That was four days ago!


Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people.​


Preliminary data from the state indicates that more than 99.5% of people who died due to COVID-19 in Texas from Feb. 8 to July 14 were unvaccinated.


"“Hospitalizations across the Texas Medical Center are escalating at a pace we have not observed since the highest COVID-19 peak in summer 2020,” McKeon wrote in a statement Thursday. “The impact of unvaccinated individuals is widespread and encouraging the continued spread of COVID-19.”

Remember.....just because you have no idea what you're talking about and use your imagination and youtube occultists as an excuse for an informed opinion....

...doesn't mean I'm similarly limited.

One might believe that the vaccine is like most things. It works on some, and not on others. Just as Covid can alone kill someone. While another person might not have even one symptom.
None of this is absolute. And yet, both sides of this argument will swear they know the answers.

How is that even possible? When none of know exactly what the virus is, how it started or how it was released into the public. Nor do we even know the ingredients of the vaccine and how it would affect our own bodies.

What are the long term affects of drinking two pepsi's each day for 5 years? 10 years? The affects of drinking 1 pepsi and 1 coca cola for the same amount of times. None of us know. And yet you and the other posters are arguing things that you don't truly know.
All you both know are things you've been told. You've been told two opposing sides, and you've chosen a side to believe. But why did you choose the side you stand for? Because they made sense to you? Because it was what those on your side believe? Or simply because it was just easier to choose that particular side?

Why can neither of you realize that you don't truly know which side is right?
One might believe that the vaccine is like most things. It works on some, and not on others. Just as Covid can alone kill someone. While another person might not have even one symptom.
None of this is absolute. And yet, both sides of this argument will swear they know the answers.

How is that even possible? When none of know exactly what the virus is, how it started or how it was released into the public. Nor do we even know the ingredients of the vaccine and how it would affect our own bodies.

What are the long term affects of drinking two pepsi's each day for 5 years? 10 years? The affects of drinking 1 pepsi and 1 coca cola for the same amount of times. None of us know. And yet you and the other posters are arguing things that you don't truly know.
All you both know are things you've been told. You've been told two opposing sides, and you've chosen a side to believe. But why did you choose the side you stand for? Because they made sense to you? Because it was what those on your side believe? Or simply because it was just easier to choose that particular side?

Why can neither of you realize that you don't truly know which side is right?

A vaccine need not be absolute to be wildly useful. As 99.5% of the dead being unvaccinated demonstrates elegantly.

Its like arguing that since parachutes don't always work, there's no way to know who's right on 'if you should wear a parachute when you jump out of a plane'.

Laughing.......sure there is.
A vaccine need not be absolute to be wildly useful. As 99.5% of the dead being unvaccinated demonstrates elegantly.

Its like arguing that since parachutes don't always work, there's no way to know who's right on 'if you should wear a parachute when you jump out of a plane'.

Laughing.......sure there is.

How do you know the numbers are correct? Is it because that's the number you want to believe, because those on your side says so?
Obviously, neither side knows the real numbers. I was reading something the other day that stated that 3/4 of the people with the new variant were vaccinated. I have a close friend and his wife, who were both vaccinated. Both contracted Covid. And his wife is in the hospital on a ventilator fighting for her life.

The MP's lied about the numbers before. And they'll lie about the numbers now.
I've spoke before about the woman in a local nursing home, who was in the last stages of dementia. And she had Covid. She slid out of her bed onto her face. She had a huge bruise on her face. 5 hours later, someone finally found her. Less than 24hrs later, she was dead. Cause of death listed on her certificate, "Covid 19."

I didn't believe most of the stories about someone having stage 4 cancer, and Covid was listed as the cause of death" until after this incident. Because I knew two people who worked in the nursing home, and the woman herself, I had no choice but to realize how and why they were lying about the numbers.

Long story short, you chose a side to believe, and you're sticking with it. Why? Because your side believes that. Because it's easier for you to just believe those around you? Or because you're too lazy to look at both sides?
Either way, it makes you as brainwashed as the other side.

I consider myself Covid agnostic. I'm no scientist who has studied the virus. The only information available to me, is the same as what you have. Difference is, I honestly don't know what to believe. And I'm not choosing a side because I don't personally know if either side is the one lying.
Biden can't keep the unvaccinated from dying from Covid. Because you can't fix stupid.

Once the kids are vaccinated, this is a problem that largely solves itself.....with the maskless and unvaccinated dying in piles so immense that they need to bring in morgue trucks to store their corpses.

And me and mine largely untouched, as we're taking common sense precautions like masks and vaccines...both of which are readily available. Both of which work.

Your ilk are killing themselves. Blaming Biden for your stupidity is the ultimate expression of conservatism.
LMAO! You do know the death rate is .007 right? Fucking calm down freak.
Biden is in full retreat today. Now he's blaming his own advisors for Afghanistan, claims none of them told him it was a bad idea to flee Afghanistan. He also blamed our military leaders claiming none of them warned him this could happen. Then for the trifecta blamed intelligence reports.

After that didn't work he blamed Afghanistan troops, 300,000 of them ah well the truth is we only trained 178,000 but Biden likes to lie.
Yeah, it's terrible. Virus numbers down in blue states but up in stupid assed red states
The latest covid data calls you a stupid-assed LIAR again, Jerk! People are not getting the vaccine along PARTY LINES you DOUCHEBAG, but young people and blacks ARE among the highest demographic groups still not vaccinated!

Screen Shot 2021-08-19 at 1.29.45 PM.png

Right now, the deep south is geographically the region hardest hit with Delta--- this may only be because they were previously less hard hit by the alpha variant, after that, the west is the next hardest hit, INCLUDING A NUMBER OF "BLUE" STATES. After that, the "least" hard hit geographic region looks to be the NE and upper Midwest, another mixture of "red" and "blue" states, not that ALL states don't have a MIXTURE of Dems and GOP.

housing market booming,
Funny, I just read that new home construction has fallen flat.

unemployment down, companies begging for workers.
Meantime: crime way up, energy costs way up, gasoline costs soaring, food prices skyrocketing. Oh and they were begging for workers BEFORE the pandemic too. All they are trying to do is REPLACE the people who were ALREADY working before the democrat lockdowns killed everything. These are NOT new jobs.

I'm sorry, who's the moron again?
You are. A moron, a jackass and a perennial LIAR.


Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people.​


Preliminary data from the state indicates that more than 99.5% of people who died due to COVID-19 in Texas from Feb. 8 to July 14 were unvaccinated.


"“Hospitalizations across the Texas Medical Center are escalating at a pace we have not observed since the highest COVID-19 peak in summer 2020,” McKeon wrote in a statement Thursday. “The impact of unvaccinated individuals is widespread and encouraging the continued spread of COVID-19.”

Remember.....just because you have no idea what you're talking about and use your imagination and youtube occultists as an excuse for an informed opinion....

...doesn't mean I'm similarly limited.
The moment I read “preliminary” I stopped wasting my time.
The lies from NYC hospitals alone has caused me to tune out bullshit.
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The latest covid data calls you a stupid-assed LIAR again, Jerk! People are not getting the vaccine along PARTY LINES you DOUCHEBAG, but young people and blacks ARE among the highest demographic groups still not vaccinated!

View attachment 527997

Right now, the deep south is geographically the region hardest hit with Delta--- this may only be because they were previously less hard hit by the alpha variant, after that, the west is the next hardest hit, INCLUDING A NUMBER OF "BLUE" STATES. After that, the "least" hard hit geographic region looks to be the NE and upper Midwest, another mixture of "red" and "blue" states, not that ALL states don't have a MIXTURE of Dems and GOP.

Funny, I just read that new home construction has fallen flat.

Meantime: crime way up, energy costs way up, gasoline costs soaring, food prices skyrocketing. Oh and they were begging for workers BEFORE the pandemic too. All they are trying to do is REPLACE the people who were ALREADY working before the democrat lockdowns killed everything. These are NOT new jobs.

You are. A moron, a jackass and a perennial LIAR.

Get lost, cuck. No one cares. Least of all me.
The moment I read “preliminary” I stopped wasting my time.
The lies from NYC hospitals alone has caused me to tune out bullshit.
So you have nothing but your imagination to back your 'trespassers' schtick. And ignore evidence showing that most of the dead in Texas are unvaccinated.

Your obsession with apeing whatever you told to think by ginger occultists on youtube is starting to make much more sense now.

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