That was four days ago!

Biden won. Fuck your feelings...beyond that, take a chill pill.
I get the feeling you righties won't get as much mileage out of Afghanistan as you think you will. :)
Look you blithering moron. This is not outrage over a political event, Anyone who isn't an idiot and lived through the Carter years understands that this goes far beyond domestic political policy. Carter showing his weak underbelly and allowing Iran to take our embassy and hold them hostage without retaliation made us a paper tiger to others and led to thousands of deaths from Islamic terrorism. This will embolden any petty terrorist to commit atrocities because they know there is no penalty to be paid by the criminal incompetent residing in the Whitehouse. Real people are going to die very real deaths because of this fundamental fuck up. Biden and his supporters own the responsibilty for the misery and chaos this creates. Every death, every rape, every torture session should keep you from ever benefiting from your chill pill,
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Its gonna stay a story as long as its news. Afghanistan falling in 11 days is a big deal.

Your mistake (among many) is assuming this is the ONLY story that can ever be discussed by anyone. And that the 1000 Americans that died from COVID today is somehow a forbidden topic.

Nope. Covid, masks, Afghanistan, Abbot catching the virus, the infrastructure bill, the continuing failures of the Big Lie.....all of it and more can be discussed.
If there were a thousand Covid deaths today then Joe Biden owns another failure. He's done NOTHING to help mitigate the disease his Chinese overlords cursed the world with. Trump pushed for vaccines, built overflow hospital capacity and breathing equipment. Pushed research into medications that would treat this virus. Under Biden's regime we have no new treatments, no better vaccines, no extra hospital beds. All we have from him are authoritarian diatribes.
How do you know the numbers are correct? Is it because that's the number you want to believe, because those on your side says so?
Obviously, neither side knows the real numbers. I was reading something the other day that stated that 3/4 of the people with the new variant were vaccinated. I have a close friend and his wife, who were both vaccinated. Both contracted Covid. And his wife is in the hospital on a ventilator fighting for her life.

The MP's lied about the numbers before. And they'll lie about the numbers now.

Who will lie? Remember, these stats are compiled independently by multiple organizations from individual states, counties and hospitals. The conspiracy you're insinuating is absolutely enormous and implausible. And not just domestically, but internationally. So this would have to be vast, international conspiracy spanning millions across the globe.

Following you down your conspiracy rabbit hole, how do you know that the virus exists? Or that a vaccine exists? Or that anyone has died from COVID.

Or that Texas is what you're told it is. After all, if 'they' could fake an outbreak, 'they' could certainly fake a map. Signs are easy enough to fake. Pictures are as well. GPS is controlled by the government. So how do you know you aren't being lied to about that too?

You've mentioned the 'military industrial complex', cited by Eisenhower. How do you know he actually existed? Did you meet him? Are you sure it was him? Couldn't 'they' have lied to you about that too? How do you know that your rant about the 'military industrial complex' isn't what 'they' want you to think?

When you divorce yourself from external evidence, it becomes virtually impossible to make any argument. As any perspective you offer could be yet another lie from 'them'. There's literally no counter-argument you could offer that wouldn't be dissolved in your own conspiracy......or require you abandon it.
If there were a thousand Covid deaths today then Joe Biden owns another failure. He's done NOTHING to help mitigate the disease his Chinese overlords cursed the world with. Trump pushed for vaccines, built overflow hospital capacity and breathing equipment. Pushed research into medications that would treat this virus. Under Biden's regime we have no new treatments, no better vaccines, no extra hospital beds. All we have from him are authoritarian diatribes.

This is now overwhelmingly a disease of the unvaccinated.

Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people.


Preliminary data from the state indicates that more than 99.5% of people who died due to COVID-19 in Texas from Feb. 8 to July 14 were unvaccinated.

The vaccine is readily available for every US adult. They've had ample opportunity to get the vaccine. They've simply failed to do so. Conservatives blaming Biden for their *own* refusal to protect themselves with the vaccine is the modern conservative mindset in a nutshell:

Blame everyone else for the negative consequences of your own decisions. Take zero responsibility yourself.
Oh I see. Some retarded fucking democrat ordered a bunch of worthless trailers “just in case”. Kind of like the freedom ship sat in New York empty. Not a single patient.

You can drive those five trailers around the country for the next month and not fill those fucking things up. I’m supposed to get all worked up because a retarded democrat went all ape shit crazy? Fuck off.

Oh, I see. You, who didn't even know about the situation in question until I told you, now insist that you know better about the needs of Texas and the storage of its COVID dead, than Texas does.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the *actual* Department of Health of Texas over the ignorant ramblings of another message board 'expert' who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

As would any rational person.
Look you blithering moron. This is not outrage over a political event, Anyone who isn't an idiot and lived through the Carter years understands that this goes far beyond domestic political policy. Carter showing his weak underbelly and allowing Iran to take our embassy and hold them hostage without retaliation made us a paper tiger to others and led to thousands of deaths from Islamic terrorism. This will embolden any petty terrorist to commit atrocities because they know there is no penalty to be paid by the criminal incompetent residing in the Whitehouse. Real people are going to die very real deaths because of this fundamental fuck up. Biden and his supporters own the responsibilty for the misery and chaos this creates. Every death, every rape, every torture session should keep you from ever benefiting from your chill pill,
Real people have been dying in Afghanistan for almost 20 years, including American servicemen and women. The kind of behavior you describe has been going on despite our presence.
So, I ask, where was your god fearing, flag waving, just and righteous outrage while this was happening? Oh yeah, lining up behind the Republican and conservative warhawks.
You're a partisan hack. You only squawk when there's someone with a "D" beside their name in the White House. Sheesh...

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