That POS Kathy Griffin again

And what is Ivanka, filling her pockets off of sweatshop labor. I wonder where Ivanka would be if not for her rich daddy and mommy , perhaps pregnant and barefoot. daddy and mommy means no child,'s kind of "Biology 101". :disbelief: Ivanka Trump is an intelligent and ambitious woman. She should be an inspiration to other women but because she's a "Conservative Woman" (GASP...THE HORROR!!!) she's constantly attacked by liberals. You want her barefoot and pregnant? How does that make your life better? Get a grip...would you! These petty attacks on women by other women simply because they have the AUDACITY to not be a liberal has gotten out of hand!
Ivank's toughest job was keeping her daddy from grabbing her feckless ****. Too harsh for you cons?

Go to your safe space snowflakes and chant your daily affirmation. When it comes to making the cold hard cash, Kathy Griffin is killin' it as always.

She's killing it nowadays, because she knows you simpletons will worship her when she's crude and vile in her attacks of the president and his family.

Keep drifting.
The Dems can now lay claim to being the party of a few women and a couple of blacks.

The official tour image. Just a wild guess, you know a stab in the dark, a talk to the moon, a fly in the Coolwhip, a feckless in the ****, an orangutan in the zoo...I'd say she's through apologizing yeah!?
sure she doesnt.....there are people out there who had no idea who she was,now she is known....dont let your hatred of trump cloud your thinking Penelope....

Penelope has it bad… She has not only TDS, she has TFDS where she has obsessive behavior towards the whole family...

Do you kiss Mrs. Pelosi at night before bed. You appear to be obsessed with her. You must have TDS or TFDS or AIDS or something similar. Hope you feel better. Maybe you and Mrs. P could catch the Katrhy Griffin show near you when she comes through your town!
Ahh, breaks my heart.

Why Kathy Griffin Says She Can’t Return to Reality TV After Scandal (Exclusive)

Why Kathy Griffin Says She Can’t Return to Reality TV After Scandal (Exclusive)

Brice Sander‍
5 hrs ago

“I can't get a television series, even though I have eight [Emmy] nominations and two wins,” the 57-year-old comedian tells ET. “And nobody will let me do a [stand-up] special at this time, even though I hold a Guinness World Book of Records for the most televised stand-up specials of any comedian, male or female, living or dead.”

The comedian produced and starred in six seasons Bravo’s Emmy-winning My Life on the D-List, as well as an astounding 18 stand-up comedy specials and a self-titled talk show for the network, from 2004 to 2013. But now, she says she can’t get Bravo or any network to pick up a new series or special, and it’s all due to that disturbing photo she took last year, holding a ketchup-covered Halloween mask resembling President Donald Trump. The photo shoot turned Griffin into the target of a months-long federal investigation and, she says, nearly ended her career.
In 2024 when Trump has completed his second term, all these liberals are going to have their lives crashing down around them.
In 2024 when Trump has completed his second term, all these liberals are going to have their lives crashing down around them.

** "have their lies crashing down around them."

Fxt for you because what the majority of them are "living" is fantasy and not real life.
Griffin sounds like someone I can admire. She worked her way up , did not grow up in an upper class spoiled brat atmosphere. She has had her hardships. The worst hardship Ivanka had was probably a zit.

Of course you admire her. See my previous post.

You darn right, I admire anyone self made and has overcome hardships in their life. Ivanka I do not admire.

Is that why you admired Hillary? Because she was “self-made”? LMAO.

Yes I admire Hillary.

Funny how you can admire a multi millionaire that made all her money off her husband’s name and through government corruption. The woman was nothing but a failed lawyer of pedophiles without her husband.
Griffin sounds like someone I can admire. She worked her way up , did not grow up in an upper class spoiled brat atmosphere. She has had her hardships. The worst hardship Ivanka had was probably a zit.

She sounds like a super annoying obnoxious skan. Could you imagine having to listen to that voice? They should play her skits for torture purposes. Lol! :lol:

Here she is trying to give Anderson Cooper (who is gay) a BJ at a parade and on national television. WTH??? Lol! Something is seriously wrong with this sick obnoxious twat face.


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