Your racial hatred and delusions are not facts. You don't have a case that this isn't self-defense.

Grass stains on your back and bleeding from the back of the head usually indicates a fall, not an attack from behind.
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I have a gun too...

None of this nonsense would ever happen where I live...

In my neighborhood I am for the first time in my life, afraid of a group within the PD. The city has a tough rep. Snoop Dawg's city. I live downtown, so carrying would get me killed either by criminals or cops. :lol:

but I choose to live dangerously. :cuckoo:

Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

[ame=]Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The family that goes to jail together, stays together.

Why they had a warrant for your arrest dude?

You guys are some kinda awesome.

LoL!! :lol:
I think both side of this thread have valid arguments. But, it's to early on to decide if there is a case here. I suspect the two of them knew one another.
In my neighborhood I am for the first time in my life, afraid of a group within the PD. The city has a tough rep. Snoop Dawg's city. I live downtown, so carrying would get me killed either by criminals or cops. :lol:

but I choose to live dangerously. :cuckoo:

Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

[ame=]Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]

Lied to the Police, obstructed Justice, son is a thief - - - - - he deserved it, your Dad provoked the whole incident.

The Officer stated he had an Active Warrant, your Dad did not comply. Then, he resisted arrest.

My brother was charged with "failure to take measures to return property" NOT THEFT..

We don't steal - we weren't raised that way..

My brother found an Ipod and 6 months later pawned it because it was a piece of shit.

NO - you see - the POLICE LIE...

The police lie so fucking much that the prosecutors closing argument was LITERALLY VERBATIM: "FIND THIS GUY GUILTY OR HE WILL SUE."

My dad wanted to see the fucking warrant - that's it - that's all.

Using the logic of the general public - I could show up to your house dressed as a cop or an official of "authority" claim I have a warrant for your arrest, then abduct you.

The shit has happened before..

We have a web site that explains the whole event and its going back up tonight..
In my neighborhood I am for the first time in my life, afraid of a group within the PD. The city has a tough rep. Snoop Dawg's city. I live downtown, so carrying would get me killed either by criminals or cops. :lol:

but I choose to live dangerously. :cuckoo:

Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

[ame=]Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The family that goes to jail together, stays together.

Why they had a warrant for your arrest dude?

You guys are some kinda awesome.

LoL!! :lol:

That's not me, that's my brother...

Pretty much what happened was my brother found an Ipod, pawned it 6 months later - he gets a call from the cops telling him to come down to the police department to discuss the issue, he pretty much tells the cop "finders keepers" and several months later these storm troopers show up at our door claiming they have a non-existent warrant...

Thats what happened..

They were trying to arrest him so he could formally be charged on "FAILURE TO TAKE MEASURES TO RETURN PROPERTY."

The Goddamn Ipod in question wasn't even reported stolen - it was reported MISSING..

Not only that, but when my brother found out the Ipod was seized from the pawn shop he actually went back and paid them the money out of guilt of their loss..

The cops are fucking lunatics and the system is fucked..

All this shit over a fucking Ipod.
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IMO, it wasn't "race related" it was "dumb shit related."

Dumb shit is right but also race!

[ame=]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - Did George Zimmerman Say 'F*ng Coons'? - YouTube[/ame]
Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube

Lied to the Police, obstructed Justice, son is a thief - - - - - he deserved it, your Dad provoked the whole incident.

The Officer stated he had an Active Warrant, your Dad did not comply. Then, he resisted arrest.

My brother was charged with "failure to take measures to return property" NOT THEFT..

We don't steal - we weren't raised that way..

My brother found an Ipod and 6 months later pawned it because it was a piece of shit.

NO - you see - the POLICE LIE...

The police lie so fucking much that the prosecutors closing argument was LITERALLY VERBATIM: "FIND THIS GUY GUILTY OR HE WILL SUE."

My dad wanted to see the fucking warrant - that's it - that's all.

Using the logic of the general public - I could show up to your house dressed as a cop or an official of "authority" claim I have a warrant for your arrest, then abduct you.

The shit has happened before..

We have a web site that explains the whole event and its going back up tonight..


Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:
IMO, it wasn't "race related" it was "dumb shit related."

Dumb shit is right but also race!

[ame=]Trayvon Martin 911 Call - Did George Zimmerman Say 'F*ng Coons'? - YouTube[/ame]

Funny how the young turks don't give a fuck about the white kid that was set on fire..

That is without question a "hate crime."

No they focus on a questionable motive that those fucking retards can only speculate on.

The media bias is outright insulting...

Not to mention I love how this Zimmerman guy is painted as "white" because it suits the media's racist agenda (because they jumped the gun)...

All this shit the media plays is downright disgusting...

These days the media views themselves as promoters of an agenda - NOT tellers of the truth.

The young turks are blatant propagandists and liars - their goal is to promote an agenda.
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Oh yeah?? you think I like cops???

Here is my dad getting tased...

Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video) - YouTube
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The family that goes to jail together, stays together.

Why they had a warrant for your arrest dude?

You guys are some kinda awesome.

LoL!! :lol:

That's not me, that's my brother...

Pretty much what happened was my brother found an Ipod, pawned it 6 months later - he gets a call from the cops telling him to come down to the police department to discuss the issue, he pretty much tells the cop "finders keepers" and several months later these storm troopers show up at our door claiming they have a non-existent warrant...

Thats what happened..

They were trying to arrest him so he could formally be charged on "FAILURE TO TAKE MEASURES TO RETURN PROPERTY."

The Goddamn Ipod in question wasn't even reported stolen - it was reported MISSING..

Not only that, but when my brother found out the Ipod was seized from the pawn shop he actually went back and paid them the money out of guilt of their loss..

The cops are fucking lunatics and the system is fucked..

All this shit over a fucking Ipod.

You guys are awesome man.

I gotta give you points for posting something so personal.

I have some kinda new found respect for you.


I'm laughing b/c nobody got hurt.

Lied to the Police, obstructed Justice, son is a thief - - - - - he deserved it, your Dad provoked the whole incident.

The Officer stated he had an Active Warrant, your Dad did not comply. Then, he resisted arrest.

My brother was charged with "failure to take measures to return property" NOT THEFT..

We don't steal - we weren't raised that way..

My brother found an Ipod and 6 months later pawned it because it was a piece of shit.

NO - you see - the POLICE LIE...

The police lie so fucking much that the prosecutors closing argument was LITERALLY VERBATIM: "FIND THIS GUY GUILTY OR HE WILL SUE."

My dad wanted to see the fucking warrant - that's it - that's all.

Using the logic of the general public - I could show up to your house dressed as a cop or an official of "authority" claim I have a warrant for your arrest, then abduct you.

The shit has happened before..

We have a web site that explains the whole event and its going back up tonight..


Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:

How fucking dumb are you??



Some people just cant get it through their fucking head that the cops were insane here, and certainly overreaching with their authority.

No, the warrant DIDN'T EXIST - that is the most fucked up part..

Now go get butt-fucked by a cop..
My brother was charged with "failure to take measures to return property" NOT THEFT..

We don't steal - we weren't raised that way..

My brother found an Ipod and 6 months later pawned it because it was a piece of shit.

NO - you see - the POLICE LIE...

The police lie so fucking much that the prosecutors closing argument was LITERALLY VERBATIM: "FIND THIS GUY GUILTY OR HE WILL SUE."

My dad wanted to see the fucking warrant - that's it - that's all.

Using the logic of the general public - I could show up to your house dressed as a cop or an official of "authority" claim I have a warrant for your arrest, then abduct you.

The shit has happened before..

We have a web site that explains the whole event and its going back up tonight..


Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:

How fucking dumb are you??



Some people just cant get it through their fucking head that the cops were insane here, and certainly overreaching with their authority.

No, the warrant DIDN'T EXIST - that is the most fucked up part..

Now go get butt-fucked by a cop..

If the warrant didn't exist have you ever thought about suing the police department? I would.
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The family that goes to jail together, stays together.

Why they had a warrant for your arrest dude?

You guys are some kinda awesome.

LoL!! :lol:

That's not me, that's my brother...

Pretty much what happened was my brother found an Ipod, pawned it 6 months later - he gets a call from the cops telling him to come down to the police department to discuss the issue, he pretty much tells the cop "finders keepers" and several months later these storm troopers show up at our door claiming they have a non-existent warrant...

Thats what happened..

They were trying to arrest him so he could formally be charged on "FAILURE TO TAKE MEASURES TO RETURN PROPERTY."

The Goddamn Ipod in question wasn't even reported stolen - it was reported MISSING..

Not only that, but when my brother found out the Ipod was seized from the pawn shop he actually went back and paid them the money out of guilt of their loss..

The cops are fucking lunatics and the system is fucked..

All this shit over a fucking Ipod.

You guys are awesome man.

I gotta give you points for posting something so personal.

I have some kinda new found respect for you.


I'm laughing b/c nobody got hurt.


Yeah I know - My dad got tyrannical dicks on his jury just like you and GT..

You think that shit is funny..

Yeah? well wait until it happens to you motherfucker...

Oh and if you keep voting the way you do IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU..

Then you will be singing a different story..
My brother was charged with "failure to take measures to return property" NOT THEFT..

We don't steal - we weren't raised that way..

My brother found an Ipod and 6 months later pawned it because it was a piece of shit.

NO - you see - the POLICE LIE...

The police lie so fucking much that the prosecutors closing argument was LITERALLY VERBATIM: "FIND THIS GUY GUILTY OR HE WILL SUE."

My dad wanted to see the fucking warrant - that's it - that's all.

Using the logic of the general public - I could show up to your house dressed as a cop or an official of "authority" claim I have a warrant for your arrest, then abduct you.

The shit has happened before..

We have a web site that explains the whole event and its going back up tonight..


Your story before was that it was found in the store in a bathroom stall and so he was accused of trying to steal it. I have a great memory.

You guys seem a bit loony in that video.

two drops of little blood and the woman screeeaming "heee's bleeeeding! they'd probably taze a baby!!"

your brother going "constitution! constitution!!"

meanwhile, as you admitted above - he was charged.

so you lemme know what rights were violated - did the warrant not exist? I'll bet. :lol:

How fucking dumb are you??



Some people just cant get it through their fucking head that the cops were insane here, and certainly overreaching with their authority.

No, the warrant DIDN'T EXIST - that is the most fucked up part..

Now go get butt-fucked by a cop..


So, how much did you win on the settlement then, if the Warrant didn't exist?

You did sue right? And prove that it didn't exist?:lol:

You dopes are the class-a cop provokers - cameras all around just asking for it, posting on message boards about "police state this" and socialism that all the time, etc. etc. shit makes me giggle.

my aDVIce is to go out of the house. turn off the news and political message boards.

forget about politics completely, altogether. your brain isn't strong enough to stay hinged and handle it.

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