That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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maybe we can ask that Dear leader of ours to please light up our white house with this; it's so simple. all in favor. call, write. email

I'm sure that's what you would like to have seen, Stephanie.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

That was just another disgusting display of 'in your face' you lousy Christians by the asshole in the White House.
It's a matter of changing the colored filters on previously existing lights. This isn't that fucking difficult to figure out.

well, we are so glad for your Vulgar lesson. DO You feel better now? good frikken grief.
so you are the expert of all things on the white house lighting I guess.

Oh no, I've offended poor Stephie by saying "fuck".

It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out that the White House is lit from the front all the time, and that it sometimes is lit in colors. Which means colored filters. Unless you think that they install brand new lights every time the building is lit differently?

Who am I kidding, you're 100% dumb enough to think that.

sit down, if you haven't worked for the white house. Your opinion is fucking garbage just like you are

Wow, really? Really? Lighting works the same everywhere, eeeeeven the White House. It's not something The O'bama controls by telepathy through his magic teleprompter --- you just pull the clear gel out and drop the blue gel in. Takes literally minutes. Been done that way since electricity got here.

In other words the answer to the OP's question is maybe 0.2, max.
Well, you ARE talking about people who still think in the 19th can't expect them to really understand electricity, let alone lighting.
Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.

Now those sailors that were your friends can demand that the Captain marry them at sea and assign them adjoining bunks and a little privacy for their wedding night. If he doesn't marry them, Obama would demand the Captains resignation from the Navy for bigotry. Then every sailor should be able to take his wife to sea with him.
How many liberals does it take to change a rainbow light bulb?
One to read the instructions, one to call 80 private contractors, one to go with the highest bid, one to pay him after he has an illegal alien do the job and one to receive the 50% kickback.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

That was just another disgusting display of 'in your face' you lousy Christians by the asshole in the White House.
He is a Christian, dummy.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

That was just another disgusting display of 'in your face' you lousy Christians by the asshole in the White House.
He is a Christian, dummy.

He told you that and you believe him. That makes you the dummy. I would give him another Lie of the Year award.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

That was just another disgusting display of 'in your face' you lousy Christians by the asshole in the White House.
He is a Christian, dummy.

He told you that and you believe him. That makes you the dummy. I would give him another Lie of the Year award.
You aren't very bright, are you.
well, we are so glad for your Vulgar lesson. DO You feel better now? good frikken grief.
so you are the expert of all things on the white house lighting I guess. when did you work for them? can you tell us how many light bulbs does it take? and how many times do they have to change them?

Just enough to piss off you assholes, obviously.
How the Hell do you figure the opposite of a rainbow is a cross? :cuckoo:

You must not have experience setting up staging. That effect can easily be set up in a day.
It's a cool effect, sure beats white. They should keep it permanently.

Because the majority of people opposed to gay marriage are Christians or Christian sympathetic.

The Whitehouse logs will tell us when the people setting up the display arrived and set it up. I know someone will find that out in the near future.

Ah, so you're telling us that Christians are bigots?
Sounds like a blanket statement to me, but OK you run with that.

As regards the lighting, it's already been pointed out that the floodlights are already permanently installed and this effect is a simple matter of changing the gels.


Have any idea how easy it is to do that? You can have your lighting/electrical guy do it in the course of his daily maintenance. It takes literally minutes.
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Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.
Sounds like you and your bunk buddies got along just fine. But the point is half the country is not on board and a leader worth his salt wouldn't go out of his way to rub it in their face. obama is a petulant child enabled by agenda driven wackos.

--- say the petulant children imagining changing spotlight gels takes "days" because some agenda-driven wacko blog tells them to think that, in spite of the way stage lighting works....

Edit: after further review of the OP I am compelled to correct --- it wasn't some wacko blog that came up with this cockamamie conspiracy theory of the World's Most Incompetent Gel Changers -- it was the OP's own idea (the same wag who last week tried to tell us Dylann Roof gunned down nine people because he's "gay").

Apparently not even the blogosphere is this stupid.
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Yanno.....................I'm a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran and I was not insulted by the light display on the White House.

Matter of fact, I was proud that finally those who were my friends and served with distinction were finally recognized and allowed the same benefits as those who had hetero unions.

Good to see that the SCOTUS can still call for a good cause.
Sounds like you and your bunk buddies got along just fine. But the point is half the country is not on board and a leader worth his salt wouldn't go out of his way to rub it in their face. obama is a petulant child enabled by agenda driven wackos.
--- say the petulant children imagining changing spotlight gels takes "days" because some agenda-driven wacko blog tells them to think that, in spite of the way stage lighting works....
I would think they would have color changing LEDs installed by now driven by computer software. I hope you are wrong.
I agree with your statement here, except it isn't his house it is America's house, just on loan through each President's term. It is a house of -all- US citizens.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.
Speak for yourself, good people are not insulted by this.
Homonazis are not good people. People advocating fascist defacing of American landmarks are not good people. It's like swastika graffiti.

I tend to actually agree with you to an extent. I wish the President hadn't authorized such a display. It's not sick, perverted, twisted, or anything major. It's something that I'd rather not had happened to the house. Again, it's his house so he can do what he wants. Don't like it; win an election.

Also, I apologize for the comment I made earlier. "I'm an american, I'm not offended". It may have come off as insensitive. Probably because it was. I should have just stated that if you're offended by the color of lights hitting a house, you need to toughen yourself up a bit.
The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:.

And Day 5 of Silhouette's meltdown continues.....
I thought that pic was a photoshop...figures though....The occupants are a fruitcake (Barry) married to a man (Michelle). I'm surprised they haven't bathed the WH in black light yet or a strobe for all the dope being smoked in there.

Thanks for the viewpoint of someone as nutty as Silhouette.
I thought that pic was a photoshop...figures though....The occupants are a fruitcake (Barry) married to a man (Michelle). I'm surprised they haven't bathed the WH in black light yet or a strobe for all the dope being smoked in there.

Thanks for the viewpoint of someone as nutty as Silhouette.
moochelle is a man, and barry does smoke weed. so, why is that so far fetched.
I thought that pic was a photoshop...figures though....The occupants are a fruitcake (Barry) married to a man (Michelle). I'm surprised they haven't bathed the WH in black light yet or a strobe for all the dope being smoked in there.

Thanks for the viewpoint of someone as nutty as Silhouette.
moochelle is a man, and barry does smoke weed. so, why is that so far fetched.

It doesn't seem far fetched to any nutjob that Michelle Obama is a man or that a man with a wife and 2 children must be a homosexual.

To any rational person- yeah pretty stupid.
How the Hell do you figure the opposite of a rainbow is a cross? :cuckoo:

You must not have experience setting up staging. That effect can easily be set up in a day.
It's a cool effect, sure beats white. They should keep it permanently.

Because the majority of people opposed to gay marriage are Christians or Christian sympathetic.

The Whitehouse logs will tell us when the people setting up the display arrived and set it up. I know someone will find that out in the near future.

Ah, so you're telling us that Christians are bigots?
Sounds like a blanket statement to me, but OK you run with that.

As regards the lighting, it's already been pointed out that the floodlights are already permanently installed and this effect is a simple matter of changing the gels.


Have any idea how easy it is to do that? You can have your lighting/electrical guy do it in the course of his daily maintenance. It takes literally minutes.
Hopefully they use LEDs at the White House. No gels required. Just push a few buttons and make the lights any color you please.

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