That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Yanno................I've spent over 20 years in the United States Navy, and I've seen not only buildings (although it seems to be those in Europe that light them from the ground up), but I've also seen ships that were able to change their lights in something around 6 hours.

I approve of Obama doing what he did, and I also think that those who scream that it cost a whole bunch of money are wrong.

If the U.S. Navy could do it, and Europeans could do it, why can't the White House?
Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.
fine simple. and him doing it to our country was just fine too and simple mathematics .

lets end the conversation. and focus about lights. If not you'll be called stupid

so you all have at it
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Gotta agree with peeps on the time it took, those flood lights are already in place, color filters are easy.


Compare the "hot spots" (where the light hits the building) and I'm pretty sure they are just color filters on the existing floods. Rosco Color Effects Filter Kit 12 x 12 Sheets Camera Photo or Rosco Color Effects Filter Kit 12 x 12 Sheets Camera Photo

So that $20-50 filter cost to tax payers, the electricity is a moot point cause they're on anyway, so that leaves the max few hours of pay for the what 3 people max to change the filters figure $300-$500 wages (and we get some taxes back from that income.) And that's presuming some LGBT support group didn't pay for it.

Even if it isn't using the existing floods, you can set something like that up in a couple hours; event planners and concert stages do it all the time.
no not offensive

more then likely the lights had been set up to be used

in the event of a loss at the SC
maybe we can ask that Dear leader of ours to please light up our white house with this; it's so simple. all in favor. call, write. email

It's a matter of changing the colored filters on previously existing lights. This isn't that fucking difficult to figure out.

well, we are so glad for your Vulgar lesson. DO You feel better now? good frikken grief.
so you are the expert of all things on the white house lighting I guess.

Oh no, I've offended poor Stephie by saying "fuck".

It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out that the White House is lit from the front all the time, and that it sometimes is lit in colors. Which means colored filters. Unless you think that they install brand new lights every time the building is lit differently?

Who am I kidding, you're 100% dumb enough to think that.

sit down, if you haven't worked for the white house. Your opinion is fucking garbage just like you are

Wow, really? Really? Lighting works the same everywhere, eeeeeven the White House. It's not something The O'bama controls by telepathy through his magic teleprompter --- you just pull the clear gel out and drop the blue gel in. Takes literally minutes. Been done that way since electricity got here.

In other words the answer to the OP's question is maybe 0.2, max.
Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.

its not their job to make law for the states.
Well the clowns and the nasty people are here. so another thread is dead

those avatars are one of the biggest leftist projections i have seen on this site


And then they wonder why people call them sheep. that's Herd mentality.
beats me

exactly a shining example of the sheeple



that's a crack

another I saved

Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

Not all Americans. Just the crazy right wing homophobes who can't take no for an answer. No, you can't continue denying them their rights. No, you can't use your religion to set federal law. No, you can't deny baking a cake if you are in business of baking cakes.
No, it's about Americans being insulted by homofascist coercion. Homophobia is a misnomer created by homofascists to try to stufle dissent and discussion. That's why they're homonazis. Taking their cue from 1930's nazi Germany.
Ummmmm..............hate to tell you RoshawnMarkwees...............but homosexuality was one of those things that the Nazis hated.

Matter of fact, the only thing the Nazis hated more than homosexuality was the crime of being a Jew.

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