That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.
The outcome was certain, there was never any doubt.

This is one sorry ass court.

They seem to think they exist to carry out the will of Obama, and correct the fuckups of a Congress that cannot clearly write a law.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

Not all Americans. Just the crazy right wing homophobes who can't take no for an answer. No, you can't continue denying them their rights. No, you can't use your religion to set federal law. No, you can't deny baking a cake if you are in business of baking cakes.
Wal mart refused to bake a rebel flag cake. Sue them.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Back in the day, when I was doing theatrical lighting, I could have set up the colored lights in a couple of hours. And that is working by myself.

But in this case, there is already lighting set up. All they did was change the white bulbs to colored ones.
Sil this display wasn't a sign of solidarity with gays and their allies but for Dylan Roof. lol
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

Not all Americans. Just the crazy right wing homophobes who can't take no for an answer. No, you can't continue denying them their rights. No, you can't use your religion to set federal law. No, you can't deny baking a cake if you are in business of baking cakes.
Wal mart refused to bake a rebel flag cake. Sue them.

Sil this display wasn't a sign of solidarity with gays and their allies but for Dylan Roof. lol

Thats right!! It was a sign of solidarity with the gay guy who is starting a race war. How do we know he is gay? Look at his haircut, watch and Gold's Gym t-shirt!

Sil this display wasn't a sign of solidarity with gays and their allies but for Dylan Roof. lol

Thats right!! It was a sign of solidarity with the gay guy who is starting a race war. How do we know he is gay? Look at his haircut, watch and Gold's Gym t-shirt!


But..but...there was a black man on his shirt in a banana hammock. That proves he isn't a racist and proves he loves BBC or something. lol
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

Not all Americans. Just the crazy right wing homophobes who can't take no for an answer. No, you can't continue denying them their rights. No, you can't use your religion to set federal law. No, you can't deny baking a cake if you are in business of baking cakes.
Wal mart refused to bake a rebel flag cake. Sue them.

It was the wal mart in slidel la. They refused to bake a confederate cake, but did bake an issis cake.
It would only take minutes. Just a matter of pushing a few buttons on the lighting board.

I guess we'll find that out when Fox News or some such traces down the Whitehouse visitor and work logs to see exactly when that light display was altered and set up/tested for its final showing. Can't wait to hear when Obama allowed folks on the place to set that up.
He's had it planned since he was 5. He's gay, you know.
It's a matter of changing the colored filters on previously existing lights. This isn't that fucking difficult to figure out.

well, we are so glad for your Vulgar lesson. DO You feel better now? good frikken grief.
so you are the expert of all things on the white house lighting I guess. when did you work for them? can you tell us how many light bulbs does it take? and how many times do they have to change them?

How many liberals does it take to change a rainbow light bulb?
I wasn't offended, matter of fact, I was kind of heartened that the White House would take time to acknowledge such a large statement.

And you know................the White House looks good in rainbow colors.
When Obama moves out he can paint his own house rainbow colors.
No matter the cost, it was a waste of our money especially from a president who ran for office opposing gay marriage. Of course he said so many things back then that isn't so.
It's a matter of changing the colored filters on previously existing lights. This isn't that fucking difficult to figure out.

well, we are so glad for your Vulgar lesson. DO You feel better now? good frikken grief.
so you are the expert of all things on the white house lighting I guess. when did you work for them? can you tell us how many light bulbs does it take? and how many times do they have to change them?

How many liberals does it take to change a rainbow light bulb?
none, they pass a law that forces other people to do it for them.
The White House was originally planned this way so the sitting president could use it as a billboard on which to project his feelings on certain matters. It used to be used as a screen for movies but Hollywood producers got into such a squabble as to what movies would be shown that the practice was stopped some time ago.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.
It's funny that you don't know that they have a lighting system already in place.

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