That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
The homo agenda that those colors represent is fascist. The decree by the SCOTUS forcing everyone to subsidize personal irrelevant behavior is a fascist decree. Lighting an American people's landmark with a fascist symbol is advocating for fascism. It's not free speech. It's the equivalent of establishing a state religion.

Utter rubbish. I'm surprised you crammed so much crap into just a few sentences.
Then explain how so. I gave specifics.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything; you're acting like a damn fool all on your own.
As for establishment of a religion, that was an especially stupid comment.
Tax breaks and adoption privileges are coercion. Gov-mandated coercion. That is what legal marriage does.
I agree with your statement here, except it isn't his house it is America's house, just on loan through each President's term. It is a house of -all- US citizens.
Speak for yourself, good people are not insulted by this.
Homonazis are not good people. People advocating fascist defacing of American landmarks are not good people. It's like swastika graffiti.

I tend to actually agree with you to an extent. I wish the President hadn't authorized such a display. It's not sick, perverted, twisted, or anything major. It's something that I'd rather not had happened to the house. Again, it's his house so he can do what he wants. Don't like it; win an election.

Also, I apologize for the comment I made earlier. "I'm an american, I'm not offended". It may have come off as insensitive. Probably because it was. I should have just stated that if you're offended by the color of lights hitting a house, you need to toughen yourself up a bit.

Of course it is but, historically, it is the purview of the first family to decorate it, accessorize it the way they want. Eisenhower had a golf course installed. Other Presidents have had bowling allies installed, swimming pools, theaters; Michelle famously had a garden.
Privately, sure. But obama didn't just decorate the inside in homo colors. Neighborhoods have zoning laws that prevent over-the-top and disturbing displays. Obama violated the country's zoning laws.

The country has zoning laws?

Ya know, you remind me of something my 7th grade teacher told us. "It's better to have the world think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
The homo agenda that those colors represent is fascist. The decree by the SCOTUS forcing everyone to subsidize personal irrelevant behavior is a fascist decree. Lighting an American people's landmark with a fascist symbol is advocating for fascism. It's not free speech. It's the equivalent of establishing a state religion.

Utter rubbish. I'm surprised you crammed so much crap into just a few sentences.
Then explain how so. I gave specifics.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything; you're acting like a damn fool all on your own.
As for establishment of a religion, that was an especially stupid comment.
Tax breaks and adoption privileges are coercion. Gov-mandated coercion. That is what legal marriage does.

Gee, you mean that Elizabeth Taylor and and Richard Burton were coercing me? Who knew?
Somebody posted a story saying the queer bars are closing down now that on the down-low anal sodomy and the resulting AIDS have become ho-hum to the American public. :lol:
Of course it is but, historically, it is the purview of the first family to decorate it, accessorize it the way they want. Eisenhower had a golf course installed. Other Presidents have had bowling allies installed, swimming pools, theaters; Michelle famously had a garden.

A golf course and bowling alley are hardly comparable to throwing queer lights on OUR White House. As for Mooch's garden, that was a publicity stunt to launch her program of ruining school kid's lunches by making them eat veggies with no salt or butter. The vast majority of that produce ended up in the school dumpsters along with her program.
You're right, they cost a lot more money.
Yeah- there is a reason your 'proved' is in the rubber room.

Like I said- to any rational person- yeah pretty stupid.

No, most of what ends up in RR is from progs crying they're "offended" by Con truth and the mods (all leftists) comply.

Actually, most Conservatives would treat your 'truth' and you like the ancient world treated Lepers.

Your kind of craziness is not accepted by any rational person.
You're right, they cost a lot more money.

Golf and bowling are as American as apple pie....anal sodomy is something else entirely....not American.

Hmmmm interesting-
46% of American women have tried anal intercourse.

Have 46% of American women tried bowling? Or Golf?

I couldn't find the numbers though apparently the numbers for anal intercourse are on the rise, while bowling popularity is plummeting.
Yo......................hate to tell you Roshawn, but Obama isn't a fascist no matter how much FOX News tells you he is.

I actually spent the whole of my adult life (from 18 until I was 39) defending this country while serving in the U.S. Navy.

You may be an American, and you may be offended by the display of the White House being bathed in colors of the gay flag.'s not fascism, it's free speech.

And yeah................I spent my whole adult life defending it, whether it be your screed against the White House, or it being the White House's right to display their views.
The homo agenda that those colors represent is fascist. The decree by the SCOTUS forcing everyone to subsidize personal irrelevant behavior is a fascist decree. Lighting an American people's landmark with a fascist symbol is advocating for fascism. It's not free speech. It's the equivalent of establishing a state religion.

Utter rubbish. I'm surprised you crammed so much crap into just a few sentences.
Then explain how so. I gave specifics.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything; you're acting like a damn fool all on your own.
As for establishment of a religion, that was an especially stupid comment.
Tax breaks and adoption privileges are coercion. Gov-mandated coercion. That is what legal marriage does.

Tell me how adoption privileges are 'government mandated coercion'- that is fascinating.
Gays are sick. How would you feel if the court want 5-4 forcing the gay community to read the bible?
I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..
Not even a day. I have done stagehand work. I have helped set up entire stage shows for big bands like Bon Jovi and Mariah Carey. I have helped set up a video shoot for Alicia Keys. It took us an 8 to 10 our shift. Even less in some cases. And that was with stoned/high/hungover roadies. And you think it took 3 days or more to set up a few colored lights?


You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Seriously, you sound like an idiot.

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