That NBC Poll,Hillary Ahead By 11 Points.Uhm, They Only Polled 447 People?

:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

Margin of error is about 4.5%.

Typical polls have a sample of around 1000.

5x the sample size, 20x more scientific... even a geeky confidence interval provided for science! But don't ask the lib reegressives what that means, they only follow science, they don't understand it... the exact opposite what the scientific methods tells you to do.

In the RCP averages, there have been 14 polling companies over the past three weeks which have released national polls. In polls by 13 of those organizations, Hillary is in the lead. This is the only one that has Trump leading, the one you are quoting.

In all likelihood, the polls from the 13 firms are more reflective of the national mood than the 1.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

Margin of error is about 4.5%.

Typical polls have a sample of around 1000.

The margin of error is about everything, the only thing that needs questioning is how likely a huge margin of error is.

Given that they didn't have a proper sampling process, all of this is irrelevant. They are biased, completely. Might as well have pulled the numbers out the rear.
:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

Margin of error is about 4.5%.

Typical polls have a sample of around 1000.

The margin of error is about everything, the only thing that needs questioning is how likely a huge margin of error is.

Given that they didn't have a proper sampling process, all of this is irrelevant. They are biased, completely.

How do you know they don't have a proper sampling process?

It is probably over-exaggerating Hillary's lead, but it is hard to believe that Trump's numbers wouldn't fall after the vulgar Access Hollywood tape. He was trailing by 5-6 points prior to the tape. He probably fell another few points after the tape.

A 7-8 point lead four weeks before the election is almost certainly insurmountable.

Election Update: Polls Show Potential Fallout From Trump Tape
:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

Margin of error is about 4.5%.

Typical polls have a sample of around 1000.

The margin of error is about everything, the only thing that needs questioning is how likely a huge margin of error is.

Given that they didn't have a proper sampling process, all of this is irrelevant. They are biased, completely. Might as well have pulled the numbers out the rear.
i can still remember when some leftist magazine/network gave obama an 11 or 13 point lead for Obama in 2008 around this time.
Why doesn't Clinton News Network just DECLARE HITLERY THE WINNER NOW? I mean I KNOW they would LOVE to do just that.

I've never SEEN such blatant frothing at the mouth, fever pitched, bug eyed, schizophrenic behavior. The left is just absolutely going rat shit loony bin insane over Trump.

I wonder how many will have heart attacks and strokes and mental break downs and panic attacks when Trump wins? Could be a beautiful thing to cull the leftard herd.
The internal polls tell a different story. That's why the Clinton team is so anxious for Trump to drop out.
:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

There's more people at our annual block party.

Why am I never invited to your block party? :(

Are you on the East Coast?

:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?

There's more people at our annual block party.

Why am I never invited to your block party? :(

Are you on the East Coast?


Remind me in June. We'll see what we can do. :beer:
:argue: :bang3: :cow: What? The NBC Poll only asked 447 people? I just saw this on Fox News/Megyn Kelly. What kind of poll is that? Aren't over 100 Million People going to vote?and we are supposed to assume that 447 people are speaking for the rest of the country?
Were all 447 on a welfare line?
Hey, right wingers....don't like ONE poll? Take a look at a few of them.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Afterwards, have a stiff drink and go to bed........LOL

Why are they better?

Why don't you just go look for yourself? Why are righties like little children? Why are righties so incurious?

I did. Unbelievable. Literally.

You mean the results or the fact that it is just an impartial listing of all the polls?
Its official, our press is now even more corrupted than the old state controlled media in the Soviet Union thanks libs. /sarcasm
I really don't believe that all of a sudden that 20 Million staunch Trump supporters have all of a sudden fell in love with Hillary.

No, there are still there.....just not nearly enough to break 150 electoral votes.

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