That Old Black Magic

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
First the song...

That old black magic had their spell
That old black magic that they weaved, not... so well
The same old tingle they felt up... their leg

Well..that old black magic, it's...ah.., no longer working... so well

(Rearranged from..Harold Arlen Lyrics - That Old Black Magic)

Well folks, Since the Democrats took over Congress and Obama took over the Presidency things have just gone to... well... SHIT
You name it, they have screwed it up.

Home values (squashed), unemployment (boot to the head), medical insurance (shot to the kidney), auto industry (limping), national debt (children's.. children butt kicking), foreign affairs (proctologists delight), national security (headache), budget control (head spinning), transparency (forget it), draining the swamp (they filled it), physically hurts to go on...
Forty-two percent (42%) of American adults now expect the U.S. economy to be weaker in one year’s time, up three points from January and the highest level found in 14 months of regular tracking on the question, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Confidence In Economy's Future Is At Lowest Point of Obama's Presidency - Rasmussen Reports
Sounds like that hope and change thing isn't working so well for you. You are not alone.
Well folks, Since the Democrats took over Congress and Obama took over the Presidency things have just gone to... well... SHIT

With the exception of an unprecidented econonomic recovery
I'm not sure that the democrats would want to bring unemployment down.

They seem content with merely passing more and more unemployment benefit extensions on the premise of keeping around 10% of the populace dependent upon them for their financial stability.

Why spend money on allowing people to become independent and employed when you can buy votes by handing out employment entitlements while simultaneously blaming Wall Street for everything?
Lower income people are getting HUMONGOUS credits this tax season. I know one woman that just got over $12,000 return and another that got $10,000. People like this are spending that money and boosting the economy so even though it is probably just temporary I do agree that it helps a lot of people at this time.

On a side note: these people had nowhere near that amount witheld from their checks so... it's really a money giveaway... But it's making their lives much easier.
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