That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Ummm... how much do you think a set of spotlight gels costs??

(Hell, I've got a stack of 'em right here. What am I bid?)

That is, if anybody paid for them at all -- the lights themselves were free... I suspect the lighting company included a set of gels for various occasions.
And the electricity to run them was free too?

Hey, has anyone found out when this display was set up and tested? Looking for Whitehouse logs showing this happened before June 26, 2015..

You have no clue what a spotlight gel is, do you?
It's a square piece of plastic, specially made to withstand intense heat that a spotlight produces, although LEDs don't produce much, which fits into a lightweight frame that holds it over the bulb so that the light projected comes out a nice green, or yellow, or whatever you want. It takes literally seconds to do. You could have thought of this idea at 4:30 and had the gels in by 5. Although ideally you'd need darkness to tweak it.

The most incompetent, hung-over, inexperienced lighting tech apprentice, with both legs broken and wearing a blindfold, would not even need a half-day to do it. That's how easy it is.

I'll go even farther --- even YOU could do it. :lol:

As for the electricity, well those lights are on every night already, so this is just a matter of them being different colors this time. Here again, LEDs use very little power compared to conventional incandescents, but they're the same lights that are already there, every night. So the power differential is exactly zero.
Yanno...................the gels could cost 50 bucks each (meaning that the whole color scheme would only be 300 dollars), and the electricity could run for another 700 bucks for the night.

Yanno..................I'd be wiling to pay 1,000 dollars for that display.

I can afford it, and I also agree with, and support it.

Send me the bill Obama............I'll gladly pay for that display.
Yanno...................the gels could cost 50 bucks each (meaning that the whole color scheme would only be 300 dollars), and the electricity could run for another 700 bucks for the night.

Yanno..................I'd be wiling to pay 1,000 dollars for that display.

I can afford it, and I also agree with, and support it.

Send me the bill Obama............I'll gladly pay for that display.

And when was it set up and tested? I need those dates. Do you know anyone with access to the Whitehouse logs? The taxpayers picking up that bill is a much less serious offense than it being set up and tested before Friday June 26th 2015...
Nice've pretty much encapsulated (look that word up if it's too much for you, cut and paste on works well), what the whole rebel bullshit is.

Sorry...............but believing in a failed battle flag that lost the war is pretty stupid.

Instead of the battle flag, ever thought about flying the U.S. Flag?

But...........if you wish to speak for the losers, please............continue to display your stupidity.
Yanno...................the gels could cost 50 bucks each (meaning that the whole color scheme would only be 300 dollars), and the electricity could run for another 700 bucks for the night.

Yanno..................I'd be wiling to pay 1,000 dollars for that display.

I can afford it, and I also agree with, and support it.

Send me the bill Obama............I'll gladly pay for that display.

And when was it set up and tested? I need those dates. Do you know anyone with access to the Whitehouse logs? The taxpayers picking up that bill is a much less serious offense than it being set up and tested before Friday June 26th 2015...

Yanno................I don't care how much it cost..................I'm willing to help with the lighting.

Matter of fact, I might be willing to go to 2,000 if it cost that much.

Tell ya what.................check and see how much it really cost the taxpayers.

Like I said...........I'm willing to go up to 2,000.

Call me if you need me Obama.
Yanno...................the gels could cost 50 bucks each (meaning that the whole color scheme would only be 300 dollars), and the electricity could run for another 700 bucks for the night.

Yanno..................I'd be wiling to pay 1,000 dollars for that display.

I can afford it, and I also agree with, and support it.

Send me the bill Obama............I'll gladly pay for that display.

And when was it set up and tested? I need those dates. Do you know anyone with access to the Whitehouse logs? The taxpayers picking up that bill is a much less serious offense than it being set up and tested before Friday June 26th 2015...

THERE IS NO "BILL". It's FUCKING SPOTLIGHT GELS. It's not like "work". A maintenance guy could do it in the same time it takes him to eat lunch.

Jesus Christ on a Comet, you're fucking obtuse.
This just in, Google being our occasional friend (that you don't turn your back on): The White House lights are indeed LEDs, donated by a company called Musco, who also have lit up the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore (here).

You guys remember LED lights? Those nasty commie things the big bad eebil gummint is forcing down our throats while they "ban" incandescents that run so much cooler, last longer and take a fraction of the power consumption?
The issue was CFLs, not LEDs. LEDS were not a viable option then and CFLs had a bunch of problems, slow to illuminate, dim in cold weather, weren't dimable and had a waste disposal problem. It was government over reach, as usual. Now that LEDs are cheap, dimable, produce no appreciable heat and are very energy efficient people are buying them. Technology and the marketplace is the answer not government. Hating all things conservative is a poor substitute for knowledge.
It cost hundreds of millions of dollars and the display was in place weeks before the ruling but just never turned on. This is the only answer Sil will accept.
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Yanno...................the gels could cost 50 bucks each (meaning that the whole color scheme would only be 300 dollars), and the electricity could run for another 700 bucks for the night.

Yanno..................I'd be wiling to pay 1,000 dollars for that display.

I can afford it, and I also agree with, and support it.

Send me the bill Obama............I'll gladly pay for that display.

And when was it set up and tested? I need those dates. Do you know anyone with access to the Whitehouse logs? The taxpayers picking up that bill is a much less serious offense than it being set up and tested before Friday June 26th 2015...

The lights were there for security reasons (first & foremost). Adding gels or changing bulbs is all that was needed to provide the rainbow display.

Your attempt at pushing this conspiracy theory is ridiculous.
I'm sure that's something you think about......a lot.

What have you queers given us other than AIDS and disco?
I will never forgive them for the disco.
Read through this, seems to be some seriously passionate opinions on both sides of this discussion.
I dont think it was appropriate to use the white house in that manner.
that being said, why all of this hate for gays? Im a Bible clutching gun owning far right conservative. Im straight.
but I will be damned if Im going to give someone a load of crap over their being gay. I dont care. I cant think of one time in my 50+ years on this earth that my life has been affected in a negative way because of a gay person. Actually, I went through some rough times a few years back and the only people that stepped in and went out of their way to help were my lesbian friends. Imagine that.
I do however have to wonder what the hell is going through someones mind when they go for the anal sex... I aint putting my tool into anything that has a chance of it coming back out with a butterbean stuck to the end of it.
but then, Ive never been approached by a gay to engage in such activities. ( should I be offended )?
Gays reap what they sow. They are calling anyone that doesn't agree that it's perfectly normal hateful, intolerant and phobic. I never thought much about them until they went militant.
Gays reap what they sow. They are calling anyone that doesn't agree that it's perfectly normal hateful, intolerant and phobic. I never thought much about them until they went militant.
I agree, but on the other hand, until they were militant, nobody thought much about them, so would they have ever been allowed marriage otherwise?
what came first, lack of equal treatment or a militant attitude.
Was not that long ago that a guy could end up in jail for just blowing another guy. Or that a judge who's crank still had residue on it from poking his mistress in the butt the night before, would sentence a guy to prison for the unatural act of doing the same exact thing to his same sex partner.
To some extent there is usually a cause for a militant response.
Read through this, seems to be some seriously passionate opinions on both sides of this discussion.
I dont think it was appropriate to use the white house in that manner.
that being said, why all of this hate for gays? Im a Bible clutching gun owning far right conservative. Im straight.
but I will be damned if Im going to give someone a load of crap over their being gay. I dont care. I cant think of one time in my 50+ years on this earth that my life has been affected in a negative way because of a gay person. Actually, I went through some rough times a few years back and the only people that stepped in and went out of their way to help were my lesbian friends. Imagine that.
I do however have to wonder what the hell is going through someones mind when they go for the anal sex... I aint putting my tool into anything that has a chance of it coming back out with a butterbean stuck to the end of it.
but then, Ive never been approached by a gay to engage in such activities. ( should I be offended )?
Nobody is giving anybody "crap" about being gay. They're giving them crap about organizing their behaviors into a cult and then in a fascist manner, incrementally taking over our democratic rule. Kind of like what Hitler & pals did in the 1930s.

If you've read your history books, you understand how dangerous cults can be. They are currently 'legally' persecuting Christians. You know, LGBTs, famous for their "tolerance". The Ministry of Tolerance is the one that persecutes. Same theme, different tyrants. This time they wear rainbow colored jackboots.

BTW, your description of yourself as "bible-clutching" conservative would ever say that about themselves. One of the worst features of the LGBT cult is their penchant for theater and role playing. It makes their smoke and mirror campaign much more smooth than Hitler could've ever dreamed up. But there are always little giveaways to the trained eye. And it's about time people train their eyes.
Anyone come up with those Whitehouse logs showing when the light display was getting set up?
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

yep, truth be Obama isn't doing them any favors. but they are too thrilled and gloating with him shoving it in our faces to see it.
Gays reap what they sow. They are calling anyone that doesn't agree that it's perfectly normal hateful, intolerant and phobic. I never thought much about them until they went militant.
I agree, but on the other hand, until they were militant, nobody thought much about them, so would they have ever been allowed marriage otherwise?
what came first, lack of equal treatment or a militant attitude.
Was not that long ago that a guy could end up in jail for just blowing another guy. Or that a judge who's crank still had residue on it from poking his mistress in the butt the night before, would sentence a guy to prison for the unatural act of doing the same exact thing to his same sex partner.
To some extent there is usually a cause for a militant response.
Gays have been getting married for some time. You have to go back many decades to find gays being thrown in jail so that's a poor excuse for militant behavior. The issue isn't equality, that's the lie and part of my objection. If a man can't marry his brother he can use the same stupid argument and pretend he's being treated unequally.

States should be deciding on the definition of marriage, whether it allows first or second cousins. Only a complete and utter fool believes two like genders together is equal to opposite genders like nature intends. It's how we got here, along with the bunnies and birds, etc. The fact that the argument has been so bastardized is the effect of bullying and smearing people, so "they reap what they sow".
Anyone come up with those Whitehouse logs showing when the light display was getting set up?

No, we are far too busy putting duct tape on windows since gays getting married has caused the terror alert level to rise.
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

yep, truth be Obama isn't doing them any favors. but they are too thrilled and gloating with him shoving it in our faces to see it.

Get off your high horse. Days before the ruling you said you hope gays would lose so you laugh in their face and watch the temper tantrums. Spare me.

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