That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm an American. I wasn't insulted.
If you can be offended by a light show, perhaps you're too sensitive.
You don't speak for all Americans and you certainly don't speak for American ideals of liberty and freedom if you agree with a fascist defacing of the White House.
I'm an American offended by displays of fascism defacing the White House.
Ummmmm..............hate to tell you RoshawnMarkwees...............but homosexuality was one of those things that the Nazis hated.

Matter of fact, the only thing the Nazis hated more than homosexuality was the crime of being a Jew.
You're using weeds to confuse the essence of the comparison.
Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
The homo agenda that those colors represent is fascist. The decree by the SCOTUS forcing everyone to subsidize personal irrelevant behavior is a fascist decree. Lighting an American people's landmark with a fascist symbol is advocating for fascism. It's not free speech. It's the equivalent of establishing a state religion.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.
Speak for yourself, good people are not insulted by this.
Homonazis are not good people. People advocating fascist defacing of American landmarks are not good people. It's like swastika graffiti.
You were really desperate for a reply, it has nothing to do with what I said.
I can't believe I'm going to the trouble to explain this, but I'm bored so here goes. Lighting at the white house has been in place for years. The lights are designed with easily changed filters to shine a wide range of colors. Similar to lights on a stage. It probably tool 30 minutes for maintenance workers to get the filters out of storage and install them. You're not really that dumb are you?
Do we have the Whitehouse logs on when those lights were switched out?

And the perfect line right in the center of the Whitehouse indicates there were some adjustments necessary to get that type of a color spread so even. Just wondering when that work was going on. Anyone see any test runs?
Interestingly enough, a decent U.S. Navy lead signalman and a crew of about 3 would be able to line up a light display like that in around 45 min to an hour.

But then again............U.S. Navy signalmen are pretty good at things like that, because they practice them on a regular basis.

I've seen light displays on the waterfront of Norfolk Va., by ships that asked their signalman to provide, that would rival most Christmas displays ANYWHERE.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.


So he has not only solidified his place in historty as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER, now he's added the worst case of FLIP FLOPPING in modern times. I'm sure his MUSLIM BROTHERS are REAL HAPPY to see him lighting up the white house like that. They KILL HOMOS.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.
Speak for yourself, good people are not insulted by this.
Homonazis are not good people. People advocating fascist defacing of American landmarks are not good people. It's like swastika graffiti.

I tend to actually agree with you to an extent. I wish the President hadn't authorized such a display. It's not sick, perverted, twisted, or anything major. It's something that I'd rather not had happened to the house. Again, it's his house so he can do what he wants. Don't like it; win an election.

Also, I apologize for the comment I made earlier. "I'm an american, I'm not offended". It may have come off as insensitive. Probably because it was. I should have just stated that if you're offended by the color of lights hitting a house, you need to toughen yourself up a bit.
Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
The homo agenda that those colors represent is fascist. The decree by the SCOTUS forcing everyone to subsidize personal irrelevant behavior is a fascist decree. Lighting an American people's landmark with a fascist symbol is advocating for fascism. It's not free speech. It's the equivalent of establishing a state religion.

Utter rubbish. I'm surprised you crammed so much crap into just a few sentences.
Nice to see that you are very concerned with posting facts 007.

Obama hasn't been illegal (he was born in this country), he never went to Kenya until AFTER he was 18 (before that he was in Indonesia, which is a full continent away from Kenya), to this date I still can't think of a single Marxist thing he's done (I think that conservatives just like to throw around scary words to get people on their side of the thinking), and have yet to see where he's lop eared or a pile of dog shit.

If you want to know who the worst President ever was 007, look no farther than Bush Jr. or Reagan.

They were even worse than Nixon.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

How the Hell do you figure the opposite of a rainbow is a cross? :cuckoo:

You must not have experience setting up staging. That effect can easily be set up in a day.
It's a cool effect, sure beats white. They should keep it permanently.
It would only take minutes. Just a matter of pushing a few buttons on the lighting board.
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
Not only that, but the people against gay marriage think that it was a whole production that cost a lot of money to light up the White House in colors.

Nothing more than setting a couple of gels on the lights that normally light up the White House.

Probably nothing more than 30 min and a crew of 5 to complete.
It would only take minutes. Just a matter of pushing a few buttons on the lighting board.

I guess we'll find that out when Fox News or some such traces down the Whitehouse visitor and work logs to see exactly when that light display was altered and set up/tested for its final showing. Can't wait to hear when Obama allowed folks on the place to set that up.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.
We don't whine about all the federal government money it takes to keep broke Red States from default.
Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.
Sounds like you and your bunk buddies got along just fine. But the point is half the country is not on board and a leader worth his salt wouldn't go out of his way to rub it in their face. obama is a petulant child enabled by agenda driven wackos.

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